2017 February Eclipses report


Eclipse date:

Lunar Eclipse: 11 Feb 2017 00:32 GMT

Solar Eclipse: 26 Feb 2107 14:58 GMT

Lunar Eclipse degree: Moon in 22˚ Leo, Sun in 22˚ Aquarius

Solar Eclipse degree: 8˚ Pisces 

Nodal Axis: Pisces-Virgo

Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse will happen at  14:58 (GMT)  26th Feb 2107. Sun Moon conjunct at  8˚ Pisces. Pisces as a water sign suggest that we should focus on water resource, ocean, fishing, seafaring, shipping, rainfall and flooding, in the psychological level water element related to feeling, fantasy, imagination and those intangible subject in our life. As a mutable sing, suggest the exchange of feeling between people, Pisces particular connect with sharing feeling and sharing emotion, compassion and empathy, these could be the fundamental key of this year. The mutable sing also suggest our society and people trying adopt new situation, adjust ourselves to new condition, learning new skill are very useful during this period.               

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We also have to take Nodal axis Virgo-Pisces, Earth-Water elements combination into account. Although Nodal axis will move into Leo-Aquarius after May 2017, but let us focus on Virgo-Pisces first as Solar Eclipse occurred at Pisces. The Virgo Pisces are usually link with Health, Medicine, Chemical issues, as water earth sings combination, the focus area are those disasters link with water and land. Water pollution, Ocean pollution, flooding, avalanche, landslide cause by rainfall, tsunami cause by earthquake.     

As February Solar Eclipse happens at Pisces, the Rulers of Eclipse are Neptune and Jupiter. Let us look at Neptune first, in the Solar Eclipse chart Neptune is not only ruler of Solar Eclipse, it also conjunct with Sun and Moon this is a double whammy  and we should not under estimate the Neptune issues in 2017, which again are related to water, ocean, shipping, pollutions, virus mutation and epidemic,  medical, chemical issues. Especially those area has Neptune on the angles in Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Transiting Neptune on the angles of country chart and Aries Ingress chart.     

Neptune as generation planet, it has more effect on Mundane level, however we should not ignore the personal influence as Neptune play an important role in 2017 February Solar Eclipse. Especially if you have personal planets and Ascendent-Descent axis, M.C-I.C axis around 6-16˚ Mutable signs.   

Neptune is related to dreams, fantasy, illusion, it encourage us to fulfil our dream, to be greater than we are now, however Neptune does not promise you anything, it is up on you to understand what is fantasy and what is possible future. Neptune also repeat Pisces themes of share feeling, compassion and empathy.

Jupiter is another things we should focus as it is traditional ruler of Pisces. Jupiter represent higher foreigner, travel, international relationship, education, religions, what we believe and philosophy. As Jupiter in Libra and retrograde, it is not in it most powerful state, this suggest the background of Mundane events have somehow a tone of stagnate, people are frustrated about things are not move forward, more people feel they don’t have time and energy for take care of other. However Jupiter in Libra where Saturn is exaltation and Saturn in Sagittarius where Jupiter is ruler. This is a mutual reception in traditional astrology view and this suggest those who have no power in the main stream, and those who live in the difficult situation should help each other to bring better future.        

Jupiter in Libra like last year we should focus on Justice, cooperation and relationship, Libra as cardinal air sign, this suggest, we can improve our situation if we can put more effort on communication, education, make sure thing are going fair and well balance different view, different voice has been heard. Libra also is a human sign and sanguine type in the traditional astrology view, we can expect the political, communities affairs, humanitarian issues and charity works will become our focus of the year.

Aspects :    

In February Solar Eclipse chart, Jupiter opposite Uranus and Mars, square Pluto, this form a T square, this is a strong signature in Eclipse chart. This also remind us that we are not done with Uranus-Pluto square. Between 2012-2015 Uranus and Pluto formed 7 exact squares. This was what astrologers focus during last few years. This year Uranus-Pluto square still form a tight square although it is not going to be exact aspect. More over Jupiter and Mars are getting involve in the Solar eclipse chart. Mars bring out survival issue, military, attack and bloody violence. Jupiter suggest religion, believe, philosophy, foreigner are involve. It is hard to ignore this configuration suggest more upheaval in the political and economic areas, protest, attack, and violence events.        

Fixed Stars


The new Moon of Solar Eclipse are align with two fixed stars of Aquarius, Skat and SITULA. Skat is on the waterman’s shin, and Situla is on the water barrel he hold. I see this as an emphasis of Jupiter-Saturn mutual reception as Skat has Jupiter Saturn nature according Ptolemy. Also Robson suggest Skat are related to friend when Son and Moon receive it’s influence.

Saros cycles

According Dr.Bernadette Brady’s Saros cycles study, Eclipse occurred in 2016 February  belong to S.S 19 eclipse family. it has a positive and happiness flower. Venus/Jupiter combination and Jupiter/Uranus combination has strong influence. I suggest that we take this information and use it to give us strength. We should believe that what we are doing will have positive out come, life might surprise you.   

Affected Countries: 8˚ Pisces and Virgo


Haiti, Hungary, Lebanon, Switzerland, Thailand


Azerbaijan, Coaata Rica, Libya, Mongolia, Nepal, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Vietnam

Ascendent: Algeria,Dominican Republic, Jordan Kenya, Lithuania, Scotland, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vatican, Zimbabwe   

M.C: Bahrain, Indonesia, North Korea, Malaysia, Senegal


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Asia-Pacific: New Zealand, East Part of Australia, Indonesia, Japan, West China (West) , Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen

Europ-Africa:  Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Ethiopia, Somalia, Madagascar, North West coast of Africa, Spain, France , UK

North & South America: Brazil, Mexico, 86˚ W-103˚ W , West Coast of North America.

Lunar Eclipse

The Lunar Eclipse will happen on 11 February 2017 at 00:32 (GMT), Moon in 22˚ Leo opposite Sun in 22˚ Aquarius. The influence of Lunar Eclipse are usually last 6 month until next Lunar Eclipse happen. Both Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse represent shocking events, usually unpleased and scary. It could be disasters or upheaval in the social political domains but I believe there are profound meaning behind those unpleasant. Solar Eclipse, as a New Moon,  use those unpleasant as awakening call, and bring an opportunity  to start new system. Lunar Eclipse as Full Moon, it shows us the out come of those decision we made, those event are usually linking with Nodal axis position, Eclipse Saror cycles, New Moon Full Moon by their position on the zodiac.           

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Which mean when the shocking event are linking with Lunar Eclipse, we have to ask, How come this happen? What cause this tragedy ? If we go track relative event when those decision are made, when those order or law are made, we can find they are somehow share similar zodiac point by Moon, Node, or Saror Cycles.

The Sun Moon opposition of Lunar Eclipse occurred at Leo and Aquarius, this axis are personal glory and collective goal, action verse thinking, now or future. Fire sign of Leo indicate Drought, Warfare, fight, riot, fire and blast. Aquarius as Air sing suggest protest, political dispute, communication, media,  flight and space. Especial those country have Sun, Moon, Asc,Mc, Chart ruler near 22˚ Leo- Aquarius.         

We also have to takePisces-Virgo Nodal axis, Water, Earth elements into account, these we already covered in Solar Eclipse. 

Aspects :

Eclipse Full Moon will trine and sextile Jupiter Uranus opposition, it bring harmony action and smooth the agitation and anxiety of Jupiter Uranus opposition, we can fight for better future with wisdom, with deep consideration of pros and cons. Jupiter Uranus and Pluto form a T square on the Lunar Eclipse day, it suggest we have more idea of social reform, political and Economical reform. We know what our future look like. As Sun and Moon intervene this T square with harmonic aspect, we maybe realise those decision we made before are challenging us or in another way that we are benefit from it when we face the sudden change of Uranus Jupiter Pluto T square.   

Fixed Stars

Sun will be align with 2 fixed stars on this day, 

Sadalsuud : the measurement stick of water man, which has nature of Mercury Saturn according Ptolemy, this suggest the deep consideration before we take action, also suggest those event we are facing now are the measurement of water level. Is flood coming soon ? How far and how hard it will be ? 

Deneb Algedi: This is the tail of Capricorn, Ptolemy gave it Jupiter and Saturn nature although Robson told us It is said to cause beneficence and destructiveness, sorrow and happiness, and life and death, however we should know the Capricorn is the goat god Ea or Pan, Ea the god of civilisation and Pan is god of wilderness and nature. If we understand that we need destroy old building before we build up new home. The resistance and sorrow for keeping old memory  could be the echo of Pluto in Capricorn, and excitement of new hope are more likely the Jupiter Uranus influence on the Lunar Eclipse chart.

Lunar Eclipse of Personal level are usually aware about something that indicate by which houses axis Lunar Eclipse falling too. The Aquarius and Leo axis suggest the issue maybe around rational mind and passional action, Spontaneous v.s. Think before leap, focus on personal goal or care about whole society. Especially if you have personal planets and Asc- Des axis and M.C – I.C Axis between 17-27   ˚ Leo-Aquarius.


Affected Countries: 22˚ Leo-Aquarius


Albania, Ecuador, Ireland, Iran, Monaco, Morocco, Paraguay

Peru, Timor

Sun and MC

Chile, Congo, Cypres, Japan

Moon, Guyana, Hungary, Malaysia, Pakistan,Sweden,Ukraine, USA


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Asia-Pacific: New Zealand,  Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, China (Beijing, Central, West) , Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand

Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, around Persian Gulf,

North&South America: MI, WI, OH, GA, KY, SC, NC,FL

Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Rep, Venezuela,Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Argentina

Europe Africa: Iceland, Italy Germany, Austria, Czech, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Turkey,South East Coast of Africa, Kenya, Tanzania,  Mozambique.

The Road to White House … with Astromap


After I wrote the article about Swing states I asked myself a few questions, if astromap can show the relationship between people and location, Should I run those states’ astromap form the poll opening time? To see if there any benefic planet run through New York to favour Trump, or any plant links with Chicago bring some good luck to Hillary? That definitely has lots works to do, please try  if you are into it.

Another idea I have is  that should I run both candidates Astromap, Local Space and those maps on Secondary Progression for this moment to see if there any planetary lines link them with the White House?  I did it and The painful result is, Yes, they all have, so I decide to put it on here as an interesting Astromap study.

First, I need some example to see whether other formers American Presidents has this link?

G W Bush: His astromap from Natal chart has Jupiter IC and Moon IC both very close to D.C. And the Venus LS line also very close to this place


The astromap of  SP on 7th Nov 2000, He has Saturn near D.C. and don’t forget he almost lost in this election, luckily Gore does not have any Planet near D.C. The closest line is Pluto As and it is  6 degrees away.


Another example is President Obama

In his Astromap he has Sun Ic line and Moon As line near White House, Venus Pluto Paran also near by.


The S.P Astromap for 2008 election , His Moon Mc line near White House, also Mercury Jupiter Paran and Moon Neptune Paran.


I think this is enough for now, let US look Trump and Hillary




The Astromap of Natal chart has Mars near the White House and He has Jupiter LS line Chiron Ls line near D.C too…. Okay, this could bring him closer to the White house. But remember, we don’t have Hillary’s correct birth time therefor I will be more careful with this.


The S.P astromap of Nov 2016 shows he has Sun As near by but with 5 degrees away, the influence is a little bit small, but Jupiter LS line Chiron Ls line and Venus Ls line all come to this area …

Hillary 8AM

Astromap for 8AM char Jupiter is very close to D.C, Jupiter LS Line also passes by this area. Sun/Pluto paran give us some idea how other people see her too.


If we run SP astromap with this birth time Jupiter LS and Chiron LS lines are very close to D.Chc8amsp


Hillary 8pm


with this Birth time their is Sun Ls line pass by this area

hc8pmsp  but no any planetary lines near D.C.  for  Astromap from SP chart of 8PM birth time.


Hillary 2:18 AM


The only thing close to D.C from 2:18 AM birth chart is Sun / Pluto Paran.


For S.P astromap for 2:18 AM birth time has Uranus Mc line near by and SUN Mercury LS line here.


Sibly Chart 

If people’s astromap can shows their relationship with place, why not a country chart? I decide to run Sibly chart and it’s SP astromap to have a look, the astromap from Sibly chart has Moon Ls line run to New York, where Trump from, also have Jupiter LS Line and Venus LS line go to Chicago where Hillary from.


But the Sibly SP chart for November 2016 has nothing go to Chicago but Mercury LS line  and Sun line  go to New York.




Bill Clinton … this is just a little lol  ( a lmao for me )

When I check his astromap to see if he has Planetary lines go through D.C

Of course he has, his Chiron As line near D.C. …..

I bet he does not really want to go to that place ” Again ”  lol  unless this is a healing journey for him. Good luck.



Swing states, Astromap for American Presidential Election 2016

I am not really interesting on making prediction of American president election, as there is no clear birth time of Hillary,also many other Astrologers are already did lots of work on it, both Trump and Hillary have been predict to have chance win.

Astrologers like me who works with Astromap believe there will be some influence if a planet has project it’s lines on certain location, whether good or bad depend on planet’s nature and it’s position in birth chart, and we know those swing states take significant influence on this election.

So, here I am interesting in work with Astromap to see if there is some lucky planets lines cross those swing states, and compare the information I have to see either Trump or Hillary has more lucky on these place.

For Trump, we have correct birth time however for Hillary we have atless 3 different birth times. I decide to run all of 3. This table shows the planetary influence on those swing states according the birth time. Still I am not here to make prediction as I don’t like make any prediction without Hillary Clinton’s exact birth time.




Mars As:  Mars in Leo, in 12th house, does not suggest great help for Trump however this Mars is in its Term and Face suggest he can get some good luck if Hillary has Malefic planets run through thesis state.   

Saturn As: Saturn says No, however Trumps Saturn in 11th and his Saturn also  has mutual reception by exaltation with Jupiter and form aspect  with Jupiter by Square. This maybe suggest he can get some help form here 

Venus As: Basically I will treat Venus and Jupiter as helper, Trumps Venus is in 11th house and in its triplicity sing and in its own term therefore It will help.

Neptune IC: In second house retrograde , co ruler of 8th house therefore I treat his Neptune as a threat.   

Jupiter IC: I believe Jupiter does no harm but his Jupiter also co ruler of 8th House that maybe not going to help also his Jupiter square and receive (Mutual reception by Exaltation ) by Saturn. The only place in Trumps chart has Jupiter pass by Swing States is Colorado where also has Pluto line pass for this reason I think his Jupiter is not going to help. 

Pluto As: Basically Pluto is a difficult area. 

Yes: NV,

No: CO,

Not Sure: FL, IA, MI, NH,

Yes but not sure: NC,OH,PA,VA.WI

Clinton 8AM chart


Jupiter As:  Usually we consider Jupiter as benefic planet. For Hillary, Jupiter is in Sagittarius, it is in the sign Jupiter rules which make Jupiter very strong. I will consider

Moon IC: In traditional astrology we usually have be judge Moon’s dignity carefully, Moon is not in its own sign and consider as peregrination, Moon’s last aspect is Mercury which is not in a very powerful position. So I will consider Moon will not be very helpful.     

Venus As:  Venus is usually consider as helpful but in Hillary’s case this help is very small as Venus detriment.     

Mercury As: Like the Moon, in traditional astrology we usually consider Mercury as Nurture, to decide whether Mercury as a benefic planet or Malefic planet we have to consider it’s position and the last Aspect Mercury made. In this chart Mercury in 12th house this house is usually consider as bad spirt , most important Mercury’s last aspect was square Saturn ( Saturn in detriment ), Mercury in 10AM chart rule 8th House. I will consider this Mercury suggest certain difficulty.   

North Node Ds: Basically a symbol of lucky 

Sun As: Sun as resource of energy of life, usually consider as symbol of power. Unless Sun is in bad position I will not not easily consider the Sun as bad sign. Hillary’s Sun is in 12th House but Mutual reception with it’s rulers Mars and Pluto.    

Mars Mc: Mars is traditional malefic however Mars as co ruler of Hillary’s Sun and mutual reception with the Sun, also aspect the Sun by Square  suggest she can gain some support from here with hard work.

Pluto Mc: Usually a symbol of uncomfortable however, Pluto as co ruler of Hillary’s Sun and mutual reception with the Sun, also aspect the Sun by Square  suggest she can gain some support from here with hard work.

Chiron As : Usually a symbol of hurts and wounded I will not easily to treat this symbol as a sign of good luck.



Not Sure: NH,

Yes but not sure: IA,MI, WI

Compare with Donal Trump: If this birth time is right Hillary could be win as she will win in Florida, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada and also have many chance to beat Trump in Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, as Trump has no any important line go through these places.   

Clinton 8PM chart


Pluto IC: Usually a symbol of uncomfortable however, Pluto as co ruler of Hillary’s Sun and mutual reception with the Sun, also aspect the Sun by Square  suggest she can gain some support from here with hard work.

Mars IC: Mars is traditional malefic however Mars as co ruler of Hillary’s Sun and mutual reception with the Sun, also aspect the Sun by Square  suggest she can gain some support from here with hard work.

Uranus As: Uranus has surprising nature it suggest rebelling energy. Uranus in Gemini does not have any dignity and it’s ruler Mercury does not give Uranus any advantage either. It will be a surprise, there for I put it on Not Sure

Jupiter Ds: Jupiter as a benefic planet also has dignity in Hillary’s chart as it is in Sagittarius

N.N As: North Node is a symbol of benefic

Yes: CO,NV

Not Sure: NC, PA, VA,OH, NH, IA,MI, WI,FL

Compare with Donal Trump: this birth time has too many uncertainty, most states are not sure with this chart.

Clinton 2:18AM chart


Moon Ds: As my analyse before Moon does not look like an helpful sign However things have little changes here, if we consider Moon’s last Aspect in this chart was a trine with Venus ( not like 10 AM chart with Mercury) . Moon in this chart form a trine with Venus, and Venus is Moon’s Exaltation ruler, In this case Moon will receive some help even Venus, even Venus is in its detriment, this suggest the help is very small. It looks like People dislike her for many reason but still Support her. 

Saturn AS: Saturn as a malefic planet in Hillary’s Chart Saturn is in its detriment therefor it is definitely not going to be very helpful in her chart.    

Venus IC: Usually good but not very helpful in Hillary’s Chart in this case Venus lines together with Saturn and Chiron suggest not going to help

Chiron IC: Usually a symbol of hurts and wounded I will not easily to treat this symbol as a sign of good luck.

Uranus Mc: Uranus has surprising nature it suggest rebelling energy. Uranus in Gemini does not have any dignity and it’s ruler Mercury does not give Uranus any advantage either. It will be a surprise.


No: CO,NV,

Not sure: NH,PA

Compare with Donal Trump:  Although the resource of this birth time is not very trustworthy, but I still run the Astromap to have a look.  If this birth time is right , like the astromap of  10 am, Hillary can have chance to win in the states where Trump’s astromap has no indication such as Florida, Iowa, Michigan , Very interesting things for this Birth time is that this astromap suggest Hillary will not win in Colorado and Nevada which give different result from other birth times’ astromap.

I published this article on rodchange.com website at 22:40 GMT 6th Nov 2016 and I will post some examination after we have result of election hope this could help us to understand more about Astromap.

7th Nov update: I add here the

CNN’s latest electoral college map



Look Dakota pipeline protest with Astromap



THe protest of North Dakota pipeline become focus of media from this summer and this protest just getting bigger, Some protest also happen in New York.

The Standing Rock protesters in North Dakota have been fighint the pipeline since April but were dealt a blow end of October when police successfully pushed them off the property where construction is rapidly advancing.

By exam the Astromaps of this area you will find the amazing of astrological symblo

In the Astromap of Solar Eclipse September 2016, Uranus Mc line is near this area, Uranus is a symbol of rebelling, revolution and unsettle, it also has meanign of cut off. More interesting if we draw Local Space map from White house you will find the Saturn LS line also cross this area. Blockege ,against and delay is what Saturn suggest.


The Astromap of Lunar Eclipse in Setember 2016 have Jupiter Mc, Saturn As in this area, Jupiter is symbol of develop and Saturn take things down, Jupiter is idea and Saturn is reality, the native in this area are caught in between.  The Pluto LS line from DC suggest the angry and anxiety of this rea tower to White House.



The Astromap of  Libra ingress has similar flavour, Uranus Ds line pass this area and Sun, Jupiter Uranus Ls lines from DC pass here too. This maybe bring the supporters and media’s focus to this area.


If we look at Astromap of Capricorn ingress we will totally understand that they really has determination to fight trhourgh winter as Mars Ic line right above this area, Mars give strength  to protect  their land but also suggest conflict maybe gettting bigger.


Obama himself also have Saturn Mc line and Neptune Dsc line near this area. Although it is end of his term but this conflict maybe will ruin his reputation if he does not handle it carefully.



Ingress of Jupiter into Libra


Jupiter will ingress into Libra at BST 12:18 on 9th Sep 2016 . Some may feel relieved when they hear that Jupiter finally leaves Virgo, but I wonder if it is a wild feeling only – the recent placements of planets are truly a wild one!


When Jupiter leaves Virgo, those attributes that Jupiter symbolises – faith, philosophy, development – undoubtedly will have certain uplift. Traditionally, the moist and warm nature of Jupiter is not compatible with the dry and cold nature of Virgo; therefore, when it ingresses into Libra, which is an Air sign, at least it is going into a more compatible and similar circumstance which is moist and hot (in traditional astrology, the nature of Air resembles a moist and hot climatic environment), which somehow helps those entities and issues governed by Jupiter; perhaps this ingress indicates that our plans and development will be more compatible to the surroundings.

Libra is of Air element, which symbolises air, storms and even respiration. Traditional astrology and humorism believes that it is related to sanguine (blood), one of the four temperaments. The red, hot and moist blood warms our body while its circulation sends oxygen to the organs brings away wastes – mobility and exchange thus become what blood represents. All 3 Air signs are human signs. It also accounts for why the three Air signs symbolise inter-personal relationship and interaction. Libra emphasises interaction and communication between people, not to mention equality, fairness and justice. Libra is always law-abiding, so one may wonder if the voice from other groups would be heard and respected in such situation.

In relationships, Libra also emphasises the interaction within. When it comes to interaction, competition and cooperation, Libra underlines that a fair basis is a must. It also symbolises partnerships, so its ingress into Libra may bring forth development and changes to such kind of relationships or on the system of relationship itself in the community.

If you want good luck, follow Jupiter. Jupiter in Libra gives us advice concerning development and growth; in the upcoming year, whether we respect others and treat others fairly, whether we pay our attention to law and justice system, and whether we show our respect on partnerships and co-operations may become the key to a smooth further development. Libra, which is ruled by Venus, also reminds us that we should always look up to this goddess planet when we are not proceeding smoothly or when we lack incentive to move on at work or in our study, and she will always remind you where your value lies. When you remember what you value and what you love, go back to chase after Jupiter and you will find that your development seems to become smoother.

Jupiter will be in Libra till 10th Oct, 2017. It will station on 6th Feb and start to retrograde, and it will station again on 9th Jun and turn to direct motion. During its retrogradation, progress of projects and developments, especially those related to relationships, interactions, negotiations, conferences and law, will slow down. Similarly, in times like this, I would invite you to go back to your natal Venus and observe – the sign of transit Venus and natal Venus might both inspire us in some ways. Let us go back and review our plans, projects and progress during Jupiter retrograde, and see if there is anything that needs to be tuned so that we can move forward efficiently when Jupiter turn to direct once again.

Besides, Jupiter may form sextiles with Saturn during its stay in Libra, and the dates will be from 24th Oct 2016 to 26th Feb 2017, and from 5th Aug to 20th Sep 2017. This aspect may stimulate and help social development, political and economical situation (Don’t get too hyper since it may also symbolise government intervention on financial market. Let’s consider in what circumstances would a government intervene the financial market … eh?) Jupiter-Saturn sextile symbolises those practical adjustment in development plans or some flexible adjustments. Libra, where Jupiter will be in, is the sign where Saturn is exalted, and Sagittarius, where Saturn is in, is ruled by Jupiter. We can see this as a kind of mutual reception, symbolising the planets helping each other and the case of reception – the effect will become even more obvious when they actually form an aspect in these two signs. Your plans and projects, or the development schemes of the government may manifest certain improvement, but we should also remember that the progress has to be controlled very carefully (a very Saturnian feature).

I would like to give special thanks to Christian Konig for beautiful Photo and Brian Fung for translating editing help.

Mundane Astrology forecasting for September Eclipses  2016


The next Solar Eclipse will happen on 1 September. Mundane astrologers think that eclipses have a powerful influence on world events and we are now stepping into one. This solar Eclipse will happen at 10:03am (BST) 1st September 2016. New Moon conjunct at 9 degrees Virgo.

SE2016chartTo understand it’s influence, we have to examine where this Eclipse will be located in the Zodiac and what major aspect there are at that moment. Virgo is Earthy triplicity, we can expect  major events will relate to Food, Famine, Land, Health, structure and Securities.  Virgo itself also relates to the Working class, Medical issues, small animals, Female’s issues in our society, slavery, discrimination and inequality.  As the mutable sign suggests unpredictability in an event’s situation when it happened, the ancient astrologers also call mutable sign a common sign which combines both Cordial signs’ ability to push forward and Fixed signs’ ability of hold its ground. This suggests a solution which in one way may dare to break the boundary and move forward and in another still consider the possibility of maintaining the good qualities from the past.

We can forecast in what area of society we should be careful and also where we may well be “surprised“ by looking on the house of the New Moon. In UK it is 11th house suggest, Parliaments (including Scotland, North Ireland, Wales) may start to change. In Western Europe, countries also have same situation, 11th house also represents welfare, social benefits, social security policies, and this is highly likely to be affected after the refuge crisis and the unsettling events one after another in France and Germany.  New Moon is located in 10th in Eastern part of Europe and this could suggest a chance of new governments or political reform. The New Moon located in 1st house and very close to 2nd house cusp in Washington DC suggests the whole country’s image is going to change and the financial system, food and resources should be important issues for US.  In Asia:  China, Korea, Japan all have New Moon in 7th house and it is very close to Descendent of Tokyo, so foreign affairs will be the focus of this area. The New Moon is located in 6th house for Australia so the Public Security, Health care and Labour unrest will become important issues in the country.

The ruler of the Solar Eclipse is Mercury, it is located in Virgo where it rules, usually this is highly dignified and suggests the background (cause) of those event may be from a good will.  However this Mercury just turns retrograde 2 days before Solar Eclipse and in its motion is very slow. This suggest hesitation and lack of will power or energy to make a move.  It could delay important actions because of this hesitation or delay the important event because of a lack of supplies.

Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Neptune will form a tight T-square in the September solar Eclipse, This aspect pattern will give us some idea about what government will need to focus on. Saturn and Mars in Sagittarius suggest: political reform, reform of religions, change of social structure, Conflict in foreign affairs and religious conflict.  In another side Neptune in Pisces suggests we should focus on: Drugs, Pollution, Ocean, Seafaring, Water related problems. Saturn square Neptune’s influence is a major concern for the Mundane astrologer for this year.  It usually related to financial market problems and religious conflicts. I will not say these are news however as these planets form the T square with Solar Eclipse suggest the challenges will even more powerful. Eclipses are usually seen as chaotic times but we have to know the Solar Eclipse is also a new moon which could suggest a starting point.  Therefore the conflicts related to Solar Eclipse may bring a new starting point to our society and allow us to reform it.

Following countries are more likely to be influenced by the Solar Eclipse as their country charts have Sun Moon of Ascendent conjunct with 9 degree Virgo, where New Moon of Solar Eclipse located . 

Sun conjunct or opposite 9 degree Sagittarius

Albania, Dominican Republic, Ireland, Finland, Iceland, Morocco, South Africa, Timor, Tonga, UAE, Ukraine.

Moon conjunct or opposite 9 degree Sagittarius

Brazil, Cyprus, France (1 Rep),Poland(Democratic), Tonga, Ukraine, UAE, Vatican city, Zimbabwe

Ascendent conjunct or opposite 9 degree Sagittarius

Belgium, Burma, Costa Rica, Ireland, Indonesia, Japan (MEIJI Constitution), Qatar, U.S.A, Vietnam


Following countries and areas are more likely to be influenced by Solar Eclipse as the outer Planets will be right on the angles according astromap.

Asia Pacific: Australia East coast, New Zerland, Japan, West China, Bangladesh, East part of India, Nepal. Iran , Middle East Countries.

Europe and Africa: East Part of Africa, Algeria and North west part of Africa,  Norway, Sweden, Denmark, West part of German, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Ireland. 

America: Alaska, West Coast of Canada and USA. Cites and States located between 89-101W Longitude ( such as Houston and Dallas). Mexico, Brazil, south Argentina and Chile.

Places near 2 degrees S and 34 degrees S Latitude, 99E Longitude are also going to witness powerful solar Eclipse influence.

Also If we can draw Local space map according Solar Eclipse  from capital we can also find out what area in the country will hit by problem. For Example , If we run a Solar Eclipse local space map from Berlin we can give warning about where in Germany should be careful. Pluto line pass Stuttgart , Mars Saturn lines pass Essen areas, these are the areas Government should pay more attention.    


Lunar Eclipse and Mars influence

Together with the Solar Eclipse, the Lunar Eclipse is also very important, the Solar Eclipse give as a starting point  and the Lunar Eclipse let us see what we have achieved in our individual life and what we have done to our society. Lunar Eclipse shows us the consequence of our previous behaviour,  the results of our hard work, but still as Eclipses are amazing astronomical event in the sky therefore the events will always come with shock and surprise.


The Lunar Eclipse will happened at 20:05 BST 16th Sep 2016, as Full Moon axis are located in Pisces and Virgo, it emphasise the same themes on the Food, Agriculture, working class, social benefit, Hospital and public health system, Water, Ocean, Drug Medicine and Pollution.     

Chiron conjunct with Moon in Pisces and Mars square Sun, Moon and Chiron.  We should treat this configuration more carefully, in my experience Mars Chiron aspect is usually related to violent events such as gunshot and riots. Also Mars is out of Bound from 8th August – 29th October. Out of bound Mars is like wild fire out of control, things associated with Mars such as: war, fighting, discord, violence, gunshot, life and death situation could appear on news. Another Mars effect will appear around 20-25th September when Mars in 26 Sagittarius conjunct the Galactic centre.

This also triggers three European country leaders’ Natal charts, Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and Vladimir Putin, as they all have Mars in 26 Sagittarius.

The Sun Moon axis are very important indication, it also give as an idea about what areas of our society and our life should be focus during next 6 months. For example UK and most west European countries Full Moon axis is on 6th -12th houses axis, this suggest Public health system, hospital, prison  , Labour dispute and  working rights, slavery. In east Europe Full Moon axis move to 5th – 11th and suggest the children, social benefit , local government. In most Asian countries and Canada Full Moon axis is on 2nd- 8th about Financial issues Foreign Exchange policies and crisis. For Australia and Japan full Moon axis is on 1st -7th this is more likely indicate country itself, and Foreign relationship. For US Full Moon axis is on 3rd and 9th this suggest Law, transport system , Education, travel business, religions should be focus on.

Lunar Eclipse Astro map can also give us some idea about what areas in this world we should be careful. UK, France, North Europe, Iceland, US.

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Also If we can draw Local space map according Lunar Eclipse chart  from capital we can also find out what area in the country will hit by problem. For example Local space map from Whitehouse suggest that Chicago will have some crisis because Pluto LS line pass by.     


Saros cycle and Lunar Cycles

Eclipses following a 18 years Saros cycle which suggest that every 18 years Eclipses will happened in the similar part of sky and every 54 years Solar Eclipses will appears in the similar area. For example this Solar Eclipse links with Solar Eclipses in 1998, 1980 and 1962, and the Solar Eclipse in September will be visible in Africa area, 54 years ago a Solar Eclipse happened on 31 July, also visible in Africa. This reminds us that Africa could be have more impact than other places, and the event will link with what happened in 1998, 1980 and 1962. 

As we can see in UK Theresa May government tring to scarp Human right act which past on November 1998 and this is a exact things we can expect by study sarors cycle.

This Solar Eclipse will also trigger the New Moon or Full moon which happen at similar degrees at  Mutable signs. The events happening during that time could have future development around this Eclipse period.

3rd Dec 2013 New Moon on 10 Sagittarius

6th A 2-year old boy dies from Ebola in Meliandou, Guinea

10th Uruguay becomes the first country to legalize the growth, sale, and use of marijuana

15th Michelle Bachelet is re-elected President of Chile

29th The volcano, Chaparrastique,  erupts in El Salvador

1 Mar 2014 New Moon on 10 Pisces

6th Crimea’s parliament votes unanimously to make the Crimea a part of Russia

8th Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with 239 people loses contact and disappears, prompting the most expensive search effort in history

10th German Chancellor Merkel warns Russia’s Putin that making Crimea part of Russia is illegal

and in violation of Ukraine’s constitution

11th Refugees from Syria pour into the Kingdom of Jordan

12th 8 people are killed, 70 are injured, & 2 buildings are leveled by a gas explosion in East Harlem, New York

17th The Republic of Crimea is declared 

3rd Sep 2014 New Moon on 13 Virgo

7th Tony Abbott becomes Prime Minister of Australia after a Liberal-National Coalitions wins the election

9th 60 people are killed in conflict between rebels and loyalists in the Central African Republic

15th Japan switches off its last working nuclear reactor

16th 21 people are killed by Hurricane Ingrid in Mexico

20th Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise is boarded by Russian military

Update on 1st Sep

After I sent my Eclipse article to C*I*A Editor Julija Simas, she pointed out that few Earthquakes were happened in the location where has planet lines past on the Astromap during last few days and suggested me if I can do a update.

Therefore, I did a bit study and find out that are few earthquakes are exactly located around Astromap planetary lines (En Mundo), more stunning picture comes out if we switch Astromap of September 2016 Solar Eclipse into Geodetic mode. Also few places has longitude or latitude very close to the longitude of Eclipse start (or end) point.
I have to give special thanks to Julija Simas.
Please I noted the date as UT time’s date.

The Solar Eclipse started near 2°S 18°W, End near 34°S 99E°

27th Aug M4.8 Jackson, WY USA: Saturn Mc (Geodetic)  Venus IC (En Mundo)

28th Aug M4.6  Norcia, Italy Sun Moon Ds Lines and Neptune As line (Geo)

29th Aug M7.1 West coast Africa near Liberia (0.041°S   17.826°W)Sun Moon Ic Neptune Mc (Geo) Pluto IC Venus Ds (En Mundo)  17.8°W is very close to the longitude of Eclipse start point.

30th Aug  M5.5 Constitución Chile Pluto Mc ( Geodetic) (34.898°S   72.530°W)  34°S is the latitude where Solar Eclipse line End.

30th Aug M5.6 – 250km NW of Visokoi Island (55.324°S   30.388°W) Neptune As line, Sun Moon Dsc lines,

31st Aug M4.5 Su’ao, Taiwan , Pluto Ascendent (Geodetic)

31st Aug M5.0 Uto Japan, Mars Mc line, Saturn Mc line (En Mundo)

31st Aug M6.7 East of Namatanai, Papua New Guinea (3.691°S   152.788°E)

Venus Ds line, Mercury Ds line, Jupiter Ds line (En Mundo), Sun Moon Mc lines (Geodetic)

Location also close the latitude where Solar Eclipse line started.

31st Aug  M5.8 – 188km NNE of Gisborne, New Zealand (37.208°S   179.125°E) Mercury Mc line, Jupiter Mc line, Chiron Ic line (Geodetic) 37°S is close to the latitude where Solar Eclipse line End.

SEsepGeo SEsepEM1

Munich shooting July 2016

Shooting in Munich shopping centre, the earliest report I can find on twitter is 5:10 PM so I use 5:00 pm for this moment and waiting for more information. Thanks Tania update the event time is 17:54 according SPIEGEL online.


At 17:54 Saturn in 10 Sagittarius is very close to Ascendent 14 Sagittarius.

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Cancer Ingress chart has Neptune As and Jupiter Ds lines very close to Munich, if use Berlin as centre the Local space Saturn go to Munich.

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Although there is no plants on angles in March Solar Eclipse chart but in Lunar Eclipse chart has Uranus on Mc .

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The Astro map base on Solar Eclipse Mar 2016 if we use Berlin as Centre the Mars LS line go to Munich

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Angela Merkel has Mars on 26 sagittarius which is right on galactic centre. Her Astromap has Neptune Mc right on Munich.

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The Uranus will stationary in two day this Uranus sit on Angela Merkel ‘s IC and opposite her Neptune, Transiting Pluto on her North Node and Transit Mars square Her Pluto ,

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Solar Arc Chiron square Merkel’s Mars (near Galactic Centre ) and Solar Arc Mars sesquiquadrate her Jupiter.

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Her Astromap has Neptune Mc right on Munich.

Nice attacked on Bastille day 2016

Nice has been attacked on 2016 Bastille day, about 22:30 A truck run into crowd killed 73 people. Attact happened when people are wathing firework near The Promenade des Anglais. Here I try to put all the astrological information I have. I have so many friends in France , my thought are with people there.

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If time is correct Saturn right on MC, at this moment Saturn is conjucnt Antares.

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With Bardy’s paran Mars paran with Rigel ” Military action ” , Saturn paran with EL Nath, Aldebaran and Aculeus  all these Fixed stars have Mars nature…..

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Cancer Ingress chart have Saturn near Mc although more then 5 degress away, as part of Grand Cross with Jupiter Neptune,  Mercury opposite Saturn conjunct I.C.

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Astromap according Cancer ingress have Pluto LS line go to south east from Paris pass by Nice.

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Who will be friends with Theresa May ? An Astromap forecasting for EU leaving negotiation


Theresa May has been pointed as PM for UK at 17:35 PM (between 17:30-17:40)

Saturn and Chiron were near the angles. Division of land and How to United whole country are suggested by both planets. Saturn rules 2rd and 3rd. The Ascendent of 17:42 right on 1801 chart’s Chiron in 3rd. Tread communication and neighbouring countries of course become challenge areas .

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As Astromap and Local space lines we can work out where is good planetary energy and where should be careful .

The Mars As line go through Scotland, North Ireland and Ireland this could be conflict appear in these areas as we already know Scotland maybe have another referendum after UK leave EU and N.I political situation could be unstable. The Mars Asc line and Uranus local space line go through Scotland just confirm this.    

Mars LS line go North East and Midland area suggest the potential unsettle areas.  Saturn LS line go to Wales area , Pluto ls line pass by south Wales and north Devon could suggest the blockage and damage of this area by the economy.

Mars Ls Line Moon Ls line and Saturn Asc line pass by Paris , Mars Ls continue the south east direction pass by Rome. These two countries could cause more conflict during the negotiation after trigger article 50. Saturn Asc line, Jupiter Ls line, Chiron Ls line are all near Spain Madrid and Gibraltar we can excepting old conflict been trigger, although Jupiter is beneficial, but in its detriment looks like Spain will not give UK support and we can only pray that Spain not cause more trouble.   

Saturn Ls go by Croatia and Greece, Turkey and Cyprus have Pluto As line three countries are going cause trouble to each other in political and financial area.  

Between London and Berlin have Venus and Mercury Ls lines contact it could be a surprise smooth deal between two governments. Venus and Mercury Ls line also go to Warsaw, but Uranus IC line right on there, we already know that people from Poland could face some challenge to stay after UK leave EU, story of separation polish family in the UK could be the media’s focus. This also suggested the Polish government could give the UK some shocking new or with detach attitude during the negotiation.   Vienna has a Pluto LS line suggest UK’s leaving will definitely fans up the far right political movement there as we expect. 

Neptune Jupiter go to Norway , not surprise this is the dream and the ideal situation that we may be able to follow Norway’s mode stay close with the EU but stay outside of it. Could this Dreams come true?  With Neptune….I am not sure. Mars Asc and Saturn Asc both pass by Sweden and Finland, Saturn Asc also goes through Denmark , this does not look very helpful for the negotiation. 

This may be also suggest if UK leaved. North Europe, France, Spain, Croatia and Greece will be affected badly.  Germany and Poland maybe have  better chance to get more benefit deals after all. 

The rest of the world is interesting, the Pluto IC right on New York this suggest US Economic maybe face huge challenge after new PM. China does not look good, but India seems like can get more benefit from UK’s EU leaving .

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2016 Puglia Train Crash

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Train crash in South Italy Puglia2 area at least 20 dead. Accident happened today 11:30 am local time. According BBC report. 

New Moon on 4th July have Cancer on 12 degrees is right on MC of this area ( I use the nearest town Andria )
Astromap of Cancer Ingress chart suggest this area has Jupiter Chiron and Neptune influence. If we use Rome as capital and draw Local Space lines we will have Chiron and Neptune LS lines pass by Puglia region.
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The Lunar Eclipse of this area have Uranus right on MC 24 Aries and the Event chart has Moon on 24 Libra trigger this shocking energy of Uranus.
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This opposition also form a T square with Saturn and Venus in the Italy Republic ( 10 Jun 1946 6:10 pm) , Saturn rule Italy Republic chart’s 3rd house.
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Therefore we can expecting to see Uranus near this area in the Astromap of Lunar Eclipse chart, however the Local space lines from Rome has Mars and Saturn lines went through this area suggest some turbulence near here.
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The crash happened on 11:30 am Chiron was right on descendent 
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 Lunar Cycle Study according this accident
In 24 July 2013 in Spain  the  Santiago de Compostela derailment killed 79 people and  cause 140 people injured. Also happened during Cancer New Moon near mid Cancer degrees ( 16 Cancer) this is another case to show the lunar cycle bring the similar experience or memory back to our life.
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2. After study this event I find 2 of important Italian railway accident were both related to the same Saros Cycle S.S 18
The Balvano train disaster in 3rd of March 1944 caused death of more then 500 people in south Italy. the south node solar eclipse happened on 25 January is same Saros cycle of March 2016.
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In 23 December 1961 the Fiumarella rail disaster has killed more 78 people, It was one of the most serious incidents in the history of the Italian railways. This accident happen 1 month before 1962 Eclipse, this eclipse also belong to same Saros cycle.
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