Oil Price Astrological study

oiloilimage from BBC news

On 13th January 2015 the international oil price hit its lowest point, under $60.  Everyone is starting to wonder when this drop is going to stop.  Some people have said that the oil price will never go above $100 again. Although for some countries a low oil price helps the economy, but some people are worried that the low oil price suggests that the World economy is in crisis again .

As  Mundane astrologers we have no doubt that the economy will face some big challenges in 2015 as Jupiter/Saturn is in its waning square (so called 270 degree ) and also Saturn/Neptune is also in the waning square. Both Jupiter/Saturn and Saturn/Neptune are important World economic indicators in financial astrology.  We have no reason to be optimist for the future economic situation.

Therefore I would like to apply some prices skills what I learned from Financial astrologer Olga Morales.

This technique takes important price changing dates and examines the planet aspect on that dates, if there is a pair of planets that draw your attention then single it out.

Use 45 degrees Graphic Ephemeris we can see the planetary movement, check the next time this pair of planets forms a hard aspect and check the price. Usually you will find the price changing when the same pair of planets forms a hard aspect. Here is the example of oil price. I have to say that I am not great in investment and finances so if you find mistake in the data or in financial terminology and want to help me to correct it I will be really appreciative.




Last time crude oil price hit the highest point was on 11th Jul  2008, the price was $147 per bbl and then it started to drop. That was when Mars formed a hard aspect with both Jupiter and Saturn .

The oil price hit the lowest price of under $50 per bbl on 28 Dec 2008 and started to come back , that was happen during Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn .



So I pick up this 3 sets of planetary aspects from transit and see how they influence oil price.


After the oil price improved and hit a high point on 23 Jul 2011 at this time, Mars on Gemini semi square Jupiter on Taurus. From then until 8 Aug 2011, the price dropped from $118 to $103. Mars opposite Pluto and form T square with Uranus.




The oil price was steady  in early 2014 and then began to drop from 20th Jun 2014.




We can see Mars was waning square Pluto (270 degrees ) in 20th Jun 2014 and Sun should be near Cancer cardinal point when the oil price started to drop.

Here is an interesting observation, during late October and early November, Mars first formed a sesquiquadrate with Jupiter when the oil prices stopped dropping for a few days and when it conjunct Pluto starting another Mars Pluto cycle the price started to drop again.

oct 2014 price

The oil price hit new low on 13th Jan 2015. On that day Mars semi square Pluto.  Could this suggest that Mars’s aspect with Jupiter and Pluto (possibly including Uranus) could indicate oil price change?

If so, perhaps the oil price will change significantly on the following dates:

1. near 20 Feb  when Mars sesquiquadrate Jupiter

2. near 10th March when Mars conjunct Uranus square Pluto. Beware this is also when the Moon wobbles happens near the solar Eclipse and at the same time there is Saturn Stationary.

3. Near 17th April, Mars square Jupiter (near Jupiter stationary and going to direction and near Pluto Stationary, also Chiron comes to 0 degrees of declination)

4. 12th May 2015 Mars forms a Hard aspect with Pluto.

2015 oilE

Here is second half part of 2015, I highlight the Important time when financial astrology indicators form aspect or stationary .


Charlie Hebdo Shooting

Really sad to hear about what happened this morning in Paris , 2 gunman attacked Paris  news paper Charlie Hedo ( means Charlie Weekly ) . 12 people was killed and 10 injured , this news really made me angry and sad . I used to living in Paris and I understand that sometime foreigner are  difficult to accept European humours however I can not agree with violence and killing .


Charlie Hebdo is a  is a French satirical weekly newspaper, on November 2011  weekly news paper published a controversial issue related to Muhammad and Islam law  maybe the reason of this tragedy .

From astrologer’s view I would like to study this event and to share what I can explain so far .

Event chart , Shutting happen around 11 AM in Paris , Ascendent was on 25 degrees Pisces  and Chiron is not far. As I know someone did suggest the exact time are around 11.35 am (Thanks for Izabela Podlaska-Konkel ‘s information )

Moon was 11 degree Leo opposite Venus , trine Uranus and quincunx Pluto. ( If we allow wide orb it will form another quincunx with Chiron as a Yod  ) .  Sun semi square Saturn and still square Uranus and conjunct Pluto. Mars opposite Jupiter and Square Saturn semi square Uranus . Saturn square Neptune and  Uranus still conjunct S.Node and we never ignore Uranus Pluto square , Pluto sextile Chiron  . Neptune right on Pisces Ascendent  is a important signature of this event , Mercy , religion , confused, idealism , kindness and tolerance , as Neptune are square Saturn at the moment , Saturn challenge us would you be nice and tolerance with people who see the world different with you ?  

So/Mo mid point connect Chiron , As /Mc connect Moon, Mars soon Saturn Jupiter mid point . 

4. I usually check Eclipse chart , eclipses happened on 23 Oct 2014 11:56 pm in Paris , this chart has 27 degrees Cancer Ascendent and 4 degree Aries Mc. There is no angular planet , Sun Moon and Venus on Scorpio. Mercury opposite Uranus on Mc / IC axis and conjunct Nodal axis suggest this kind of shocking news are going to happen on this Eclipse season.   Mars at 28 degree of Sagittarius was sextile Sun Moon Venus .Hard aspect is Jupiter square Saturn and Uranus square Pluto. 

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5. Once thing really catch my eyes as Mars of Eclipse chart is Eclipse ruler and it is conjunct Galactic center  ( GC at 27 degree Sagittarius ) , we usually experience disruption and social upheaval when outer planet near Galactic center usually . Many important military conflicts between Israel and Pakistan happened when Mars passed through this point. For instance, in the end of 2008 and 2012 when Mars passed through the Galactic Centre, there were military action from Israel to Pakistan on both occasions. In 1963 when J. F. Kennedy was assassinated, and in 1961 when the States decided to deploy troops to the Vietnam War, Mars was passing through the Galactic Point too. Mars conjunct Galactic center on Eclipse suggest a strong Martian energy maybe spread world widely for this Eclipse season.

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6. The Capricorn Ingress chart at Paris has Virgo rising , this happen just few hours before new moon , on this chart Sun Moon semi square Mars , Mars semi sextile Chiron and Pluto. Moon is on 28 Sagittarius conjunct October Solar Eclipse chart ’s Mars . I like discuss a little bit about semi sextile here , as this aspect are usually be under estimated .

This aspect suggest the place where we can not see , somewhere or something that we ignored and we usually feel annoyed by things that we can not see. A conflict cause by culture differences , a humour made people feel offensive , these feeling are very similar to semi sextile. 

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7. I use France 5th Republic chart the date is 5 Oct 1958 0.00am , this chart has Sun conjunct Node this tell us that there eis a Eclipse happen right after country;s birthday. And This 5th Republic is on it’s Nodal return soon and as it’s Saturn in 21 degrees Sagittarius this suggest Saturn return will be soon  .      

Eclipse Sun Moon conjunct 5th Rep Chart’s Neptune, Neptune opposite 5th Rep chart’s Pluto and Square Mars  , this is another Neptune signature , as Event chart has Neptune rising .This moment Uranus Pluto are square 5th Rep’s Sun .

Eclipse Jupiter  conjunct 5th Rep Chart’s Uranus and opposite Chiron, suggest a Xenophobic atmosphere   and make people focus on religion and foreigner issues in this country.  (Another things related to GC point is Saturn was conjunct GC point twice , one in early 1958 and another time in the end of 1958)

8. Country leader’s birth chart usually can also explain things happen in this country . Mr Hollande has 07 Gemini Ascendent and 6 Aquarius M.C . Transiting Saturn is near his DSC. 

His Moon on 17 degrees Capricorn conjunct his North Node at 14 degrees Capricorn , Transit Pluto is right on his N.Node and approach his Moon .   He has Jupiter at 17 Cancer Uranus Pluto are going to hit this point. His Sun at 18 Leo conjunct Pluto on 24 Leo and Transiting Jupiter is here at the moment . I think 2015 2016 will be his big challenge year. Don’t forget he also has Mars on 26 Sagittarius  like Solar Eclipse chart.  

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I would like to check the birth date of Charlie Hebdo ‘s found chart but I only know the original weekly  magazine was created  February 1969 and change name  at 1970 . That is still Uranus Pluto conjunction and we are int the end of Uranus square Pluto. 1969 Uranus was conjunct Jupiter and opposite Chiron , and we have Uranus semi square Chiron . The outer planet cycles are helping us to understand more about this tragedy. 





2015, a year of LoveJoy?  An astrological study of  Comet C/2014 Lovejoy Q2


Recently, the comet C/2014 Lovejoy Q2 changed its magnitude and became visible to the naked eye. This surprising news has not only raised astronomers’ interest, astrologers also ask what does this mean. In my recent article entitled  “Comet in Astrology” which was published in Astrological Journal 2014 Nov.Dec issue,  I did summarise some ancient views of comets. If you are interested,the link to this article is on the astro.com website:


Comets are from the distant, cold and dark extremities of the solar system, approaching the Sun under the effect of its gravity. As they get close to the Sun, they enter our observable range. Temperature increases and ice start to evaporate and release the gases as a comet gets nearer to the Sun. Then, under the effect of radiation and solar winds, an illuminated tail start to appear, the comet’s trademark. Many comets will be burnt and split into pieces or even disappear when they pass close to the Sun, and great comets may split into several smaller ones, some of which will disappear after they pass the perihelion. 

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Comet Lovejoy passing the globular cluster M79 in Lepus on the night of December 28–29, 2014. Image by Chris Schur – See more at:http://www.schursastrophotography.com/newcomets/lovejoyQ2122814.html


C/2014 Lovejoy Q2 is visible from end of December 2014 until end of January 2015. 

It passes through the constellations Lepus and Eridanus. It will become very bright when it enters the constellation Taurus on 4th Jan 2015 and move into Aries after mid January, finally coming to its perihelion on 30th January. 


image from http://www.skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-news/observing-news/spot-comet-lovejoy-tonight-122920141/



Token of Doom and a year of Surprise 

Ancient astrologers usually associated comets with disaster and upheaval. When a comet appeared in the sky, the ancient astrologer took it as a yearly signature, this suggested that there would be one year of unsettlement and surprise in our world.   I always feel that comets are associated with surprises, upheavals, release, important inventions and unpredictable events. Even with our knowledge and techniques we cannot predict the arrival of a new comet until it comes closer to the Earth.  C/2014 Lovejoy Q2  was only discovered on 17 August 2014, 4 months before we can see it with the naked eye.



Ancient Astrologers did take the siting of a comet seriously, viewing it  as a bad omen, a token of doom. Comets are associated with taboos in people’s heart. Whenever people see comets, they immediately believe that something unlucky, disastrous and extreme is going to happen. However, what do astrologers consider when they give predictions regarding comets?




First, consider the sign and its element which the comet passed by. For example, fire signs are usually associated with fire hazards, wars and slaughters, water signs with rainstorms and tsunamis, earth sign with droughts and food shortage, and wind signs with hurricanes.


As the data suggest C/2014 Lovejoy Q2 becomes visible near the constellation Taurus and Aries , this suggest that we should consider Earth  and Fire elements: Food, Economics, Financial, War and Slaughter.


Fixed stars or the image of the Sign

Second, consider fixed stars or the image of the sign. For example: Taurus could be linked to issues related to cattle; Pisces could be about issues with oceans and fishery; and Sagittarius could be about wars. The comet’s effect could also be related to what is symbolised by the sign or fixed stars where the comet is currently located. 

Traditional astrologers even believe that every country has its own representing sign. So when a comet is in a certain sign, countries represented by that sign could suffer disasters. For example, when a comet was in Taurus in 1678, William Lilly pointed out that it would affect Poland and Russia.

Some astrologers have already pointed out that Ancient astrologers like William Lilly and Guido Bonatti associated Taurus with Poland, Cyprus and Russia and this fits Russia’s current economic situation.

However if we project comet Lovejoy’s path on the Tropical Zodiac, we will have more information and this will emphasise that the Taurus theme has been seriously affected. 

Date C/2014 Lovejoy Q2  Tropical Zodiac position 
28 Dec 2014 20 Gemini 
29 Dec 2014 18 Gemini
30 Dec 2014 16 Ge
31 Dec 2014 14 Ge
1 Jan 2015 12 Ge
2 Jan 2015 10 Ge
3 Jan 8 Ge
4 Jan 7 Ge
5 Jan 5 Ge
6 Jan 4 Ge
7 Jan 2 Ge
8 Jan 1 Ge
9 Jan  0 Ge
10 Jan 29 Taurus 
11 Jan 28 Taurus 
12 Jan 27 Taurus
13 Jan 26 Taurus
14 Jan 25 Ta
15 Jan 24 Ta
16 Jan 23 Ta
17 Jan 22 Ta 30’
18 Jan 22 Ta
19 Jan 21 Ta
20 Jan 20 Ta 30’
21 Jan 20 Ta 
22 Jan 19 Ta 30’
23 Jan 19 Ta
24 Jan 18 Ta 30’
25 Jan 18 Ta
26 Jan 17 Ta 40’
27 Jan 17 Ta 20’
28 Jan 17 Ta
29 Jan 16 Ta 40’
30 Jan 16 Ta 25’
31 Jan 16 Ta 


An example that suggests we should not only look at the constellations but also look at tropical area was when the 2013 Cyprus economic crisis happened, Comet Panstarr (C/2011 L4) could be seen in early degree Taurus in mid April. 

Now I will consider the other constellations on the visible path of C/2014 Lovejoy Q2.

1. Eridanus: the river, water, flood.  We maybe should careful about floods tsunami and water pollution.


2. Lepus: rabbits, hares, and all types of small mammal. Could suggest they bring some communicable disease or cause some problem?


3. Triangulum: also represent as Saturn’s sickle cut and agriculture , this constellation also related to  Peresphone/Demeter.  Suggests surprising measurements, disaster through mis-measurement,  familial discord and missing children.  


Although it will not contact any fixed stars on its path, it will be very close to the Pleiades, usually meaning eyesight and tears, and if we check the myth of the Eridanus constellation, that also indicates sadness as Phaethon fell into this river after being struck by Zeus.  Both this and the link with Persephone, represented by Triangulum, both link to lost children.



Third, we can consider which planets form a conjunction with the comet. For example, when a comet passes by Mercury, it may bring forth issues related to transportation and bridges.


This year C/2014 Lovejoy Q2 will contact with the Moon suggesting issues with Food, Agriculture, Sea, Fishing, mother/children relations and our emotions. 


Fourth, we can consider which houses the comet visits. This is a rather special case, in which astrologers need to cast a chart when they witness the comet. For example, the famous astrologer Tycho Brahe cast a chart by this method and predicted a disaster which would kill thousands of people. However I will not use this technique until I see it  in the sky. 

Fifth, we consider the colour of the comet. When astrologers observe comets, they pay attention to their colours and thus determine their properties. If it has the same grey tone like Saturn, astrologers would believe that this comet would bring forth incidents which have similar themes or properties of Saturn. Sometimes, comets would change colour from time to time, like from white to grey. In 1680, William Knight documented that the comet he observed that year had a grey tone like Saturn initially, thus leading to issues related to lack of resources and politics. Several months later, it turned bright and it implied themes and issues related to Jupiter. Although no suffocating stress or pressure was related, there was a rise of problems related to religion and law, and this was not the last time this comet changed its colour. It finally turned red, and Knight believed it was an obvious implication about thefts and robberies. Tycho Brahe also applied this when observing comets.

At this moment C/2014 Lovejoy Q2 appears a green colour. William Lilly only relates Pale Green to the Moon and some astrologers suggest green could be the colour of Jupiter and Venus. Could it suggest or emphasise a Feminine, food, or financial theme?   I wish it would also bring the beneficial influences of Jupiter and Venus. 


The shape of comets differs from one another. Sometimes they look like a fireball with a short coma, and sometimes when they have a long coma they are described as “a long sword” implying war and assassination. Sometimes, the tip of the coma is described as a “dagger”.  

The interesting image of comet Lovejoy  has a dim green light , just like a tinny little green light bulb with a long slim  bend stock . I do feel familiar but  I can not find where I saw this image while I was working on this Article .  Next morning I just realised where  I saw this image before it was from the Hermit card of Thoth tarot , in this card Hermes ’s caduceus was represent like this ( in a Comet or  Sperm tail form ), in Thoth tarot Hermit is Thoth-Hermes on his way to help Demeter to free Persephone. Maybe A light , a hope, a seed, a new life ,  and the story of Demeter / Persephone is repeat here again. 

 After I publish this article online my best friend Astrologer Mandi Lockley pointed out that ” Lovejoy” was also a popular UK TV character in the 80s/90s? “Lovejoy is a trickster, a swindling art and antiques dealer who seems to get caught up in devious deals and `get rich quick’ schemes. But you can’t help liking Lovejoy, who has a talent for finding hidden treasures. When he’s not out for himself, he uses his skills as a con man to help the less fortunate and less sneaky.”  Thanks Mandi for this contribution and I to think inspiring. This is how Myth works and maybe ” Lovejoy ” can bring this ” new myth” meaning of finding hidden treasure and trickster hero into our world in 2015.

To conclude: C/2014 Lovejoy Q2’s appear to suggest 2015 may not be full of “Love and Joy”. As the astrological indications for this comet are about Food, missing children, Finance,  Economics,  Flood and perhaps some small animal problems. Also, as well as using the comet, we should not forget the rest of the sky. This year we have Uranus square Pluto and Saturn square Neptune around March to April and we have Jupiter square Saturn in the Summer. Financial astrologers usually see Jupiter-Saturn and Saturn-Neptune as important economic shift indicators and maybe C/2014 Lovejoy Q2’s path to Taurus is another indicator of this outer planet theme. 

Although astrologers don’t really apply comets on a personal level, I will suggest if you have personal planets on these signs and degree where comet is going to pass. Also, if you were born in a year that had a visible comet in the sky.  You had better use this unpredictable energy to shine, to be creative, to surprise yourself and to surprise people around you. 

Famous singer Lady gaga was born in 1986. Early that year, comet Halley was visible in the sky.  In the End of 2007 she was introduced to producer Redone and together they wrote  Lady Gaga’s debut single “Just dance”.  In 2007, Comet McNaught could be seene by the naked eye and it passed Lady Gaga’s So/Mo 24 Cardial and Ac/ Ic Midpoint 0 Fixed. 

As another example, I was born at early 1973 and in that year comet Kohoutek became visible in the sky (although not as bright as expected). 

I have had some interesting experiences related to comets. Comet Panstarrs started to be seen by people on 12th February 2013, and that was just before my birthday. The comet was in the beginning of Aquarius where my natal Venus locates. In March, when the comet passed through Pisces where my natal Mercury is located, I started to be attracted by comets, and sought opportunities to observe them and study related astrological documentation and publications. Comets always bring new ideas to us. If you inspired to read further about comets then the link to my “Comet in Astrology” is:








A Astrological study of Air Asia QZ8501

From BBC An AirAsia Indonesia airliner flying from Indonesia to Singapore with 162 people on board has lost contact with air traffic control. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-30614627

Really sorry to hear that Air Aisa flight QZ8501 went missing , I give all my best wish and hope everyone on board is safe. 

No one like tragedy , Astrologer either . Since early this year Malaysia airline MH370 disappeared in the sky , we have 3 major air plane crash in the summer, and now another one and related to this area again. 

I think astrologers who use the Geodetic mapping system will not totally surprise about this , we may not know when but we know this area is not quiet. Transit Geodetic Pluto is right on Singapore at the moment, this is our major concern this area , include west Malaysia, west Indonesia , Singapore. 

The report suggest airplane lost contact from 7:24am , and some people will use this data which i don’t really think it is astrological relevant. Take off time is most important not missing time or last contact as the event may or may not happened right after last contract, and we have no idea where airplane was at that moment. 

However i usually check eclipse and ingress chart of both location before jump into take off time , as important event , it will not only show by transit of event chart , Eclipse and Ingress charts give us important information of local area . 

1. New Moon 22 Dec 2014 in Surabaya has  Mars conjunct Asc and opposite Jupiter conjunct Dsc.


2. Full Moon 6 Dec 2014 in Surabaya has Uranus conjunct Mc and Pluto conjunct Dsc, Jupiter Square Saturn . Same chart relocate to Singapore has Uranus and Pluto near the angle but not exact but if you check next Full Moon ( only about one weeks time ) We will have Uranus on Asc and Pluto Sun conjunct Mc with very tight degrees . 



3. Although we did not fing any important signature  on Eclipse of Surabaya area , but if we look Singapore ’s Eclipse chart we will find the clues . On the 2014 Oct Singapore Lunar Eclipse chart We have Pluto conjunct Mc and Uranus on Asc ,  Moon on Asc conjunct Uranus and Opposite Sun on Dsc .


On the 2014 Oct Singapore Solar Eclipse chart Uranus on Dsc opposite Mercury on Asc and both planets square Pluto on IC . 


4. On the Capricorn Ingress chart of Surabaya , Pluto on Asc Uranus on IC .


According the take off information , take off time is 5:20 AM from Surabaya Indonesia . Jupiter on 9th house cusp, opposite Mars , Chiron on Ic . 


If we check the take off chart ’s Astro Map there is no strong planet line on both city part form Neptune and Chiron are near Singapore  but if we use Geodetic map we will know that Pluto is right on Singapore.


If we also check the Local space of take of time , we will find that between Singapore is on the take off chart’s Mars and Jupiter line.  


Microsoft kills Nokia ? 

I just read the news that Microsoft announce that they are going to step by step drop Nokia’s name and use Microsoft Lumia for its mobile brand. Which mean that Nokia maybe going to disappear from mobile phone market.

I am a bit upset as my first phone was a Nokia 6110 and before I switch to I Phone I was a Nokia fan . This news make me curious about Nokia’s natal chart , as this time i am not going to focus on Stock I am not interesting on first trading chart but company chat . I went on wikipedia blimey …Nokia is an long history company according wikipedia the found on 1865 at Tampere Finland, almost 150 years .

So that I continued investigate the exact date and find out that Nokia was granted an operating permit by the Senate on 12 May 1865. This is the birthday of Nokia and I will use Sun rise and Midaday chart , if it is a modern company I will use  sun rise or mid night chart for a country or an organisation which exists or operated form certain date  but I prefer use sun rise or mid day chart for a company as  company are most likely  running their business during the day time . 


Transit Saturn opposite Nokia ’s Sun , Transit Mars pass by their Jupiter and opposite Uranus during the Solar Eclipse.

If we use Mid-day chart Nokia will have 6 degree Virgo and Transit Neptune is near descendent and of course Saturn is on Ic where represent foundation of this company. 


 If we use Sun rise chart Nokia will have 10 degree Capricorn M.C and Transit Pluto is right above .

This company is also going to have its 3rd Chiron return . 

Nokia has 0 degree of Scorpio North node just hit by the Solar Eclipse on 24 Oct 2014, could this Eclipse suggest Nokia going to disappear or Nokia going to regain more energy to rise like a phoenix ? (sorry I am not a Conchita fans but an Eurovision fan ). 


Let us check secondary progression chart the moon was on 10 degree Gemini and SP Mars conjunct Natal Saturn , SP Pluto right on Venus, SP Saturn conjunct North node , I know we usually not look at North node on SP chart but this is a 150 years old company, I am really curious when was Nokia ’s sp saturn exact conjunct natal north node and found out it was end of 2006 early 2007 , that was the time Nokia ’s business decline as it mis judge the effect of launch of I-Phone and the wrong strategy of smartphone operation system. 


2014 Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct Chiron and Solar Arc Jupiter move to 21 degree Taurus and Soar Arc Uranus move to 21 Scorpio.  This is another hint suggest a new chance of Nokia if the company can use this chance to transfer their business. 

Could Nokia come back to Market ?

I have double check the business news and understands that Nokia did sale Mobile depart mend to Microsoft last year and before 2016 Nokia was unable to make mobile phone with Nokia name . 

 However at the moment  Nokia are also work with other mobile system such as Android system which means the company are still interesting in mobil business but could they get chance when the contract end in 2016 ? By that time Transit pluto will move out conjunction with Natal  MC , in sun rise chart Solar Arc Jupiter Uranus opposition still on Asc Axis. The Midday chart’s Soar Arc Neptune will conjunct Asc , this is not a strong sign for new mobile phone but maybe it get into entire different area as graphic or image ? 


I read a news last week talk about Microsoft are killing  Nokia, could this be true ? An famous mobile phone company are going to disappear in Microsoft’s hand ? If I check the astro map of Sun rise chart Pluto Ds line are very near  Redmond Washington , Pluto is god of death and come form where Microsoft located , very interesting isn’t it ?

 However  I don’t really take it in this way , as Midday cahrt’s Astro map has Moon Local space line near same place and Uranus Jupiter line near there too , I hope there still a chance Microsoft experience can change Nokia and help it .    

nokia map2


Mars, Eclipse and missing Mexican students

43 Mexican university Students were disappeared in Guerrero  from 26 September , the 43 students all attended a teacher training college in Ayotzinapa. Eyewitnesses says the students were bundled into police cars, Mexican authorities say they have captured the suspected leader of a criminal gang allegedly involved in the disappearance of 43 students. This event rise local people ‘s anger toward to Police and Mafia,  thousands of protesters marched in the city of Acapulco on the Pacific coast of Guerrero state demanding the safe return of the students and in support for their families on 17th October.Anti-riot police have been deployed to the several towns in Guerrero after protesters attacked local government buildings.


Mexico Eclipse Chart

This terrible event start from 26 September and very close to Eclipse ,  some astrologer mention about Moon’s wobble or Eclipse season can indicate

Both Lunar Eclipse chart on 8 Oct 2014 and Solar Eclipse chart on 24 (23) Oct has Mars effect , Mars on Lunar Eclipse IC and Mars on Solar Eclipse MC

螢幕快照 2014-10-20 下午10.22.16 螢幕快照 2014-10-20 下午10.20.22

Out of bounds Mars 

Mars is important in this Eclipse as it appear on Mexico’s Mc and it is also Eclipse Sun Moon ruler .

However This is not only indication about this bloody event .  The Universe is not just 2 dimensions , the ancient astrologer also keep an eye on plane’s declination.  Most planets are orbit around the maximum of 23 degree 26   south and north in the sky this bound is Ecliptic , however sometime the planets will out of this bound and we call it out of bounds , this suggest the plant out of control , get wild .

From 28 Sep to  20 Nov Mars is out of bound ,this suggest fights and conflict are more easy to observer.

螢幕快照 2014-10-20 下午10.26.36

Astro map of Eclipse

ACG map forLunar Eclipse on 8 Oct 2014 has Mars and Chiron very close to Guerrero.

螢幕快照 2014-10-20 下午10.08.10

Solar Eclipse char also has Mars Mc line around Guerrero and Local space chart has Mars Pluto around that area too . At this moment Geodetic Mars line is pass by Mexico , this maybe give us another astrological explanation of this cruel event .

螢幕快照 2014-10-20 下午9.49.51

Mars out of bounds at the moment and violence are spare everywhere , from Mexico to Hong Kong police beat Protester most them are students .

I am really sad and still try to work out event time so that we maybe can find them with Astro map. If any of you know the event time would you please share here .

And Please pray for their safety ( both Students in Hong Kong and Guerrero )

9th November 2014 Update

I am really sad for this devastate news ,

On the 7th November the Suspected gang members have confessed to killing more than 40 students missing for six weeks, after police of Cocula handed students to gang members , they had loaded the students into dumper trucks and taken them to a landfill site in Cocula, a city near Iguala.  Students killed and their bodies have been burned.

I also found the time of students’ clash with the police after they leaved Iguala bus station is 9:30 pm so I use that time as event chart and draw a Local space map and we will see Cocula was on Mars LS line and Pluto line was not far . 

螢幕快照 2014-11-09 下午11.35.29

Local Space map on 21:30 PM 26th Sep 2014 from Iguala

More information from wikipedia


A snapshot of Astro map on Ebola 2014


On 6 October A Spanish nurse has been tested positive for Ebola after contact with two victims in Madrid. This is second countries outside of West Africa where has confirm Ebola outside of West Africa . This draw my attention away from Hong Kong back to Europe . Before I start look at astro map I usually work on Eclipses and Lunation. 

2014 Eclispes and  Spain’s country chart


Lunar Eclipse are happing on 8th Oct , I think this is a important Eclipse as it is a full moon after Autumn Equinox , Sun and Moon are line up with Earth not only on Zodiac degree also on the declination of ecliptic , I strongly doubt that influence and impact will be stranger then other Eclipse. Also If we look at Lunar Eclipses chart  Moon is just degree away from Uranus , this Eclipse trigger Uranus Pluto square . 


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If we check the Solar Eclipse chart on 22 Oct 2014 we will see that Pluto are so close to Descendant and both Mars and Pluto in 6th house , the house of Public health in Mundane astrology.

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and if we put Lunar Eclipse chart and  modern Spain chart ( 1975) we notice that Sun Moon  Uranus of Lunar Eclipse conjunct Spain ‘s Jupiter Venus , and Transiting Pluto opposite Spain’s Cancer Moon right on 6th House cusp, this clear indicate the on the current issue of Ebola could bring crisis , worry , terror , people and public health.   Transiting Saturn right on Spain’s North node near Mc which indicate that challenge of government from outside out country .


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the October 2014 Solar Eclipse has Sun Moon on 0 Scorpio which conjunct Spain’s Uranus and trine Mars , a sense  of shocking , and urge to do something , not only Ebola virus  , don’t forget currently catalonia call for referendum of catalonia independent after Scotland hold referendum on August 2014 .

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Ebola out break 2014 and Astro Mapping 

Ebola out break on this year are surprisingly all happened around Eclipses and Solar Cardinal ingress point. I know there are lots astrologers focus on this especially after 30th September first vase confirm in Dallas Texas . Astrologer  Olga Morales  has a great analyse on it please check it on  https://www.facebook.com/groups/mundaneastrologers/

This first case draw WHO’s attention was two boy die near December 2013 in Guinea , we reckon this is the start point of this out break . I use to read Eclipse chart of this area.    The Solar Eclipse on November 2013 has Sun Moon conjunct  Saturn around Mc of chart .




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If we look at Solar Map

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The Pluto LS line of 2013 November Solar Eclipse chart near South US and both Sun and Moon Asc lines on Dallas .

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The LS Saturn line of  2013 Solar Eclipse chart has past Spain and near Madrid .

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Astromap of October Eclipese

Astro map of Solar Eclipse on 22 October 2014 has Mars Mc line near Dallas and Pluto Descent line near Spain , both Mars and Pluto are Ruler of this eclipse .

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Next chart is Geodetic astro map of this Solar Eclipse as Madrid has 15 Cancer Ascendent and 25 Pisces Mc and 22 Oct 2014 solar eclipse on Madrid chart has 16 Cancer Asc and 27 Pisces Mc , this make two charts look very similar .

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If we compare Madrid 2014 October Lunar Eclipse chart which has 7 Sagittarius Asc and 27 Virgo . and Geodetic Madrid 2014 October Lunar Eclipse we will notice the different .

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Uranus Pluto square and Hong Kong 

In my last article about ” China under Uranus Pluto square ” I mentioned that I would write about Hong Kong and Taiwan . Recent events in Hong Kong that may cause concern are also relate to Uranus Pluto square.  This is a study I would like to share .

Hong Kong was a British Colony until 1 July 1997 . As it is a westernised city, the people of Hong Kong enjoyed a high level of freedom and some democracy.  For businessmen,  Hong Kong is a gateway into the Chinese trading market. Here you will find all you need from interpreters and bankers to consultants and resources. Hong Kong is also one of the important financial markets in Asia as it used to have clear financial regulation and was watched by the Hong Kong government. Hong Kong also plays a leading role in the asian entertainment  industry, pop music , film making.  I bet you all know Jackie Chan and Jet Li, they began their acting careers in Hong Kong.

I mentioned in the previous article that Hong Kong changed after 1997, in recent years there are several things you can hear in Hong Kong that you rarely heard before:  Anti China tourist sentiments and a call for Hong Kong independence . As I visit Hong Kong since 1997 I notice the changes . The word HongKonger appeared this year showing the awareness of  local identity. 

Here is Hong Kong’s chart we use 1st July 1997 at midnight.

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Hong Kong’s chart has

3 degree of Aries Ascendent

Mars in 5 degree Libra near Descendant

2 degree Capricorn Mc 

Sun in 8 degree Cancer in 4th  House

Moon in 19 Taurus in 2 th

So/Mo midpoint in 13 Gemini 58 ( Mutable signs ) and 28 degree Cardinal signs  

Neptune conjunct  So/Mo

As/Mc midpoint in 18 Fixed signs and 3 degree Cardinal signs

Uranus in 7 Aquarius  sextile Pluto in  4 Sagittarius , this suggests that Hong Kong is more easily affected by Uranus Pluto cycle. 

Before 1997

Historians usually believe that Hong Kong’s history was started from 26 Jan 1841 when Sir Charles Elliot KCB arrived in Hong Kong and raised the British Empire flag.  We don’t know about exact time but this chart still has a tight Uranus Pluto semi-sextile which suggests that Hong Kong really has something to do with Uranus Pluto cycles. In 1960 while the Cultural Revolution occurred in China , Hong Kong was also affected . 

Hong Kong was ruled by the British Empire from 1841.  However the Chinese Qing government did not recognise its sovereignty, until 1842 when the British Empire defeated China again in the First Opium war and forced its government to sign Treaty of Nanking. Then, Hong Kong was handed over to British Empire.   Some Hong Kong Astrologers use the time when the British Empire and China signed the Treaty of Nanking on 29 Aug 1842 for Hong Kong’s Chart.  However we don’t have exact time and perhaps it when the treaty came into force wold make more sense, which was after 26 Jun 1843.  However, as the British army were first present on 26 Jan 1841 and never left from that date, perhaps that is a more logical date to use. 

Uranus Pluto conjunction Leftist Riots 1967 

From May to September 1967,   Leftists lead a series of Anti Colonial Government protests and Strikes. In the End it led to riots, including several terrorist attacks with bombs. 52 people died including 11 Police officers  and a Radio host, murdered as he opposed the riots.


This happened when Uranus Pluto conjunct  in Virgo  opposite 1841 chart’s Moon Uranus and Venus . 1967 Solar Eclipse Mars was on 16 Libra forming a T square with 1841’s Pluto in Aries and Chiron in Cancer.  Eclipse New Moon was square 1841 chart’s Neptune and Node suggesting that  the Chinese communist party was the main supporter of these riots as part of the Cultural Revolution.  

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Hong Kong  After 1997

In 1999, two years after the return to China, I asked my Hong Kong friends what was different from when they had been a British colony.  Most of them told me:     

     “Nothing. We work, we eat, we dance, we race horses, we can still say whatever we want to say.” 

Now, 15 years later, I see anti-government protests getting bigger and bigger on 1 July year by year.

Hongkongers are not really happy about their government and Beijing for many reasons: terrible living environment and ridiculous house prices that cause whole families to have to live in a small studio;  they feel their life space has been invaded by Chinese tourists;  Public Transport problems, education problems and low salaries for labourers.

During recent Uranus Pluto square, I observed a few social movement in Hong Kong and saw it fit in to an Astrological view of Uranus Pluto cycles.

Hong Kong Chief Executive election 2012

Hong Kong government and Beijing has been criticised since the Hong Kong Chief Executive election 2012.  In 2005, the major parties in the Hong Kong legislative council voted in favour a of direct election system for the Chief Executive.  However this has been blocked by Beijing. The election on 2012 was vote by a 1200 member Election Committee most appointed by Beijing.  This election caused several protest in Hong Kong , pro-democracy supporters call it small circle election. Protest groups also hosted a People version of the election before the official Chief Executive election 2012.

Since Hong Kong people complained about not only Power from Beijing influence their local government’s decision, Government pro Beijing but ignore what local people need.


The Solar Eclipse chart of November 2011 in Hong Kong has Uranus right on Asc and square Pluto in 10th , New Moon in 8th House square Chiron in 12th.  (1)


In 2012 Hong Kong ’s Aries Ingress chart has Uranus in 9th conjunct MC square Pluto in 6th. (2)

Dispute of 2012 Moral and national education – Cultural Revolution 

In September 2012 the Hong Kong Government planned to introduce the new subject of Moral and National education in primary schools in 2012 and secondary schools in 2013.

The subject material was mostly teaching that: they should love love China and the communist party; the best political regime is Chinese communist regime. Such Nationalist views raise arguments in China and several Students groups had stand out protests as this new content was more like Brainwashing.

The anti Moral and national education protester has several conflicts with The pro Beijing supporter during 2012 and 2013.There were also some conflict s in University between pro Beijing students group and pro democracy student group. 

During these conflicts there are several similar point as 1967 riots . The subject material was full of Chinese Communist Nationalism propaganda, pictures, articles, story and songs made people think about the propaganda used during the Cultural Revolution .

Red Guards phenomena 

The pro-Beijing group challenged the pro-democracy group with violence and interrupted several talks hosted by pro-democracy and students groups. This behaviour has been criticised as “Red Guards” Red Guards were those huge number of young people who participated P.R.C Cultural Revolution during 1960s .


Red Guards

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the pro-Bejing Nationalist groupe

Not only were the pro-Bejing Nationalist group called “Red Guards”, the main part of anti-Nationalist-propaganda protesters were a group of young students called  Scholarism, these students are aged from 16 -20, mostly from High schools. This group of Young Hong Kong citizens  led several protests about moral and national education outside of the Government HQ, joining the 1 July anti government protest and join Hong Kong dock strike in 2013. Their protest against government power was criticised by pro Beijing politicians as anti government and like the Cultural Revolution “Red Guards”. 

Another point making 2012-2013 similar to 1967 is that the Police department took no action to against violent attacks that disrupted the pro-democracy group meeting, this caused tension between People (pro-democracy) and Police, analysts point out that the level of tension as high as 1967 riots.  

Let us look at Eclipse and Ingress chart on 2012 The Luna Eclipse has Sun Moon opposition on Horizon and conjunct Venus , Uranus square Pluto and Uranus rule 3 rd house ( Education ), Neptune and Chiron 3rd house represent Education and Young People, Neptune was Station on this chart and also rule 4th house , home , land , root and sense of belonging , this chart  suggest the confusing identity of Hongkonger . The argument on education , They rise a question  Does China our country or just another colony country   


Let us look Libra ingress chart as this is the moment when HK government announced the project  of Moral and national education , Sun rule 3 rd house and form a T square with Uranus Pluto , Mercury also in this T square . Neptune Chiron conjunct in 9 house but very close to MC. 

2013 Hong Kong dock strike

This Event should also count as part of the Uranus Pluto square event in Hong Kong , as Hongkongers usually have a good name as being hardworking, they cope with bad working conditions and low salary.  Most people are afraid of losing their job so they bite their tongue and work hard. 

In early 2013, Dockers requested a rise in their wages as their salary in 2013 was 13% lower than in 1997. The Docks are owned by Hong Kong business tycoon Li Ka-Shing ’s Cheung Kong Holdings but the workforce is out-sourced by several small companies. 

The companies denial of the dockers’ request made dockers start to get support form outside including unions and the media. The Dockers opened Facebook page  to highlight their terrible working conditions.  Journalists with hidden camera came and revealed awful working condition. They usually worked in a cage, 68 ft above the ground for 12 hours a day.  They had to eat lunch while working (no lunch break and no time for the toilet, don’t ask me how they sorted that out) and faced all sort of dangers without insurance for their dangerous job . 

The strike started 28 March 2013. As the dockers would not earn money during strike, The union raised funds to help the striking dockers and got support from all around Hong Kong.  The students group, Scholarism, supported  this strike, as did the international docker network, with support from dockers in  Japan, Taiwan and Australia.  However the government’s reaction was criticised as too slow and supporting he business tycoon rather than the dockers.    

The strike ended in May after the companies promised wage rises of around 9% and a promise to improve dockers’ working condition, including allowing lunch and toilet breaks.

The workers attracted many supporters among student unions and pro-democracy parties in Hong Kong. Most citizen especially young citizens were aware how huge corporations dominated their life.  In supporting the dockers’ strike, they are venting the frustrations and resentments caused by cramped, expensive living conditions.

2013 – 2014 Worry about the loss of freedom of speech 

In the last year, news abouts protests and anti government feelings have disappeared from Hong Kong’s mainstream media as most of it is owned by a pro-Beijing media tycoon.  Several small independent  media outlets who support the Citizen Movement have been harassed. Early 2014, Kevin Lau a former chief Editor of one such newspaper was seriously injured after a mafia attack.  Most people believe that attack was related to an investigation of corruption in China carried out by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.  Kevin Lau lead this investigation in Hong Kong.  This attack made Hongkongers worry they are losing their freedom of speech. 

From here the dock strike could be seen as part of global Uranus Pluto square movement, along with: the Nationalism Education conflicts between the pro-democracy and pro-Beijing groups; the tension between government, police office and citizens; violence toward each other and media workers being threatened by violent attack.  It is all similar like 1967. 

Both 1967 and 2012 -13 have a Uranus Pluto aspect.  In some events we can trace the direct link, such as the Nationalism subject material and the Red Guard which are influences from the Cultural Revolution, there are also another events which I will discuss later.   Other events are similar: a violent attack on a media worker; huge strike and the fight between pro Beijing and pro democracy factions. 



If we look  at 10 May 2013 Solar Eclipse Chart , New Moon was in 19 degree Taurus, surprisingly we will find the May 1967 Solar Eclipse has New Moon on 18 Degree Taurus, for who familiar with Eclipse this suggests this Lunation family will trigger Hong Kong event .  

HK7 Hong Kong 1997chart  has Moon on 19 Taurus where May 2013 Eclipse point fall on exact degree , 1997 chart also has  18 fixed As/Mc midpoint chart .


1841 chart has Node on 18 degree Aquarius  trigger by  Solar Eclipse on May 1967 by square (8).  Looks like18 Degrees of Fixed signs is a sensitive point  for Hong Kong. 

Another type cultural revolution ? 

In cultural-wise another thing gets my attention , it is the argument between traditional Chinese writing and simplified Chinese writing, at the moment China, Singapore and Malaysia are using Simplified and Traditional is used in Hong Kong and Taiwan.  In recent years, as more Chinese tourists go to Hong Kong, there are e lots of places changing road signs to simplified Chinese writing this is causing arguments in Hong Kong as most citizens are proud of the use of the traditional Chinese  system.  However people who support simplified Chinese think it is better to unite the writing system with China. The same situation happened in Taiwan. Funnily enough in a important national political council meeting in early 2014 , some Chinese politicians were suggesting switch back to Traditional Chinese for the first time after the Cultural Revolution.  Simplified Chinese Writing was born just before the Cultural Revolution in 1964 while Uranus Pluto conjunction and its influence getting stronger also been review whether should continue to use it during Uranus Pluto square.

Occupy Central with Love and Peace movement

The election of Hong Kong’s Chief Executive is a major political issue in Hong Kong.  The Beijing government is not happy to see Universal Suffrage happen in Hong Kong. The current Chief Executive was elected by a small group of representatives chosen by Beijing.  However pro-democracy Hong-kongers are expecting a higher standard of Universal Suffrage in 2017. The Pro-democracy movement proposed an idea of occupying central in Summer 2014 to display their determination. However Beijing soon denied the possibility of direct election in 2017. 

This lead to two other events in 2014.  The first was the civil referendum.  On 20 June 2014 pro-democracy hosted a poll about a proposal allowing the public, a nominating committee, and political parties to name candidates for the Hong Kong leader  which got 42% of votes in support of this proposal, this was not an official vote and the result was denied by the Hong Kong government and Beijing.  Also during this couple of days, Hong Kong University and the American IT company CloudFlare which both maintained this online poll system were facing huge hacker attacks. 

Another event was after the annual 1 July marches on the 17th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong to Chinese rule which draws over 500,000 protesters (100,000 according to officials) and over 500 arrests as they take action about rehearsal Occupy Central, most of them were students. 

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Both Solar and Lunar eclipse on 2014 in Hong Kong has Neptune Chiron conjunct Dsc, the Cardinal grand cross was fall on Hong Kong chart ’s 1st-4th – 7th -10th houses and Uranus right on  Hong Kong’s natal Saturn ( 10th House ruler) , Transit Jupiter on Mercury (Students). 

An interesting observation happens around 20th of July when Saturn form a quincunx with Uranus and both Planets stationery, Saturn went direct and Uranus went retrograde . The Pro Beijing supporters also announced that there are over 930000 people signing an Anti-Occupy Central petition. Could it be the Government and Beijing powers represented by Saturn moves forward and Uranus (revolution rebelling ) moves backward?  

Hongkonger is awaking  

The recent Hong Kong is not like the one I knew before, from the environment of view.  This overcrowded island is getting more tourists, I used to jog around Victoria pier every time I visited Hong Kong.  I had to abandon this interest as now this area full of tourists from early morning to the evening and I can barely move when I go there. Local shops are disappearing, replaced by Luxurious fashion brand shop. 

Some Hongkongers see the Chinese government as just another colonial nation and local identity is rising.  Simply by insisting I am Hongkonger is a strong indication, which I rarely heard before. Although the voices are not strong enough to call for independence but the voice is there, which worries the PRC government.

Another observation is that Hongkongers are more aware of their life, Hong Kong people used to be criticised for only looking at material success and not caring about life and environment.  But I have noticed that they are changing in this.

Recently Hongkongers are caring more about: what is happened around them; what the government is doing; their living conditions; environment and house prices. Also they are more willing to help each other by using social networks. They spread strike news and support it, they notice where there are older people who need help.  I read a story on Facebook about several people stood up to help old people who picked up waste for sale but were fined by Police. In one way this shows tension between police and citizens , in another way Hongkongers are looking after each other. 

Uranus in Aries suggest some people’s unique identity are awaking under the threat of certain Strong powers represented by Pluto Capricorn and in Hong Kong they are proud to be Hongkonger.  

On 31 Aug 2014 China’s legislature ruled the candidates must be approved by more than half of a special nominating body. This rules out the hope of democrat support in Hong Kong. Could Uranus Pluto Square suggest more political struggle in Hong Kong if it does How far it will go and how long it will last ? Will it change Hong Kong totally ?   



Could  Iceland Volcano Eruption Disrupt Air Traffic Again ?

Iceland has canceled many commercial flights for fear that its volcanoes might erupt soon since at least rocked the country since Saturday. 

2,600 of small intense earthquakes have detected in Iceland since Saturday , air line and media are getting start to worry about 

Could Iceland Volcano eruption cause air traffic disruption again like April 2010  ? 

I would like to check the Eclipse and Ingress chart around April 2010 and then we can see if the Eclipse and Ingress chart can give as a clue .

Iceland volcano eruption caused air traffic disruption in early 2010 during 14-20 April the flight in and out from Most Europe cities .

The Solar Eclipse on 15 Jan 2010 in Reykjavik has Mercury rules 9th House Mercury conjunct Pluto and square Saturn . If we relocate Solar Eclipse chart to London and Paris we will have Venus rules 9th and Venus conjunct Neptune and Chiron .


Aries Ingress

The Aries Ingress chart has Sun conjunct Mercury and Uranus opposite Saturn . Mars rule 9th sesquiquadrate Jupiter . Moon right on Mc and Square Neptune and Chiron .


New Moon on 14 Apr 2010 in Reykjavik has Jupiter Uranus in 9th,  Jupiter and Neptune both  rule 9th house. Jupiter Uranus opposite Saturn and Neptune conjunct Chiron quincunx Saturn too , and Mercury in this chart also square Mars. volc7

If we look at ACG chart on Jan 2015 we will see the Pluto and Mercury Ascendent line pass North Europe and Jupiter Neptune Chiron IC lines near East America.



Solar Eclipse of Apr 2014 locate Reykjavik has Pluto in 9th and ruler of 9th House Saturn in 6th house conjunct North Node and Mars . 

volc1Solar Eclipse of Oct 2014   has Neptune conjunct MC , Neptune in astrology usually associated to smoke and God Neptune are associated wit Earthquake. 9th House ruler Saturn conjunct Mars in Scorpio and  co ruler Uranus conjunct South Node . The Eclipse of this year are located either Fire signs Aires and Air Sign Libra this could indicate our eyes focus on war and fire (Fire element ), Libra suggest Society , Law and anything  in the “ Air “ 

The Cancer ingress chart also has Neptune conjunct Descendent .  Moon conjunct Uranus in aries right on 9th house cusp  , 9th House ruler Mars opposite Uranus . 


The Libra Ingress chart has Uranus conjunct MC and Jupiter ( rules 9th House and natural ruler of flight ) on Ascendent square Saturn on 4th House ( from earth ground land ) .


If we locate The New Moon on 25 Aug 2014 in Reykjavik , we have Mercury on MC opposite Chiron on IC, Sun Moon stellium in 9th opposite Neptune , Moon also rule 9th on this chart.  


Let check ACG MAP of Solar Eclipse chart of Oct 2014 , we can see the Neptune and Chiron near Iceland and Jupiter As line past North Europe , Pluto line cross Greenland ,Canada and North America Atlantic and Spain. Mars Pluto LS line cross north Atlantic ocean Scandinavia  and Saturn LS line cross North Europe.  

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As we know These area are most likely to be affect if the volcano erupt ,

As we know These area are most likely to be affect if the volcano erupt, and these  Planets line are appear  on ACG map of Solar Eclipse of october 2014 , This make the disruption are more likely to happen .  

South Taiwan gas explosions

4 dead, over 180 injured as multiple gas explosions hit Taiwan city on 31 Jul 2014.


Kaohsiung , in South Taiwan ( Where the crashed airplane GE222 has took off ) just have serious gas leak and explosion around midnight 1st Aug local time ( 11:57 pm )

According new the gas leak started 9 pm 21 Jul local people ware mask and been warned not use fire , however from 11:57 the explosion spared on several streets .
Transiting Mars square Jupiter (Explosion ) trine Neptune (gas) , Mars also sesquiquadrate Chiron . I observed lots fire ,explosion , gun shout during Mars Chiron Aspect .

Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 19.36.30The Cancer Ingress chart of local place has Mars on MC opposite Uranus on IC form T square wit Pluto on 1st . Explosion area was on Chiron LS line

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New Moon of Geodetic has Mars Jupiter Sun Moon around . 



Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 19.34.22ACG New Moon chart has Saturn on IC. Mars was LS line passed by south West area of Kaohsiung.


Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 19.39.08Solar Eclipse on 29th Apr 2014 has Chiron Neptune on Des , Lunar Eclipse on 15th Apr 2014 Chiron get even close to Des