Suez canal is blocked by one of the largest container ships belong to Evergreen marine co. I wrote a series of post on Facebook and Twitter, so i try to put it all together here.
This event occurred at 7:40 EET 23 Mar 2021 near Suez, Pluto was right on M.C, Uranus was right on ASC. Moon was at 21 Cancer opposite Pluto, Mercury semi square Pluto. This company found in 25 Sep 1968 in Tauyuan Taiwan, I use midday chart, it has Mercury and Venus at 27 and 28 Libra square by Pluto, opposite Saturn in 23 Aries and Transit moon trigger and make it a cardinal grand cross.
The Aries ingress chart from Suez canal has Venus align with Scheat on M.C, Scheat is famous for Shipwreck.
I was wondering the departure time of Ever Given, so I went to Taiwan international ports corporation site to dig out more information. Ever Given departure from Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 23 Feb 2021 20:20.
Venus the ruler of Asc and 8th house was at 27 Aquarius, 5th house, Venus square Mars in 25 Taurus, you can say it more or less align with Algol Moon the M.C ruler was near M.C and in Cancer where she rules, trine Neptune. Mercury rules 9th house in 5th, at 11 Aquarius was conjunct with Jupiter and Saturn, and square Uranus, it triggered the Saturn Uranus square. Chiron was very close to Dsc sextile Saturn.
More interesting if you check the ACG Map you will find the Pluto Ds line was 3 degrees away from the Suez Canal. The Mercury, Uranus Paran lines was on the latitude 30 N near the Suez canal’s latitude. In my research of astromap work on mundane events, this situation occurred very often, the astromap of departure, time of airplane or boat has Pluto line or Saturn line on where the problem happened.
People are asking when Suez Canal will free from Blockage. At this moment they are expecting hight tide to free the ship. Is that possible.
I wrote this forecasting on 28th March and put on social media
Ever Given block Suez Canal on 23rd it was after waxing square, If we check the Full moon chart on 28th March, Moon at 8 degree opposite the Sun, Chiron Venus , but Moon also form an Air grand trine with Mars and Saturn, Jupiter will on I.C of Suez, this may increase the chancee to free the ship.
Also on the 29th March Moon will arrive 21 Libra square the Moon of the event chart at 21 Cancer, it could be seen as the first critical point, Moon at 21 Libra will trine Jupiter at 22 Aquarius, this also give us more hope that current rescue action may work and high tight on 28th 29th Mar may help to move container ships. Both charts look the Blockage of Suez Canal may be will finish around this time.
For those of you interested in astromapping in astrology, I am presenting an Astromap workshop on 15th May 2021.If you are interested in signing up, here is the link:
Pisces New Moon Pisces new Moon conjunct Neptune reinforces the Pisces themes of kindness, empathy, understanding of duality and ability to mix different things together. However, there was a Solar eclipse on 14 Dec at 23 Sagittarius, which still has influence at this time and the new Moon at 23 Pisces will trigger this solar eclipse by exact square. This indicates we will experience some shocking events until the next new Moon in April. These events are related to the Pisces and Neptune theme, for example more concerns about the Virus, Pollution, Gas, Seafair and Water. The December Solar Eclipse belongs to the Saros cycle 142 this series has a strong Venus/Pluto flavour in the mundane level, suggesting greed and corruption, scandal, sex or relationship or female. In the personal life, if you have Planets or Angles around 23 Mutable sign, check the theme of that planet to find the things you will need work on this month, for example, if you have Mars in 23 Gemini, the Mars theme is courage and self-expression. Also those events that started at the end of last year may stir up again, for Europe and UK it looks like the vaccine plan and Brexit could have new developments. The New Moon at 23 Pisces aligns with the fixed Star Markab in Pegasus. The name is from an Arabic word مركب Markab “the saddle of the horse”, Ptolomy said this fixed star has Mars, Mercury nature. Roberson says it gives honour, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs. If we look from the view of horse riding, Markab represent the saddle on Pegasus, it is the saddle of the horse it makes journey smooth and stable, this may be an auspicious sign, allowing our society move forward more smoothly.
Syzygy of Aries Ingress 2021
The Syzygy ( the New Moon or Full Moon ) before Aries ingress has an important meaning to ancient astrologers who used this time to predict the financial situation and price at Market for the year and first 3 months. For Wall street, the Saturn square Uranus in 2nd house give us a warning about unstable market performance, both 2nd house ruler and Mc ruler are in the Cadent house which does not have power to increase market gain. The Saturn in its ruled sign of Aquarius could suggest inflation. However, it is located in the cadent house for the Aries ingress Syzygy chart of most of major cities. That is a good sign together with Venus Exalted in Pisces conjunct New Moon. It indicates that inflation will not be a major concern for the first six months of 2021. Additionally, we can see the spending on leisure, clothing, beauty and fashion will be increasing strongly. For businesses, the spending on employees, personnel and administrative expenses will increase too. Saturn square Uranus is an important indication of the financial Market. Saturn represents regulation and restriction from governments, and this set of planet aspects has a long history related to financial crises. Even though Syzygy for Aries Ingress 2021 does not support this, there is still a possibility that we are going to experience a down turn of the investment market, it could be May-June or between September and November when Saturn also semi-square Neptune. We also should be careful because as Mars is going to trigger last year’s Eclipse around Mid-April while it conjuncts Moon’s north node, this could increase conflict, riots. A similar theme is repeated in the White house’s Aries ingress chart that Mars conjunct I.C. Mars in Gemini on I.C suggesting aggressive action in the environment and conflict displayed on the media. Meanwhile the 4th house also suggests problems related to land and house price. We should keep an eye on how these conflicts, riots and house prices influence market performance.
The Aries Ingress 2021 In the Aries ingress chart the Moon is wild conjunct with Mars in Gemini, this tells us people have something to say, they are angry. For people who are living in the lockdown situation, they yearn for social activity. If the government does not understand this and prepare for it, Mars energy will increase and become fights and riots. Moon 16 Gemini, it was trine Saturn and now going to trine Jupiter this movement repeats a similar theme of free movement and says not to restrict, even if people understand the restriction was for their own good (Moon in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius). Saturn square Uranus is the major theme of this year, it basically suggests the conflict between different classes, races, new ideas and old traditions. Fighting between authorities and rebels, big tech companies and the government will continue through this year. For U.S, although Mars in Gemini on I.C suggests the possibility of conflict and house price problem, Ascendent ruler Saturn is strong, Saturn square with Uranus trine Moon and Mars again indicates conflict between the races, classes, and politicians, but Jupiter, ruler of M.C and 11th was on the Ascendent suggesting government slowly leads the country out of the pandemic. For Europe and the UK, Gemini ascendent and ascendant ruler Mercury in Pisces in 10th suggests an interesting situation that people’s voices will be the important concern of authority This could be rise of populism, or it could be government having no power and needing support from people since Jupiter rules 11th in 10th (or near M.C), Saturn rule M.C in its own sign, but in 9th house. As Saturn rules M.C, so the events related to Saturn square Uranus will be highlighted in these areas. The Neptune will be on the Descendent of China, Indonesia, West Australia, and also on the M.C of East Europe and South Africa raising concerns about the pandemic development. Mars will be on the M.C of Thailand and Myanmar and Central American countries, suggesting unsettled times in these areas will continue.
It was in early 2020 I received an invitation to talk about how Saturn in Aquarius will have an impact on communities and group especially the astrology community. During my preparation for this talk, I noticed that we usually experienced conflicts between different classes or groups during Saturn in Aqurius. I noticed such phenomena were already starting even before 2019 but may become more intense during this time, especially when Saturn starts to square Uranus, and at that time there were few things that drew my attention. The first was in December 2019, when the J.K Rowling-transphobia row started with her support for a researcher who lost an employment tribunal case for using “offensive and exclusionary” language on Twitter. This was followed by the discussion of “Cancel culture”. I naively thought that these may have nothing to do with the astrology community but I was totally wrong.
At that time, I had more concern that extreme comments over “Different zodiacs”, “Traditional versus Modern” or discussion over the U.S presidential election 2020 would cause unpleasant moments in our community. Thank goodness we all behaved ourselves. However, around June 2020, J.K Rowling’s transphobia row again drew our attention, and the conflict got closer to me, as a few discussions on Facebook ended up with personal attacks or insults towards to people with different views. Soon I learned that a few fellow astrologers faced criticisms over race or gender issues. I finally realised that it is inevitable that we have to learn these lessons about inclusivity even if we want to have nothing to do with “Politics” or only want to talk about astrology.
When reading those discussions, I learn that most of us are all trying very hard to build a more inclusive community or society. I have also noticed that what I have been taught in school may not historically accurate and, if I am not careful, my words could hurt some people, which is never my intention.
From the beginning of this year, Saturn square Uranus again and it will be on and off due to their retrograde motion, but these two planets will dominate all of 2021. In one way it clearly suggests the huge tension between different classes, races and genders. However, they both rule Aquarius, a sign representing humanity, community and group. This echoes the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius at the end of December 2020, that we are stepping into a different era.
The Saturn-Uranus square is calling us to work together, no matter how different we are. There is always space for us to communicate and there is always a way to understand each other, if we want to. It calls us to be more inclusive, more aware of diversity and to respect each other.
As astrologers, assuming that hurting our peers, clients and students is not our intention, we may need to be more aware of the diversity of society. Perhaps in the past we were only taught about male and female and did not realise the fluidity and diversity that gender encompasses. We may have been taught about “great people”, without being told the harm those ‘great people’ may have done. Perhaps those of us with a deeper understanding of these issues can help to educate those of us who do not understand the pain these issues may cause people now.
To my dear fellow astrologers, I want to say that sometimes there is a violent response from some people because they are wounded and in pain, and we can do better by being aware of diversity and historical accuracy.
For those people who have had uncomfortable experiences during talks, lectures, readings and conferences, I am sorry that you were hurt. Maybe you can help others to learn about the causes of your pain and how their lecture content made you feel uncomfortable. I think that most of us are not doing it with the intention to hurt you, and bear in mind that some of us were taught history in a different way and may have not been updated since the 70’s or 80’. I know that an astrologer/speaker/tutor should make everyone in the room feel safe, but you can help them and remind them that they can do better.
Discussions in some threads I have read recently have haunted me.As more and more astrologers will face similar situations: the diversity of genders; injustice and historical accuracy needing to be heard; the voice of minority groups’ needing to be respected and heard. These will help us to build a better future for our community and society. But perhaps we need to remember communication skills and kindness will have an impact on how our messages are received? For most people criticism, harsh words and attack are not easy to digest. I do not mean they are not allowed, no au contraire, you are entitled to say what you want (within the bounds of legality) but think about whether it is helpful.
Another thing that comes to my attention, I may be wrong, but I have a feeling that someone was just slinging mud around to get noticed and in doing so made unjustified allegations against some in our community. This concerns me as we should be supporting each other, against those who have a low regard for astrology.
As I am a part of the QTBPOC community, I have been asking myself the following questions over the last two weeks:
J.K Rowling ‘s language is hurting LGBTQ+ community, but does that mean that someone is Anti-LGBTQ+ by talking about her chart without acknowledging the harm she caused?
2. Gandhi was a misogynist and a vocal supporter of apartheid, so you can call someone a racist or misogynist for talking about Gandhi’s chart without condemning him?
3. Referring to Andromeda and Perseus in Greek mythology causes someone to feel uncomfortable. Does that mean that those of us who refer to them are helping to perpetuate gender stereotypes? If it does, how should we relate to these constellations without mentioning their gender? Can we continue to discuss zodiac signs and planets in terms of masculine and feminine without causing hurt?
Again, I have learned a lot these last two weeks by reading those threads, and I know that most of us don’t want to hurt each other intentionally.
Yes, injustice still exists, but is it really true that our community is divided and is white people against all the rest and straight people against LGBTQ+? We need help each other, so how will you help your community? Will you simply accuse the whole world of threatening you or will you work together with your fellow astrologers to help improve understanding?
A Powerful magnitude 7.3 earthquake occurred in Fukushima area on 13th Feb 2021 one day after New Moon.
I hope friends in Japan are well, pray for you.The transit Uranus was right on the Western horizon when the earthquake happened. The New Moon chart also has Uranus around I.C, and we know the Urans square Saturn at the moment, this Uranus on the Descendent on the event chart and Uranus near the I.C on the New Moon chart all bring out the Saturn square Uranus
This earthquake reminded us that 10 years ago, on 11 March 2011 another Earthquake hit same area and cause a huge disaster. When comparing with 2011 Chart, today’s Uranus is right on M.C and today’s Moon Neptune is on that day’s Sun
When I check the 2020 Capricorn ingress chart and 2020 Aries Ingress chart of Fukushima, I can not find planet on the Angles but if I relocate to capital Tokyo it is very clear that Saturn Pluto on the angle of 2020 Aries ingress chart and the Mars / Saturn on the angles of Capricorn ingress chart suggest the crisis and destructive event should be aware.
Gamestop was found in 37 years ago, the exact day is difficult to find, however, we have, it’s IPO date which is 13 Feb 2002 and if we use this date to study it’s share price and recent event we will understand more about financial astrology and Lunation technique.
First, we have know that the big part of this even is not a single company’s share price performing in stock market as I mention before, the big theme behind this drama is Saturn-Uranus square, which give more meaning about the old generation, old money conflict with New generation, why the wall street investor can play in stock market but other people (Redditor) could not against them ? Why, when editor want to against Wall-Street investors, the investment app Robinhood has to limit their transaction , and the big tech have to remove their user group or remove their complain? When the new generation fights with old generation in the unequal condition what the authority would do?
So we have to bare in mind that Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius and Saturn square Uranus in Taurus are the major concern of this “ event “ or “ chaos “ .
After this we can go to other technique, for example the Gamestop IPO chart, some Financial astrologers against IPO chart, but I found when we lack of other information, IPO chart can always give us some information about the market performing. The IPO date was 13 Feb 2002, it has Sun conjunct Uranus exactly, it also has Saturn in 8Gemini trine Neptune at 9 Aquarius, this is very interesting because we immediately notice that transiting Uranus is on Neptune, a surprisingly (Uranus) frantic enthusiasm (Neptune), and this aspect pick up Saturn Uranus square as Tr Saturn in Taurus square Neptune too. We also notice transit Saturn trine radix Saturn on the IPO chart. Saturn as M.C ruler, it is not only about its own or its relationship with authority , in some way M.C represents “ profit “ and in this case it is exactly about the “ profit “.
The Wall-Street investors want to make profit on stock squeeze Gamestop, because it’s decline business this is the problem of Gamestop represent by Chiron on 6 Capricorn ( Traditional way ) but the Transit Uranus in Taurus trine it, indicate the support from “ internet user’s invest “.
If we check the date we will find out its price went sky high on 28th Jan the day of Full Moon in Aquarius, on that day the transit Sun was exactly on radix Neptune, Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus form T-square with Full Moon trigger this Natal Saturn Neptune trine and transit Uranus Saturn square. So basically Transit Saturn – Uranus lay out the foundation of the event and the T-square of Full moon trigger on it.
More interesting if you look at Lunation, this Full Moon on 9 degrees Leo was started from 31st Jul 2019 when New Moon happened at 8 degrees Leo, basically the New Moon on 31st Jul 2019 right on 5th house cusps, opposite radio Neptune this is where it started , now let us go back to 31st Jul 2019 we will find out during that month a lots of things happen in Gamestop.
According Wikipedia
Interior of a store in 2019
A leaked email revealed on July 31, 2019, indicated that 50 employees, including district and regional managers, would be laid off as a result of reorganization efforts.
Later, in August 2019, GameStop laid off over 120 positions, including about half of the staff of Game Informer as part of their “GameStop Reboot initiative to transform our business for the future and improve our financial performance”.
In August 2019, Michael Burry’s investment firm Scion Asset Management sent a letter to GameStop urging the company to engage in a portion of stock buybacks.
The letter also revealed that Scion currently owns approximately 2,750,000 shares, or about 3.05% of GME. GME, which has been in steady decline in share price since late January 2019, saw a spike of roughly 20% after Burry revealed that he’s going long on the stock in an interview with Barron’s. In the interview, Burry explained that both Sony and Microsoft will enter the next console generation with a physical disc drive and therefore likely extend the longevity of GameStop.
Why this is important ? Because Astrology is working on planetary cycle, a lunation cycle is how event develops, it could represent a lunar month, it also can work on the important alienation occurred at same degrees, in this case when it happen in New Moon 9 months after it will have waxing square and 18 months after it will have a Full Moon to reveal the result. Now when we look again about this event with Lunation technique, it is fit in perfectly.
From early this year we have Saturn square Uranus. And the Sun still trigger this set of aspect. Saturn square Uranus does not only indicate the battle between “new” and “old”, the conflict between different classes or group, the battle between rebels and authorities but also related to financial markets. Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, give us some hints of “ internet” “ technology” , “ finance market “. Here we got this interesting event. Millennials in battle with the wall street investors, and now several tech companies are join this battle including Facebook try to ban the group related to this chaos and Google deleted 100,000 reviews after Robinhood’s app was flooded with bad reviews on the Play Store..
Moreover, the Saturn Uranus cycle is related to unsettle and reform of the finance market, regulation of financial markets by the government (authority) last time when Saturn opposite Uranus between 2008 -2010 was global credit crunch and that, a series of financial market regulations was carried out by governments in different countries. This year we are under the influence of Saturn square Uranus for a whole year. Part from political conflict, financial market will definitely draw our attention. Although The first square will be exact on 17th Feb , but the last week’s Sun was triggering this square.
This is just beginning of this Saturn square Uranus saga, and it will not end soon. The meaning behind this battle is not only between Redditors and Wall Street investors, but I also agree someone mentions that this is about millennials, they are going to carry out their missions of building a new world under the influence of Jupiter Saturn conjunction in the air sign ( for next 200 years ) and say goodbye to last 200 year which dominated by earth signs. It is not easy and this is just the beginning. And Don’t forget the U.S just steps into the Pluto return in the 2nd house of Sibly chart, a reform of the economic system is coming.
The New Moon on 13 Jan, located at 23ºCapricorn is conjunct Pluto, the symbol of death, crisis, loss and grief. At this time the cases of COVID-19 are still increasing in Europe and this new Moon may suggest that more people face a life-or-death situation. Especially in UK, Ireland, Spain and Portugal which have Chiron near I.C in the new Moon chart.
With Mars conjunct Uranus in Taurus square Jupiter, Saturn in Aquarius, the conflict between Freedom and Security; old traditions and new ideas; different generations or races will become more intense. The dispute about the role of social media and big tech companies is also related to this set of aspect. The conjunction of Saturn and Uranus was at the end of the 1980’s, around the time of the eastern European revolutions and so Saturn square Uranus may indicate further development of those events.
The new Moon also aligns with the fixed star Peacock (24 ♑︎06 ) in constellation Pavo, this is related to Argos, in Greek mythology he was the hundred-eyed giant who guarded Zeus’s lover Io and was killed by Hermes. This may suggest some people face danger in their duty. Open your eyes and be cautious.
It will be very busy for astrologers in next few days, we have Solar Eclipse on 14th December, Saturn move back to Aquarius on 15th, Jupiter ingress Aquarius on 19th, Capricorn ingress on 21st Dec and Jupiter Saturn conjunction on someday. Seriously, I feel overwhelmed by all the analyse I have to work on
Eclipse happened in Sagittarius suggest that the Law, Religion, Foreigner affaire , higher education , international politic, international trading are the major issue that we should focus on, the fire element indicate the war , military action , riots , explosion , robbery , mining , furnace , wildfire, hot weather , energy power and lightning may draw our attention.
Although this total solar eclipse can only be observed in South America, but surely it influence will no limit in this area, however the South America may face stronger impact.
In the Eclipse chart New Moon conjunct with Mercury, this suggests problems maybe related to communication, transport, education, children and young people. Mars in Aries trine new Moon offers a little bit help, it gives power to move forward , however the square to Neptune and semisetile to Pluto indicate the pandemic situation is more likely last a little bit longer. Jupiter as the ruler of this Solar Eclipse is not in a good condition, Jupiter in Capricorn in its fall and sextile Venus in Scorpion ( detriment ) indicate we may not return to normal as we want but it will not be that bad.
Sun and Moon conjunct at 23 Sagittarius this align with the Ras Alhague the fixed star in Ophiucus, the symbol of healer, at this moment we are still under the influence of COVID-19’s threat, even the vaccine and treatment are appeared but still not available for everyone, the Sun and Moon align with Ras Alhague suggest we have to in one way take this pandemic more seriously , in another way it suggest we have take time to heal and balance our life.
The Eclipse chart in UK and EU has the new moon in 6th house, this suggest that no matter what is the result of the Brexit talk, both side will have damage in the industry and business, especially working class people will face huge impact, factories maybe face certain interruption related to energy ( Sun ), water (Moon ) distribution and transporting ( mercury ). The working class should get support from Charities, Unions and Parliament as Mars in Aries rule 6th and 11th which reduce the impact on these people. If we check the astromap the Pluto Saturn Jupiter Ds line and Neptune MC line pass by East European countries and Russia may be indicating the pandemic situation will be more serious in these area.
The U.S
The U.S has Eclipse in 10th all the media focus at this moment is the presidential election, although the result is clear but President Trump and his support are not concede, fortunately there is no indication suggest huge conflict will happen until next spring ( Aries Ingress 2021 ), however certain political disruption or “ undermine “ are in process as Mars Pluto square and Pluto as Ascendent and 12th house ruler. In the Astromap we have Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, lines across Midwest areas if people do not take pandemic seriously, it will have terrible consequences.
China, Hong Kong, Taiwan
With new Moon tightly conjunct IC, the conflict of the border between China and India will be the main issue for next year. Also 4th house related to the opposition party, this will be very important in Taiwan, and in Hong Kong this suggests the pro-democrat anti government actions maybe will be the major concern of government. IN China as there is no opposition party in an authoritarian regime, 4th issues may be related to housing policy and house price and this also apply to HK and Taiwan.
Saros Cycle 142
This Solar Eclipse belong to the number Saros series 142, it started on 17th April 1624, it has Mars, Jupiter Pluto aspect Node suggest highly active energy, in one way it can increase the productive forces, in another way it may be causing more conflicts. Saturn square Uranus is an important astrological configuration this will echo the Saturn Uranus conjunction and both sextile Node in 1624 chart ( when this series began ). We usually see the important events develop or evolve with Saros cycles, as it take long time to process these are usually important and has a huge impact.
The same series include 1768, 1786, 1804, 1822,1840, 1858,1876, 1894, 1912, 1930,1948, 1966,1984, 2002.
Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States, by Howard Chandler Christy (1940)
In 1768 while the conflict increases between the British Empire and North American colony, 12 years after in 1786 when 6 states of the U.S resulting in the scheduling of the Philadelphia Convention to draft a national constitution, and process began from May 1787. Will this indicate something relate to the U.S constitution may be happening next year? Interestingly, at this moment Trump is trying to overturn the result of the presidential election, but do you know one of the most contentious presidential elections in American history also happen during Saros cycle 142, in the 1876 presidential elections Republican nominee Rutherford B. Hayes faced Democrat Samuel J. Tilden, eventually the Democrats conceded the election to Hayes in return for an end to Reconstruction and the withdrawal of federal troops from the South. The Confederation Congress establishes the United States Mint to make common coinage and currency for the U.S in 1786. As of this moment the U.S faces Pluto return and this maybe trigger economic system reform.
We all know UK will leave E.U from January 2021 after this Eclipse, but the UK’s relationship with the EU was indeed started from the same Saros cycle when United Kingdom applied for EEC membership in 1967 ( Saros Cycle 142 ) and eventually Join EEC in 1973. In the same Saros cycle series in 2003 was the year when most East European countries join EU the at same year EU proposes the first European Constitution.
In 1876 China stared attacked Xingjinag (Uighur) started the process to make Uighur become part of China called “ Xing Jian “, and same year famine happened in China. 12 years after, China lost first Sino- Japanese war and signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1895, Taiwan has become Japanese colony, but the Taiwanese people against the Treaty of Shimonoseki and formed the short-lived Republic of Formosa. The cultural revolution was also related to this Saros cycle, it started in 1966 and it has influence in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong 1967 leftist riots were indeed related to cultural revolution. And again in the Same Saros cycle, 1984 was the year when United Kingdom started the process to hand over Hong Kong to China, the Joint Declaration on the future of Hong Kong were signed on 19 Dec 1984. And we know Uighur, Hong Kong and Taiwan are the current political hot spots for China and Saros cycle indicate important development may happens with Eclipse.
The fear of AIDS increasing first on 4th March 1984 The U.S. FDA approves a blood test for AIDS, used hereafter to screen all U.S. blood donations, in April World Health Organization (WHO) hosted the first International AIDS Conference, by the end of year the actor Rock Hudson dies from AIDS.Interestingly, on 14 December 2020, on the same day of Solar Eclipse UK health authority announced lifting a blanket ban for any men who have had sex with men in the last three months.
The other things related to Saros series 142 maybe also will have further developed during this time, include The Internet’s Domain Name System was created in 1985, and The first UK cellular mobile phone network was launched by Vodafone. If you are old enough, you will remember “ We are the world was recorded in this year for help famine in Africa. The supersonic passenger jet, Concorde, makes its last ever flight in the end of 2003 .
It is very interesting to see similar things related by Saros cycle 142 and they all related to current events, apart from Solar Eclipse we will have Capricorn ingress and Jupiter Saturn conjunction. They are more or less showing same things, first the Covid-19 pandemic will last a little bit longer than we think. The Brexit maybe goes to cause some problems, but eventually both sides will find way to survive. However, I am not that optimistic about the economy, as both Jupiter and Saturn will square Uranus in Taurus in 2021, there is a big change we will facing another economic crisis again.
I was not prepared to write this article because it is very busy at work this moment, but I don’t know why once I finish my work, I started to write “ few lines “ about Eclipse, and eventually… I blame Mercury in Sagittarius conjunct with Solar Eclipse.
In Mundane astrology, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction can be seen as a blueprint of social development. Jupiter represent ideas, theories, developments and truths, Saturn is about experience, executive, protection, limit and realties.
Every twenty years these two planets conjunct each other, and people start to carry out their plans, building up a different society from the experience (Saturn) and new ideas (Jupiter), when Jupiter conjunct Saturn a new planetary cycle begins.
In 2020 there will be a Jupiter Saturn conjunction at 0 degree Aquarius on 21st December, this is an extremely important astrological configuration for the year, decade, or even century.
The characters of the Jupiter Saturn cycle are not only repeated every twenty years, there are at least two other things we need to notice. First, Jupiter and Saturn always conjunct in the same element (different signs) for about 200 years and the second is that there is a transition period called the great mutation which happens between the changeover of the two elements. This article will focus on these two themes as the Jupiter Saturn conjunction in 2020 marks the end of the Great mutation and the start of the influence of the Air element which will last for next 199 years.
If we look at the different Jupiter Saturn conjunctions for more than 200 years, we find that Jupiter and Saturn always conjunct in the same element (but different signs) for around 200 years. For example, between 1802 and 2000, this conjunction happened mostly in Earth signs, apart from 1822 in Aries the Fire sign and 1980 in Libra the Air sign. If we also count the great mutation from the begin to the end that would make it around 240 years or more.
Therefore, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction not only indicates the important themes of next 20 years but also tells us the element that people will focus on for around 200 years. The change of elements follows the order: Fire, Earth Air, Water, then starting again at Fire.
Between 1365 and 1643, they happened mostly in water signs apart from 1385 and 1405 in the air signs and 1603 and 1623 in the fire signs. These fit into the age of discovery of human history, European explorers went outside the Mediterranean, across Atlantic Ocean, discovered the Pacific Ocean and made the first circumnavigation of the globe between 1519 and 1522 by the expedition of Ferdinand Magellan.
Between 1603 and 1821, the Jupiter Saturn conjunctions occurred in Fire signs boosting social development, the industrial revolution, and also those revolutions which changed old political systems. These revolutions changed some regimes changed from monarchies to republics, democracies or autocracies and some made countries independent. We also notice the growth of materialism and reliance on substances when Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Earth signs, for example between 1802-2000, the new techniques and improvements give people a better material life.
Making a prediction of who is going to win a Presidential race is not easy in astrology. Most people think it just a case of who has more luck will win the election but in my experience, it does not work this way. A country’s leader represents the country and in Mundane astrology the country leader’s chart and its transit and progression will show what this country going to experience. Also, the synastry between a candidate’s chart and country’s chart not only can tell us who will be more popular, but also tells us who is able to lead the country when face the important challenge. For example the U.S is going to face, it’s Pluto return, the new president should be able to handle the Crisis and financial reform ( Pluto in Sibliy chart’s 2nd house ).
In this article I try to use different forecasting techniques include Transit, Progression, Solar Arc, Solar return and Profection, Solar Ecloipses to see if both candidates have the luck they need. I also try to include fixed star in the Natal chart and two fixed star progression techniques that I have learned recently. I also apply Astromap, the opening polls chart and the synastry between candidates and Sibly chart ( U.S ) in my analysis to help me have a clearer idea.
Donald Trump
Natal Data
So Ge 22
Mo Sg 21
Midpoint : So/Mo 22 Mutable 7 Fixed
Midpoint : ASC/MC 12Cardinal 27 Fixed
ASC 29 Leo ruled by So , ASC align with Regulus
Mc 24 Tau ruled by Ve
Ve in 25 Cn ( align Procyon, conjunction with Saturn )
Fixed star Regulus was on the east horizon when Trump was born, this famous fixed star is always related to King and leadership, its early name was Rex. Robson told us “If Regulus rising great honour and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favour of the great, victory over enemies and scandal”.
Trump also has Venus, the MC ruler, His Venus conjunct Saturn in Cancer ( detriment ) in 11th and very close to 12th house cusps does not promise the victory in the election.
This Venus aligned with Procyon, this fixed start has a Mars-Mercury nature and Robson told us “it make people petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent.” Dr. Brady gives the meaning of quick rise and transition.
Interestingly Biden also has this fixed star aligned with his Ascendent ruler Jupiter.
Secondary Progression
From the end of October, SP Moon still square Nt Uranus in 10th, representing a sudden change from this time. Mercury sextile Nt Uranus in 10th and sextile Nt Jupiter in 2, this suggests his unique way of communication help him to be popular .
Solar Arc
SA Uranus conjunct ASC suggests a fundamental change in his life, this could be major concern like losing this election or even winning, but something else happening to him that brings surprising or shocking news.
SA Mars trine Nt Mercury SA Mars ssh the Nt So both describe his aggressive tactics during the election.
SA Saturn conjunct Neptune in his 2nd houses indicate the leak of his tax data in September and it certainly caused some damage his reputation and cause crisis ( 8 th ruler ).
SA Pluto sextile the natal Moon from 3rd house does not bring anything about victory or damage but more likely tell us something happen related his family, or family scandal as Pluto is co-ruler of his IC, however as a sexile this does not going to cause too much trouble.
SA Neptune ( co ruler of 8th house ) opposite Natal Uranus ( co ruler of 7th ) suggests the his over confidence or his fantasy may cause trouble during the election but also suggests someone he works with could bring damage to his election campaign.
Solar Return
Solar return Sun right on 12 house cusp, quincunx Pluto square Moon Mars Neptune. These suggest his relationships and US foreign affairs are very intense, they also suggest there will be lot of battles with the justice system.
Moon is SR Ascendant ruler in Pisces conjunct with Neptune, related to weakness, lies or it could be compassionate empathy archetypal image (which I totally do not feel in this way). Moon square the Sun, the second house ruler, explains the tax scandal is one of the highlights of this year, and it reveal his real financial state.
Mars is Mc ruler in Pisces and has a little bit of dignity but not that strong, especially when it square the Sun, so it does not really help him to win the election. The Pluto and Jupiter sextile Mars and Moon tells us the pandemic situation does give him some chance but is not very helpful.
Pluto right on the Descendant reminds us that a huge crisis may happen, with Jupiter also on the Descendant this could be a huge crisis or having good luck like a miracle. Chiron tightly conjunct MC suggests he could be the healer to heal people’s wounds or his reputation get wounded. With those angular planets I don’t think it would be a great year for him, and it does bring more challenge to win the election.
If we apply the profection, Trump is in the 3rd sign profection and Venus will be the Lady of the year, as Venus on 12th house cusps and conjunct detriment Saturn in Cancer, this Venus does not give power to win. In the solar return chart Venus retrograde in Gemini and 11th house but without any dignity, it does not bring the power he need but maybe a little bit luck.
In 2016 Solar return Trump has Uranus on MC, suggest that was a surprising life changing, the Mc ruler Mars retrograde in Scorpio on 5th house cusp, it has energy but not in it 100%. The profection of that year is his 11 sign Gemini, the Lord of Year is Mercury, it the natal chart he has Mercury in Cancer in the 11th house bring the good spirit and good luck and the support of allies. In the solar return Mercury in Gemini in 11th again, this tells us how lucky he was in 2016.
Tr Saturn opp Nt Ve ( MC ruler ) Nt Sa
Tr Pluto opp Nt Sa
Tr Jupiter opp Nt Sa
Tr Jupiter Pluto Saturn tine Mc
Tr Uranus on So/Mo
Tr Asc on As/Mc
Transit Jupiter Saturn Pluto plays an important role in this election. It is trine Trump’s MC ( also trine Biden’s MC ) and is opposite Trump’s Natal Venus (the MC ruler) and Natal Saturn, which clearly describes the COVID 19 Pandemic and current geopolitical situation, gives Trump a lot of pressure. Jupiter rules his 8th house suggesting more crisis and scandal but he may see it as an opportunity ( trine his MC ).
However, Tr Uranus is on his Sun Moon midpoint, this configuration repeats the Uranus conjunct Ascendent in Solar Arc and SP Moon square Natal Uranus, suggesting Uranus is definitely going to turn everything upside down, so even if he wins the election, something may surprise us.
2020 Solar Eclipses
If we look the solar eclipse chart on 21 Jun 2020 we will notice the Uranus is right on the Ascendent and this give us a hit of the unsettle of country but also could be seen as a sign of change and revolution. This solar eclipse chart does not give us many information how it will change Trump’s life.
However the coming solar eclipse on 14 Dec 2020 tell us a totally different story, this Eclipse has Sun Moon in 23 Sagittarius 08 conjunct Trump’s Moon with in one degree and Trump was born in the lunar eclipse, made him even more sensitive about Eclipse, this tells us that his life is going to change after this Eclipse.
Star on the Angle by Primary direction
Al Rescha setting at 15:33 on the day he was born starts to influence Trump from October 2019. This star will dominate his life until 2027. Al Rescha suggest someone is able to bring different things together, but I do not see this quality in Trump.
When he won the 2016 election, it was Alphecca rising on horizon. I use exact stars rising setting culminating mode rather than the stars’ zodiac degree. Alphecca is the star in the Northern Crown, Robson said ” It gives honor, dignity and poetical and artistic ability. “
Star map of Secondary Progression
When Trump won the 2016 US presidential election, he was 70 years old and if we use secondary progression method, the ASC of Jupiter on 23 degrees 56 minutes Libra conjunct and rose together with Fixed Star Spica ( 23 Li 05 ). On the same day, his Secondary progress Sun was on 29 Le 51 conjoint with Regulus, and we all know Regulus was rising when Trump was born.
Jupiter rising on horizon 2016 SP Sun conjunct Regulus
However, four years after on 2020, the SP Jupiter was away from the influence of Spica and his SP Venus is too far away to get influence and there are no other prominent fixed stars in the chart. SP Saturn was two degrees away from SP M.C.
Synastry between Trump and US Sibly chart
I always check how a candidate’s chart compares with the National chart, to support my analysis. In democrat countries, citizens choose the leader to fulfil their vision, but sometimes popularity can be a game changer, also people often project certain images on to a candidate. For example, in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton lost in several states even though she won the popular vote but the synastry between her chart and the Sibly chart tells us several things. Her Saturn is opposite Sibly chart’s Moon and her Uranus conjunct Mars in Sibly chart and trine the Moon, Uranus could suggest freedom and revolution but also puts distance between people.
Trump has Mercury on 8 Cancer conjunct with Venus Jupiter in Sibly chart, and his Venus Saturn conjunct with Mercury in Sibly chart these combinations bring a totally different flavour compared with Hillary Clinton’s synastry with Sibly chart. Never-the-less, his Mars on 26 Leo right opposite Moon in Sibly chart and his Moon right opposite Sibly chart, explain the totally different opinions toward to him. While some people think he is aggressive and rude, he still has his supporters stand by him and think he dares to say things that other politician would not.
His Neptune conjunct Sibly chart’s MC gives people dreams but also confuses many people, while his Chiron conjunct Sibly Chart’s Saturn in some way his existence and his victory point out the weakness of US government, the problem of the system and those who have been left out by the elite ruling class. Both Trump and Biden have Pluto near Sibly chart’s North Node, this explains why people do not easily trust either of them and they both have scandals and secrets and make people feel threatened. However, they both represent the inevitable Pluto return in 2022, Trump has his Saturn and Venus in Cancer opposite the Pluto in Sibly chart, would he be able to lead the US through this transition ?
Put All together for Trump
Looking at Trump’s chart, we can say that it does not matter if you like him or not, he is the lucky one. He was born with Regulus rising and he was lucky enough to have SP Sun conjunct with Regulus in 2016, also has SP Jupiter and Spica rising in 2016, but in 2020 things are very different, there is no Jupiter rising and SP Sun is away from Regulus, although he still has blessing from natal Ascendent conjoint Regulus and his synastry shows that he is more popular than Biden.
However, the SP Moon square Uranus from end of October to November, SA Uranus conjunct Ascendent, Transit Uranus right on Mo/So mid-point gives us a hint of a dramatic life changing event.
Will we consider re-election as the US president a dramatic life changing event? I will not say so, therefore this could be seen as an indication that he is not going to win the election, or even re-elected he will have some other major event. While I was doing this study, it was announced that Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted to hospital. Will he make it through the election? Will he be fit enough to be US president? It is all up in the air, maybe this is his SA Uranus on Ascendant about as Uranus rules his 6th and 7th houses.
Joe Biden
So 27 Sc ( Con Venus 28 Sc )
Mo 00 Ta
Midpoint :So/Mo 14 Fixed and 29 Mutable
Midpoint :Asc/Mc 11 Mutable 26 Cardinal
Asc 3 Sg ruler Jupiter in 25 CN in 8th ( align with Procyon )
Mc 19 Vi ruler mercury in 21 Sc in 12 th
Ascendant ruler Jupiter in 25 CN align with Procyon. This fixed star has Mars Mercury nature and Robson told us “it makes people petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent.” Dr Brady gives the meaning of quick rise and transition.
Ascendant on 3 Sg where located the Fixed star Acrab (Graffia) and on the exact moment Dschubba was rising too. According the Robson it has nature of Mars and Saturn, “It causes extreme malevolence, mercilessness, fiendishness, repulsiveness, malice, theft, crime, pestilence, and contagious diseases.” However, in his book Star Names , Allen says that this star, Acrab (β, beta), “along with the other stars on the Head of the Scorpion; Dschubba (δ, delta), and Jabbah (ν, nu) were the Euphratean Gis-gan-gu-sur, ‘the Light of Hero’, or ‘the Tree of the Garden of Light ‘, “placed in the midst of the abyss,” and so reminding us of that other tree, the Tree of Life, in the midst of the Garden of Eden”.
Fixed star Acrab (Graffia) and on the exact moment Dschubba was rising
His MC ruler Mercury in Scorpio in 12th house, Mercury get support from Mars in Scorpio as its ruler and trine Natal Jupiter although it looks good but Jupiter in 8th and retrograde maybe not going to help him to become the US president.
Secondary Progression
In the SP chart SP Mercury (MC ruler) opposite Natal Jupiter in Cancer. This could indicate that he needs to put a lot of effort in to win this election, as Jupiter is retrograde and in the 8th house in the Natal chart, this Jupiter is not very helpful. The other aspect in SP chart are SP ME sesquiquadrate Nt Sa and SP So sesquiquadrate Nt Ne all suggest not it is not an easy year for Biden.
SP Moon conjunct SP Venus from 1st October, a temporary good feeling could start from this time and from 25th October the SP Moon quincunx Pluto suggests anxiety but we could understand this as it is the approach to election day. Interestingly, Moon will sextile Mars right after election day will this be related to his excitement?
Solar Arc
If we look at his Solar Arc chart there is lots going on but mostly there are trine aspects and sextile aspects. It suggests a smooth and harmonious feeling for him.
Solar arc Mars square Natal Moon could be a challenge and he feels the need to protect something, as we know criticisms are mainly focussed on his son’s business in China. SA Saturn conjoint Natal Chiron does not bring happiness, SA Uranus square Mercury (MC ruler) and suggest a surprise may happen which is not easy to deal with. SA Mercury also trine Saturn could this indicate he has more experience in his career compared with Trump? However, I did not see any evidence to encourage me to say he will definitely win the election.
Solar Return
Biden’s birthday is a few weeks after the presidential election. In this case, the influence of next solar return has most likely started. However, in his 2019 solar return, he has Moon on the Asc, Sun conjunct IC which mark 2019 as an important year, SR Mercury was stationary. Mercury is his MC ruler in both natal chart and 2019 SR, suggesting he is going to “focus” on his career. Venus conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius trine the moon may give a positive feeling for this year. Mars opposite Uranus in 3rd – 9th Axis explain how his words could surprise people and perhaps cause problems.
When applying the profection this is his 6th sign year, which is Taurus and Venus is the lady of the year. Venus is very close the ascendent but still in the 12th and in its detriment, this does not very helpful, however there is two things maybe give him some support, first is Mars rule Venus is very strong and in the same sing, second he has Moon in Taurus exaltation it maybe give him a little bit dignity and little bit help, for me this more sounds like describe his running mate Kamala Harris.
As his birthday was pretty close to election day, I’d like check his next solar return, the 2020 solar return has Mercury rules 11th on the Ascendant opposite Uranus the co-ruler of IC in the 6th. Mars is Ascendant ruler just finish its retrograde in the 5th and trine MC
the Sun is Mc ruler sextile Saturn in Capricorn from 3rd house. Although this is not a sign of Victory but it does give some influence and support. And Uranus on the angle does suggest a “ huge change “ of life, like Trump also has it in his 2020 Solar Arc.
Tr Neptune conjoint IC, it could explain how his opponent mocks him as a weak person or not fit enough, but it also gives people an image of kindness.
Tr Uranus square Nt Pluto suggests it is not an easy time for him, Tr Saturn square Nt Moon
Tr Saturn on As/ Mc could emphasis his image of old person or an experienced politician, it is a Saturn with dignity, it maybe has positive influence.
Tr Jupiter Pluto Saturn tine Mc suggests the difficult time could bring him a certain opportunity to win the election and Tr Jupiter Pluto Saturn sextile Mercury (rules MC and 7th) and his natal Sun Venus repeats the same theme.
Tr Jupiter is opposite natal Jupiter it is his half Jupiter cycle and Jupiter is his chart ruler, will this bring him some luck? Interestingly, on the election day Tr Mercury stationary on 25 Lib right on his As/Mc, what does this mean? A focus on his vocation?
Solar Eclipse on 21 June 2020 and 14 December 2020 did not have a strong impact on Biden.
Star on the Angle by Primary direction
The fixed star Antares was culminating on 13:32 on the day he was born, this Fixed star started to influence Biden from September 2020. Follow by Mirach on March 2021 and Aldebaran on May 2021.
Star map of Secondary Progression
If we look the Biden’s secondary progression Star map, we will see the SP Mars right on Facies in Sagittarius this fixed star shows the stare of the archer, this may describe the attack from an opponent. SP Jupiter was very close to Wasat the fixed star in Gemini. In the SP chart the Asc is on 22 Aquarius align with Sadalsuud and Deneb Algedi.
Deneb Algedi brings the meaning of leadership and structure, and Sadalsuud means luckiest of lucky, although these two stars were not really rising at that time, but it aligns with 22 Aquarius, could these two stars be the game changers of 2020 election?
Synastry between Biden and US Sibly chart
At first glance of this synastry we notice that Biden’s Neptune tightly conjunct MC on the Sibly chart, His Mc also conjunct Sibly chart’s Neptune Neptune’s signature keep jumping out and we can read in one way that is why he has been seen as weak compared with Trump, but also marks many peoples questions about his policy, in another way he could project the image of kindness and inclusiveness towards US citizens. Both Trump and Biden have this signature meaning they could both be inclusive and kind, if they wanted.
His chart ruler Jupiter is retrograde at 25 Cancer but also tightly conjoint Mercury (also retrograde), aligned with the Fixed star Procyon. Let me remind you that Trump also has Procyon conjoint with Mercury, this fixed start has Mars Mercury nature and Roberson told us “it make people petulant, saucy, giddy, weak-natured, timid, unfortunate, proud, easily angered, careless and violent.” Now we may not be surprised why their first TV debate became a disaster. However, Procyon also has a meaning of rushiing into something and appearing before something really important, which may suggest that what is really important is neither Trump nor Biden but someone else.
Biden has Saturn on Sibly’s Uranus we can read in two ways. One is that Biden may stop the change or revolution of the US and bring back the old bureaucracy system. The other is that he may stop the US breaking apart. His Moon sextile with Moon and Venus in Sibly chart could indicate he can touch most US citizens when he opens his heart. His Chiron opposite Moon means he will take a lot of effort to heal the wounds of people who get hurt. Most important, is his Pluto is right on the North Node of Sibly chart, Trump also has this configuration, but the orb is much looser, this will be crucial for Biden to win as Pluto brings the crisis and scandal and it can make people feel threatened by him and reduce his popularity .
However, when we consider the U.S. will experience their Pluto return in next two years, this may be explaining why both candidates has Pluto conjunct North Node in Sibly chart and both has Planets opposite Pluto in Sibly chart. Biden’s chart ruler Jupiter is right opposite US Pluto, his Scorpio Sun and Venus sextile Pluto in Sibly chart maybe bring the feeling of security people need’s during this period.
Put All together for Biden
To be honest, looking at all the different charts I do not feel Biden is that lucky to win this election, those charts do describe what we know about his gentleness and kindness, he can bring the people together and heal the wounds but I really could not feel that Powerful change in those charts. However the 2020’s solar return has Uranus to make change and the Antares is culminating in the Primary direction tell us a different story.
The Opening of Polls Chart
I also like to examine the opening of polls chart, although many of my colleagues have already done their analysis, but as I am not big fan of the whole sign house system, I prefer to do it again in my way.
In The Opening of Polls Chart, simply apply the Ascendent and 1st house to represent Trump and Des and 7th house ruler to represent Biden the challenger.
Asc on the 27 Leo make the Sun represent Trump, the Sun is in 3rd house which lacks energy and opposite Uranus from MC bring a huge “surprise” against him, the Neptune trine the Sun suggest Biden benefits from those scandals and rumours.
Descendant on 27 Aquarius rule by Saturn, Saturn in 26 Capricorn in its own sign conjoint Pluto and Jupiter , Jupiter is very close to 6th house cusp, which tells us although Biden owns the dignity, this does not help him very much, interestingly Saturn square Mercury, represent the 2nd and 11th houses and in Libra where Saturn exaltation (and where the Sun is fall), Mercury is stationary and about to turn direction, looks like Trump’s allies are unwillingly helping Biden to win the election.
In this chart MC represent the victory, the Sun in Scorpio opposite MC but Saturn in Capricorn trine MC, which give Biden more chance to win. M.C ruler Venus in 2nd does not receive anything from the Sun but received by Saturn by exaltation.
The Astro Map and Swing states
Since 2016 election, I have tried to apply the Astro Map technique to support my forecasting, especially to see if a candidate can win the swing states, we know this could be crucial during the US presidential elections.
Astromap for Trump
*Florida for Trump (Biden has Chiron Uranus there compared with Trump has Jupiter LS line pass by.)
Biden : UR DS Chiron LS
Trump : Jupiter LS
*Georgia for Trump (Biden has Chiron Uranus there compared with Trump has Jupiter LS line pass by.)
Biden : UR DS Chiron LS
Trump : Jupiter LS Chiron LS Neptune LS
*N.Carolina for Trump (Biden has Chiron Uranus there compared with Trump having Jupiter )
Biden : UR DS Chiron LS
Trump : Jupiter LS Chiron LS
Astromap for Biden
*Nevada for Biden (6) Biden has Moon DS here his Moon is 0 Taurus and Pluto MC not going to hurt him because he is a Scorpio Sun and has Sun Pluto mutual reception. Trump’s Venus Saturn does not work in this way and Neptune could suggest an illusion.
Biden : Pluto Mc Mo DS
Trump Venus As Saturn AS Neptune IC
*Arizona for Biden (11) (same reason as Nevada )
Biden : Jupiter LS Pluto MC
Trump: Jupiter IC, Saturn LS Venus LS
*Pennsylvania for Biden (20) PA and OH is where Trump must win but Biden has Jupiter LS line here although Trump has Mars but I did not see any dignity compared with Biden’s Jupiter in exaltation.
Biden : Jupiter LS Pluto LS Chiron LS, Uranus DS
Trump : Mars As , Saturn LS Venus LS Pluto LS Mercury LS
*Ohio Biden (18)
Biden : Jupiter LS Pluto LS Mercury AS
Trump : Mars As , Saturn LS Venus LS Pluto LS Mercury LS
*Missouri (10) for Biden
Biden : Jupiter LS Pluto LS Mercury AS
Trump: Saturn LS Venus LS
*Michigan: Not Sure
Biden : Sun Venus Saturn Uranus LS
Trump: Sun LS Moon LS Uranus LS
*Wisconsin: not sure
Biden : Sun Venus Saturn Uranus LS
Trump: Sun LS Moon LS Uranus LS
*IOWA for Trump because Chiron MC for Biden maybe cause damage
Biden : Mercury AS, Chiron MC
Trump: Mercury LS
My conclusion is although Trump’s natal chart shows more prominent sign to be the lucky one, but this time both SP Sun and SP Jupiter are move away from important fixed stars, will he maintain his luck, never less few indication suggest he is facing an dramatically life change, I wonder what will happen even if he won the election ?
When judge from their synastry with Sibly chant, I think while Trump is very popular with what he say but his ruthless can cause conflict , Biden could also be popular by touch people’s hearts and heal their wounds, bring some energy to move forward. They both bring the Neptune flavour , this could be Dream like “ MAGA “, or in another way showing kindness and compassion, don’t for get the Neptune also bring that uncertainty But their Pluto conjunct with North node suggest they both have cross to bear during this election and could be crucial especially for Biden, however this could be read as they both service for the U.S to pass the Pluto return .
In another side, I have to admit that I did not see many signs suggest Biden going to win either, If I dare to say who going to win, I maybe say Biden that is because
Most of the chart suggests Trump is going to have dramatic life changing. However, this could mean, even if he won, his social state still going to change ? I don’t know what does that mean ? Or maybe it suggest a “ not that “ United United States of America, the conflict will be much stronger than before.
When I use Fixed star by Primary direction or Secondary direction both suggest Biden can get a little bit lucky this time, and those stars help Trump are lost their influence, however, make a prediction or forecasting by fixed stars are not really my strength.
Even many of my colleagues judged Trumps victory from The Opening of Polls Chart but when I use the Placidus system which is quadrant house division, things are slightly different and this chart give Biden more chance.
Uranus on Ascendant of 21 June 2020 Solar Eclipse chart dose give a hit of change, it also describes the unsettle of the current situation, and the eclipse on 14 December is right on Trump’s Moon, this is another indication of life changing and turn his life upside down.
If I use astromap to help my analyse , Biden does have more luck from swing states, especially OH, PA, AZ,where Trump took over last time from Hillary, however Looks like Florida Georgia and North Carolina still in Trump’s hand.
From a different view to see both Trump and Biden, they both has important planet connect with Fixed star Procyon which represent a short transition. If is an echo of our time, as we are in the end of great mutation, the Jupiter Saturn conjunction are move from Earth signs to Air signs and it is the end of 218 years Earth signs dominate world.
And we know the important outer planets aspect for 2021 is Saturn square Uranus, it is a major theme of the year, doesn’t matter who become the president, he will face the huge challenge between, security and freedom, revolution or conservative.
Another things that I already mention is, the U.S will face the Pluto return in 2022, but it already starts its work when transit Pluto reaches 22 Capricorn from early 2019.
During this transition, we maybe need to take down those things will not work for the future, it will not be the world we used to be, and the COVID-19 Pandemic is the best example, we start to realised we have to adopt ” new normal” it will not be easy. The new U.S president will play an important role, will this person, help us to go through it smoothly or increase the tension?
and we know that we are in a important transition time, in the end of this year we will have Jupiter conjunct Saturn in 0 Aquarius, this is the beginning of the Air element dominate world development, Earth elements were dominate our societies for last 218 years, between 1980 to 2040 we are in the period of great mutation, shift between Jupiter Saturn conjunct in Air signs and Earth signs