









火星  4月17日到6月26 逆行   停滯 4月16-18 6月29-30   

木星  1月8日到5月8 逆行   停滯 1月6-9 5月8-10

土星  3月25日到8月13 逆行   停滯 3月22-27 8月11-14      

天王  7月29日到12月28 逆行   停滯 7月25-8月2日 12月25-1月2日   

海王  6月13日到11月19 逆行   停滯 6月9-18 11月15-25   

冥王 4月18日到9月25 逆行   停滯 4月15-21 9月22-30   

凱龍 6月29日到12月3 逆行   停滯 6月22-7月3日 11月27-12月6日   

Economic Cycles and Outer Planet Cycles


In the history of astrological development, a variety of techniques have been developed in order to predict economic trends or fluctuations of stock markets. Lots of astrologers are devoted to studying the relationship between astrology and stock markets or futures. However, there is one thing that we should never forget – economic development can never be isolated from national and social development. Therefore, when we try to predict the development of certain financial markets, astrological techniques on predicting communal and national development must be taken as the basis for the judgment of the overall economic situation.

fig 1. Stock market and Outer Planet Cycles

fig .1

Perhaps you might predict whether the price of a stock will rise based on your observation through astrology, or, like many astrology beginners might do, you could possibly predict a bull market because there is a harmonious Venus-Jupiter aspect; however, you might have overlooked the conjunction of Neptune and DC in the vernal equinox chart of the country implying floods or overflows, or the ingress of transit Pluto into the second house of the national chart which brings forth a strong implication of economic crisis. You might believe that transit Saturn located at MC of a solar eclipse chart has nothing to do with economic development, and that could be where your prediction starts to deviate from the happenings and development of this material world.

Every technique of mundane astrology, which predicts social and national development, helps financial astrologers to address the possibility of a region’s financial development. This includes the interactions between a national chart and its planetary transits, its secondary progression or solar arc progression; furthermore, the observation of seasonal ingress charts, eclipses charts and even charts of new moon and full moon, which can accurately predict climatic changes, should all be put into consideration. Besides, any planets, signs or houses related to financial issues can help us predict the direction of economic development.

William Delbert Gann, who is also an astrologer himself, is a legendary American investor in the 20th century. His publications tell us how important astrology is in his predictive analytics. Lots of astrologers follow his path and use astrology as a tool to analyse the trend of stock market development. However, if we read his works carefully, we see that planets beyond Mars are where his focus is on. Australian astrologer Olga Morales has an astounding research on this; on the other hand, Bill Meridian, an American astrologer, has an impressive contribution to the research of the relationship between astrology, stock markets and economic development. He has collected a massive amount of data of the market and compared the influence that planetary cycles and planetary synodic cycles bring forth respectively. His research has inspired and enlightened me a lot.

fig 2 Gann’s May Soy Beens price fig2

Outer Planet Cycles

Nevertheless, in this article, I will go back to the fundamentals of astrological symbols so as to observe the relationship between ups and downs of economic development and planets. Despite the fact that Darby Costello, my mundane astrology teacher in Faculty of Astrological Studies, is not a financial astrologer, she has conducted an in-depth study into planetary cycles and illustrated the relationship between economic development and outer planet cycles. In 2008, when Pluto was about to ingress into Capricorn, Costello pointed out that whenever Pluto ingresses into Capricorn, not only the political structure of a nation would be subjected to turbulent upheavals, but drastic changes would also take place in economic activities in human societies. Cardinal signs symbolise the major structures of our societies. When Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto ingress into these signs, there would be fluctuations and turbulence in the economy; in these times, we should not underestimate the extent that the market would respond. Annual ingress of Jupiter into a sign could possibly be related to the inclination concerning which industries would thrive, while lots of astrologers find that lunar nodes are far more sensitive to economic markets than we have ever imagined. In Gann’s research, there is a famous table enlisting a 9-year economic cycle, which is actually based on his observation on the movement of nodal axis along the ecliptic. Interestingly, although lunar nodes are not planets but just two points at which the solar orbit and lunar orbit intersect, they inform us of economic changes accurately. Moreover, stations of outer planets in the ecliptic often signal the timings when drastic political and economic changes take place.

Relationship between Synodic Cycles of Outer Planets and Economic Development

Before we start to explore what each planetary aspect implies in financial astrology, let’s get ourselves familiar with the concept of planetary synodic cycles first, as this will benefit our study a lot. Dane Rudhyar, who is credited as the father of modern astrology, studied aspects and development of life cycles from the perspective of Sun-Moon synodic cycle and this has laid tremendous influence upon countless modern astrologers. Simply put, a synodic cycle of any two planets starts when the faster planet approaches the slower one which leads to a conjunction. As the faster planet keeps on progressing, they will form several stressful aspects in the cycle including semi-squares, squares and oppositions, each of which chronicles a significant change of issues represented by these two planets.

In Sun-Moon aspects, an opposition means a full moon, which is the climax of the lunar cycle and the brightest day of the moon. Astrologers suggest that the waxing moon phases from new moon to full moon symbolise developments, leading to the belief that the waxing phases of any two planets between their conjunction and opposition may also imply growth and development. The key phase here is the square formed before opposition, which is also named the waxing square, a vital challenge in the development. Similarly, from opposition to the next conjunction, modern astrologers see it as the waning moon which gets smaller as the phases progress, implying that it is the ending process of issues and the cycle. The square formed after the opposition is called the waning square, implying that there would be a major challenge confronted by the cycle of the issue, similar to the fact that a lot of entities would come to the ending phase of a period in winter so as to allow the new beginning to happen during the next conjunction.

fig 3. Moon PhaseScreen Shot 2015-10-01 at 18.24.06

Historically, many important economic crises took place when outer planets formed aspects to one another; at times when outer planets form a waning square which often bears the attribute of ending to the cycle, its influence will be more vigorous than other aspects. Besides, we can allow the outer planets to have a greater orb. We do not need to wait for the exact aspect to observe the happening of changes. Rick Tarnas, a mundane astrologer, gives a 10 degree orb to the outer planets, a very wide one to many astrologers’ judgment. He explained that it takes a very long time for economic or political incidents to brew and accumulate stress, which I can comprehend in a sense that signals often arise right before two outer planets approach each other and enter the 10 degree orb. Perhaps this is worth noticing from the perspective of taking precautions.

Jupiter-Saturn: Jupiter symbolises plans, developments and expansions. Traditionally, it is also related to wealth. From the modern point of view, the synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn which lasts 20 years is the most important symbol of social development in astrology. What’s special here is that Jupiter symbolises development and expansions whereas Saturn represents implementation and contraction; when the two energies interlock and interact, issues like confrontations between the liberal parties and the conservatives in politics, free economy (Jupiter) and government intervention (Saturn) in the financial market, or the metabolism of certain thriving industries are all related to the waltz of these two planets. Lots of financial crises occur when Jupiter and Saturn form a stressful aspect. Sometimes, when there are other accompanying factors, there could be financial crises and economic depression even when Jupiter and Saturn are in a harmonious aspect; in this case, the harmonious aspect here will not be the major reason behind the crises. Most mundane astrologers believe that the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle can be categorised into two main phases, the first 10 years from conjunction to opposition as the waxing phase which symbolises a progressive development, and the next 10 years from opposition to the next conjunction as the waning phase which is a period of depression and reorganisation. Last Jupiter Saturn opposition occurred on 2010 and next conjunction will be in 2020.   

Fig 4 (Jupiter Saturn )

fig4 jusa

Jupiter-Uranus: In the past, the Jupiter-Uranus synodic cycle was not emphasised in financial astrology. Considering the properties of these two planets, it could be true that they might not be appropriate when we only focus on crises, horrors and economic recessions. However, the number of industries related to Uranus has been increasing in recent years, including the information-technology industry and energy industry (when nuclear energy is considered); almost all industries which are related to advanced technology are within the realm of Jupiter and Uranus. In 1999 to 2000, from the dot com bubble burst, we find that Jupiter and Uranus formed a square at that time, and they even formed a square to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. In a way, when Uranus formed a square to Jupiter and Saturn at the same time in this chart, it implied that Uranus would play a major role in this 20-year economic cycle.

Jupiter-Neptune: In the same way, it is not easy for Jupiter and Neptune to be the attention of financial astrologers. These two planets are related to dreams and adventures, and we might not see how they interact in incidents related to crises and recessions. However, in 1997-2000, the era when the craze of Internet development swept around the world, Jupiter was forming a conjunction with Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius; around August -September 1998 when Jupiter formed a sextile with Neptune, the NAZDAQ index began to skyrocket for next couple years .

(fig 5) Jupiter-Neptune and Stock Marketfig.5

Saturn-Uranus: These are another pair of planets which are far too underestimated by modern financial astrologers. A lot of astrologers only regard them as the conservative power and revolutionaries in politics; however, Saturn actually symbolises the vested interest in tradition, including the conservative entrepreneurs, governments and regimes, whereas Uranus often symbolises the uprising middle class and those entrepreneurs who refuse to be bounded by laws and regulations. There is a close relationship between industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism, both of which took place when Uranus was discovered in the 18th century; the French Revolution was also a revolution by the middle class at the beginning, which is why Uranus can precisely represent the middle class and the rising magnates. Aspects of this pair of planets are tied to entrepreneurs, market speculators and the rise of information technology. In 1980, the Depositor Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act was seen as the beginning of economic liberalisation of U.S. The U.S government carried out a substantial deregulation to the financial industry later in 1986 – Uranus formed a sextile to Saturn in Scorpio when the Act was passed, after which many European countries followed suit. For instance, Iceland, which relied on fishery and tourism, became rich with the help of economic liberalisation. However, in the 2008 economic crisis, Iceland bore the brunt and suffered severe shock. It not only became a case study of financial crisis but also was treated as how the result of economic liberalisation manifested. The Saturn-Uranus opposition at that moment was an important signal, and it also symbolised that the result of liberalisation (Uranus) of economy from governance (Saturn) was finally seen by the world.

(fig.6) Depositor Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act has Saturn Uranus sextilefig.6

Saturn-Neptune: To some astrologers, Neptune symbolises chaos or lies. Few astrologers believe that Saturn-Neptune aspects could be related to finance; however, in many circumstances, Neptune symbolises the result of maritime trades in ancient times. You might bear tremendous risk, but at the end of the day if you manage to complete the voyage, you would be capable of bringing back expensive silks and spices, which means a huge reward. I regard Saturn-Neptune aspects, Jupiter-Saturn aspects and Uranus-Saturn aspects as the ones which can best manifest economic development. Politically, the pairing of Saturn-Neptune is related to the left wing, liberalism, and the political changes between communism and the conservatives. When regarding economic development, Neptune often symbolises people’s dreams and longings. Lots of people use “economic bubble” to describe an economic situation in which over-speculation occurs with a lack of real value, the earliest use of which can be dated back to 1720 in the South Sea Bubble incident. At that time, the South Sea company exaggerated its revenue to attract people to buy its stock. Finally, the British Parliament legislated to stop the craze. On 29th December, 1989, the Japanese economic bubble burst which eventually led to a 10-year economic recession. It started at the time when Saturn and Neptune formed a conjunction.

fig.7 Saturn and Neptune conjunction on 29th December, 1989fig.7

Saturn-Pluto: We usually do not suggest that Saturn-Pluto aspects have any influence to economy, but we need to be aware that Pluto is often related to oil and minerals underground. Saturn usually implies governmental control and regulation, whereas Pluto suggests invisible influence. I noticed that when oil crisis first took place in 1973, Saturn was in Cancer while Pluto was in Libra, forming a waning square. In June to December 2014 when the oil price drastically dropped, Saturn and Pluto were in a semi-square. This aspect is related to government intervention, and at the same time it is also related to the influence of minerals and oil.

Uranus-Pluto: This pair of planets plays a very important role in mundane astrology. They symbolise a radical change in human civilisation. In the past few years, many astrologers reminded us that such changes would affect our living. Although astrologers were not keen to put Uranus-Pluto aspects into consideration when addressing economic development, drastic political changes and tense international relationships could possibly lead to potential market changes which are worth our attention. We could observe that the Uranus-Pluto square in 2012-2016 would still possibly influence economy to a certain extent.

fig.8 Oil Price with Saturn Pluto aspect fig.8

Nodal aspects: Lunar nodes are points where the solar orbit and lunar orbit intersect. Symbolically, it is where people gather, which is why some astrologers suggest that lunar nodes reflect how people respond. No matter which planet is involved, it would be best when a planet and a lunar node form a conjunction, which often symbolises characteristics that the market response may carry. When Jupiter and a lunar node form a stressful aspect or a conjunction, it implies that people are optimistic to the market, and it usually is the time when high-return investments could possibly have a better performance. When a lunar node and Saturn forms an aspect (especially a conjunction), people hold a pessimistic and depressing point of view towards the market. When Uranus and north node, which implies people’s reaction, form an aspect, it is when people could possibly choose a rather conservative investment or they might expect a forthcoming vigorous market reaction, and the advanced technology industries would be much concerned in this case. Conjunction of Neptune and a lunar node often suggest that people are highly expecting, over-excited, or even willing to take risk for an enormous reward, whereas Pluto bears the implication of recession, ending and reintegration; however, Pluto somehow is closely related to the underground minerals and oil.

fig 9 Nodal aspects and Market performing fig 9

Noticeable economic crises study

Now, we try to focus on the Great Depression, the most noticeable economic crisis in the 20th century. Despite the fact that Saturn was only applying to Neptune to form a trine accompanying a Jupiter-Saturn opposition when Wall Street Crash occurred in October 1929, we had a Saturn-Uranus waning square after the Great Depression in 1930 – 1934, a Uranus-Pluto waning square in 1931 – 1936, and finally a Saturn-Neptune opposition in 1936 – 1937.

1929 – 1936

When we focus on 1929 Wall Street Crash – the largest and most important economic depression in the 20th century – we would find that although Saturn and Uranus were only applying to a trine at the moment with an upcoming Jupiter-Saturn opposition ( exact on 1931), we had a Saturn-Uranus waning square after the Great Depression in 1930 – 1934, a Uranus-Pluto waning square in 1931-1936, and finally a Saturn-Neptune opposition in 1936-1937.

fig 10 Outer planets aspect between 1929-1930fig 10 

fig 11 Saturn-Neptune opposition in 1936-1937fig 11

1973 – 1975

We now observe the oil crisis and stock market crash which took place between 1973 and 1974. In U.K, this crisis even lasted to 1975. On 16th October 1973 when the oil-exporting countries regulated the oil price which led to a series of economic crises, Jupiter and Saturn formed a quincunx, Saturn and Neptune another quincunx, Saturn and Pluto a waning square, and Saturn and the north node an exact conjunction. 

fig 12 oil crisis 1973fig12

2007 – 2012

The most recent economic crisis took place between 2007 and 2009. Before that, the Uranus-north node conjunction triggered a crazy and scary market response. Traits of the crisis started to appear in September 2007 when Northern Rock bankrupted, which was when Saturn was approaching the north node; people started to be aware of it. In the next year when AIG and Lehman Brothers both went bankrupted, Saturn and Pluto were in a square, and Uranus and Pluto were also in a square; at the same time, Saturn and Uranus were approaching an opposition. Later, when Saturn ingressed into Libra, Uranus was in Aries and Pluto ingressed into Capricorn, all of which were cardinal signs and forming a T-square, it was the time when European Debt Crisis broke out. Some economists suggested that 2007 – 2012 should be seen as a global economic recession; however, has the recession ended already?

fig 13 fig13


Since the beginning of 2015, Greek government-debt crisis started to worsen. Actually, this crisis was first noticed in 2009, and it not only was part of the European Debt Crisis but also the manifestation of Uranus-Pluto square on financial aspect. While Greece was in deep trouble, Chinese stock market dropped drastically in June, which once again stirred up people’s worry regarding financial crisis; actually, some astrologers had already predicted this through chart readings by then. In June, both Saturn, Uranus and Pluto formed stressful aspects; in July and August, Jupiter and Saturn formed a waning square. All these implications remind us that a bigger crisis should be coming.

fig 14fig14

In the upcoming two years, planets are giving us more hints on economic developments and challenges:

Sep – Oct 2015, Saturn-Jupiter sesqui-square

Nov – Dec 2015, Saturn-Neptune square

Dec 2015 – Apr 2016, Uranus-Pluto square

Mar – Jun 2016, Jupiter-Saturn waning square

May – Sep 2016, Saturn-Neptune square Uranus

These implications remind us repetitively that we should not see the crises in 2008 – 2010 as an individual incident. They are actually a series of influence. Based on what Uranus-Pluto square implies and the severe change on economic structure that ingress of Pluto into Capricorn often implies, maybe it is time for astrologers to observe how these planets would affect history from a great scope of view. Although we do not know the specific time for the beginning of capitalism in history, it was not until 19th century when the word “capitalism” started to be used extensively by politicians and economists, and we often agree that industrial revolution, which happened in the 18th century after the invention of steam engines, was the driving force that brought forth huge impact upon capitalists and capitalism – it was the time when Saturn was in Capricorn. It was also industrial revolution, last time when Saturn in Capricorn, that granted human societies rapid changes. Now, with Pluto being in Capricorn once again, could it be the chance for us to observe how we could be affected by Pluto’s cycle, and what changes could possibly happen in the future?

No more HIV V.S. Super-gonorrhoea.  A farewell of Saturn Scorpio ?

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I cannot stop myself from writing this article and I cannot stop studying this case, maybe I can blame my 8H Sun.

Just few days after the 13th September  2015  Solar Eclipse, we have Australia changing Prime Minister and the Chilean Earthquake.  Refugees keep coming to Europe and on 18th of September a few hours after Saturn moved into Sagittarius, the BBC news tells us of the “Super-gonorrhoea outbreak in England ( Leeds )“

That same day, the news reported some posters promoting unprotected sex all around Melbourne overnight. They proclaim that “Pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment“ can prevent HIV, and therefore people (or gay men) are able to have unprotected sex without worrying about HIV. This is very interesting astrological timing as Saturn has just moved out Scorpion, the sign associated with Death and Crisis.  It rules the private parts of the body and for Modern astrologers, Scorpio is also associated with sex.



Two stories drew my attention to Saturn/Scorpio with untreatable diseases. The first, In 2013 a few months after Saturn moved into Scorpio again, I saw an advertisement in a magazine in which Bill Gates told us “We are just this close to ending Polio“.  This is very interesting as Bill Gates himself has Saturn in Scorpio in 5th house conjunct Venus. So I was curious about the history of the polio vaccine and more surprises popped up.

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The first polio vaccine was announced on 12 April 1955 (Time and place unknow so I use sun rise chart in UK )  .  If we use Sun rise chart in London, we will have Saturn in 19 Scorpio square Pluto in 24 Leo and Neptune on 27 Libra sextile Pluto.  More interesting is that Jupiter Uranus conjunct in Cancer trine Saturn (this was really a big surprise treatment for thousands of families as polio was an untreatable and unpreventable disease at that time ).

If we look back they are also few stories between HIV and Saturn Scorpio.  Last time when Saturn was in Scorpio from December 1982 to November 1985, it was about the time when the media noticed “AIDS“ and started the panic of this disease.  People started to realise that HIV was not only a “gay plague“ it could infected through unprotected heterosexual behaviour and also through sharing needles for injections.  Although the first HIV case was seen in 1981, the virus was discovered in 1983, during Saturn in Scorpio.  After learning that the polio vaccine was announced when  Saturn Scorpio,  I was expecting to hear of a vaccine for HIV by the move of Saturn to the end of Scorpio.

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Unfortunately I did not hear anything,  but in September 2013 the media reported the success of “Pre-exposure prophylaxis treatment“ that can prevent HIV for people who were having unprotected sex, I did not pay much attention as it still not a “vaccine“ for me, but, nevertheless, it is some good news .
More interesting is the news about that poster promoting unprotected sex and announcing “ PrEP works,  No more HIV“ on the day Saturn move away from Scorpio.

After I read that news I tried to find out more about this super-gonorrhoea. You may think that  gonorrhoea is no longer a big deal.   Usually it can be cured with an antibiotic. However it is a huge deal when it becomes untreatable.  An untreatable STD is signified by Saturn in Scorpio or if you want Saturn in Scorpio with Mutual reception with Pluto in Capricorn.
According to the report,  the first super-gonorrhoea was apparently reported in Kyoto in January 2009.  Medical doctors found it difficult to treat a case of gonorrhoea with antibiotics.  A second case appeared in June 2010 in France and a third in Sweden in July 2010.

Of course this is not an outbreak but particular medical cases in different places.  However I think the timing of the first discovery must have some astrological meaning.  Usually the nearest Cardinal ingress chart will give us a sign of what kind things we should watch out for during that season. The 2008 Capricorn ingress chart has Neptune on Dsc, Neptune is the planet we usually associate with viruses.    Venus conjunct Chiron and Neptune in 6th house , the 6th house (public health and disease) ruler, Saturn, in 21 Virgo opposite Uranus in Pisces  right on the Solar Eclipse chart’s  8th House cusp.

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Let us check the eclipse of that 26 Jan 2009 in Kyoto where first super-gonorrhoea case was reported. This time we have Pluto on 6th house cusp and Neptune on 8th house cusp. Saturn rules both 6th and 8th in Virgo (a sign of maiden … ) , Saturn opposite Venus (love, sex) conjunct Uranus (another Planet linked with sex organs).
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If we draw astro map according 2008 Capricorn ingress chart we will have Neptune Ds line near Kyoto, Moon Ds line near Paris, Pluto Mc pass France where the second case was located and Mars Dsc and Pluto Dsc across Sweden where the third case appeared.

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Now let us look at England, we have Sun Mc line and Saturn Ds line (Saturn is  8th and 6th houses ruler in Capricorn ingress  chart base on Kyoto) near Leeds (where the outbreak is now  occurring) and Pluto Mc near London. Could this mean that the Planetary lines indicate the areas that are going to be affected ?


In the astro map base on  2009 January Solar Eclipse   the ascendent line of  Sun Moon Jupiter pass by England and Chiron Ascendent line right above Leeds.

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It is very interesting to check 2 Saturn ingress Sagittarius chart in Leeds.  I am more inclined to think the outbreaks of untreatable STD are linked with Saturn in Scorpio but as this news appeared right after Saturn moved to Sagittarius, I am more interested in working on the timing rather than the symbolism of the disease itself.

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On 18th Sep 2015 Saturn moved into Sagittarius at 3:49 am we have Mars right on Asc.

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23rd Dec 2014 was the first time Saturn moved into Sagittarius, we had Neptune and Chiron conjunct MC and Venus Pluto on Dsc . The warning about dangers caused by viruses and public health are very clear in this chart.

In the 20th March 2015 Solar Eclipse chart we have Pluto in 8th house Saturn 4 degrees Sagittarius (just turned retrograde) in 6th house Square Neptune.Pluto in 8th house and Saturn in 6 house .
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In the 13th September 2015 Solar Eclipse chart we have New Moon on 20 degrees Virgo opposite Chiron on 6-12 houses axis.  If we put this chart with 2009 January Solar Eclipse, we will find that September 2015 Solar Eclipse’s new moon is conjunct  Saturn and opposite Venus Uranus  on 2009 Eclipse chart.  The September 2015 Solar Eclipse chart’s Chiron also conjunct with this Saturn Uranus Venus opposition on  2009 January Solar Eclipse chart.  Do not forget that Saturn rules both 6th and 8th houses in  2009 January Solar Eclipse chart.  2015 September Eclipse ’s Uranus conjunct 2009 January Eclipse ’s Mc, and  Pluto 2009 January Solar Eclipse is right on September 2015 Solar Eclipse chart’s  IC . Maybe this superbug needs to be carefully examined (Pluto) and we may have a surprise or shock  by something that we will find out  soon.

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Antiscia , Galactic Centre and  Economy Crisis


I know that, for some astrologers, this topic looks like blended muesli, with little bit of fruits, herbs, vitamin, oats and curry powder all mixed up (oh yes, I have been offered this kind drink before), but I did some serious observation on it and I decided to write it down.

It was this morning when I woke up from the colourful rainbow dreams including the fact that the US supreme court voted favoured for the marriage equality (almost all my fellow astrologers feel the same) and a nice gay pride on weekend, and suddenly we heard the funeral bell (or alarm ) of Euro and the Greek financial crisis. A big part of the world stock market crashed and this made me turn on my computer and look up planets positions, and I noticed that Mars was opposite the Galactic centre by Antiscia. This is not the first time such configurations appeared during important economic events.

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As a Mundane astrologer, I do understand that we are going to face Jupiter-Saturn waning square this summer and we are undergoing the Moon wobble period while Mars is out of bounds at the moment. Moon wobbles happened when the Sun conjoins or squares Moon Node Axis. Usually, the political and economic situations are not stable during such time frames and many astrologers associate huge natural disasters with Moon wobbles; therefore, despite Jupiter-Saturn square and Mars being out of bounds, I am going to talk about how antiscia work on important Mundane events (political, economical and natural disasters), especially when it contacts with Galactic centre

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Galactic Centre

I notice that many events happened when outer planet transits to 26 degrees of Sagittarius, the Galactic centre, where I usually find political and economical upheavals .


If we look back to the Wall Street Crash of 1929, which is seen as the beginning of the Great Depression, an important economic event of the 20th century, we can see that Saturn was wandering around the Galactic Centre by then and it was tightly conjunct the Galactic Centre between August-October 1929. People devoted themselves to the investment market frenetically and got lost, showing an inclination of losing control and order. In 1958, when Saturn was near the Galactic Point for that whole year, there were establishments of numerous political parties and announcements of heir to the throne and conflicts of boundaries of territories, events that possess the characteristics of Saturn.

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Galactic centre is an interesting subject to study. 3 Europe leaders have Mars on 26 Sg: they are French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian President Putin; other important politic figures also have planets on 26 Sagittarius, including the Pope Francis, Edward Snowden and many whistleblowers. I have been working with Mandi Lockley and Mechthild Belton on this topic for a year and will publish it soon, and I will also talk about it in 2016 FAA conference in Sydney.


When I attended Olga Morales’ Astrology for Gann Traders course, I learned that Antiscia should not be ignored in the study of financial astrology. I did learn the meaning of Antiscia from many Horary astrology teachers but I was fascinated by its effect on financial astrology.

This ancient technique has been ignored for a long time, and even some horary astrologers do not take it seriously. The word “antiscia” comes from Greek which means “shadows”, and it suggests that when two planets are linked by antiscia, they influence each other by invisible effect – the influence cannot be seen, or the deal and link is under table. My colleague Marcos Pachett, a professional herbal medicine practitioner, also points out that antiscia suggests some hidden factors of illness in the Decumbiture chart. Besides, I also notice how antiscia influence political and economic events.

Antiscia is the mirroring zodiac degree from Cancer-Capricorn axis. If a planet posits at 1 degree of Cancer and another planet on 29 degree of Gemini, they are associated by antiscia. Ancient astrologers told us that, in antiscia, 1 degree of Cancer equals to 29 degree of Gemini, 2 degree of Cancer equals to 28 degrees of Gemini; also, 1 degree of Capricorn equals to 29 degree of Sagittarius, 2 degree of Capricorn equals to 28 degrees of Sagittarius, and so on.

Antiscia is based on the length of daylight. When we measure the length of day time on the first day when Sun ingresses Cancer (Summer Solstice), it has almost the same length of daylight as when the Sun is at the last degree of Gemini; and the same goes when the Sun is at 1 degree  Capricorn and 29 degree Sagittarius. The length of day time 15 days after Spring Equinox will equal to 15 days before Autumn Equinox.


You will find out that this is not a mistake for the ancient text books to state that 1 degree Cancer equals to 29 Gemini, but as computer calculates charts in a different way, and we should know that ancient astrologers start a sign from 1 degree but computer program starts a sign from 0 degree, so you will find my calculation a little bit different from those ancient books; however, my method will fit the calculation of computer program. 

To find the antiscia of a planet, we first check what sign that planet locates and find the sign it mirrors. If it is Cancer, we will find that its antiscia will be at Gemini; if it is Libra we will find its antiscia at Pisces. Here is the table of it . 

Cancer = Gemini

Leo = Taurus

Virgo = Aries

Libra = Pisces

Scorpio = Aquarius

Sagittarius = Capricorn

The next thing we need to do is to find the antiscia degree. We can simply subtract the planet’s degree from 29 degrees 59 minutes.

 For example, if a planet is at 14 degrees 30 of Aries, we find that antiscia will be at Virgo; then we take 14 degrees from 29 degrees and 30 minutes from 59 minutes, and the answer will be 15 degrees and 29 minutes Virgo. If there is a planet around this location that we just find out, we say these two planets are linked by antiscia, and they have a hidden effect to each other. There is also an opposition point to this which is called contra-antiscia, which has a similar function. I will try to use a tight orb for antiscia as it is a point instead of a planet, so I suggest the orb should not be more than 2 degrees, and I will also only use conjunction and opposition (contra-antiscia ) .

Antiscia and Economic crisis

Let us check a few critical economic timing (a few examples have already been pointed out by Olga Morales in her course) before we start. Please notice that here I will simply focus on the sensitive point of antiscia but I do not want people misunderstand that I ignore the effect of planetary circles or forget to apply event timing with radix chart (for example NYSE chart) or eclipses and Ingresses charts of the following cited years, all of which are extremely important for financial astrology studies.

 1987 Stock market crisis 

If we examine the chart of the day when S&P500 arrive highest point before fell   on 25 Aug 1987 , we have:

Mars 1 Vi 44 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 28 Ar-Li 15

Jupiter 26 Ar 40 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 00 Vi-Pi 19

Saturn 14 Sg 33 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at  15 Cp-Cn 26

Uranus 22 Sg 44 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 7 Cp-Cn 15

Neptune 05 Cp 22 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 24 Sg-Ge 37  

Pluto 07 Sc 33 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at  22 Aq-Le 26 

Chiron 27 Ge 40 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 02 Cn-Cp 19 

N.N    03 Ar 31 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 27 Vi-Pi 28

Notice that Chiron is opposite to the Galactic centre.

On 19 Oct 1987 Stock market fell so called Black Monday

Mars      6 Li54        Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 23 Pi-Vi 05

Jupiter  24 Ar 32 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 05 Vi-Pi 27

Saturn  17Sg 23         Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 12 Cp-Cn 36

Uranus 23 Sg 40        Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 06 Cp-Cn 19

Neptune 05 Cp 30 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 24 Sg-Ge 29  

Pluto 09 Sg 19 Antiscia and C. Antiscia at  20 Aq-Le 40 

Chiron 28 Ge 44      Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 01 Cn-Cp 15 

N.N    02 Ar 18      Antiscia and C. Antiscia at 27  Vi-Pi 41

Uranus and Neptune at this moment were conjunct by Antiscia and near Galactic centre, Uranus were out of Bounds

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Russia economic crisis 1998

S&P 500 fell on the 17 July 1998 as the Russia debt crisis broke out, we have Jupiter stations, Saturn-Uranus wild square which is extremely important to capitalism and financial liberalisation, and a Saturn-Neptune square; Mars was out of bounds at that moment. If we compare these two examples of 87 and 98, we will see:

Venus on 27 Ge 40 exact conjunct Chiron ’s position on 87’s chart 

Mars on 7 Cancer  31 right on the Antiscia of Uranus on 87’s chart

Jupiter on 28 Pi 03 right on the Antiscia of N.Node on 87’s chart 

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Economic crisis 2000

On 1 Sep 2000 which S&P 500 fell from another historical high, we have  Mars on 20 Leo 12 opposite Pluto on 87’s chart by Antiscia.

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Credit crunch 2007 – 2009

On 20 Feb 2007, S&P 500 came to a high point then started to fall due to worry about credit crunch; by then, Saturn on 20 Leo; Mars of 1 Sep 2000 chart conjunct this position, and this location is opposite to Pluto of 87’s chart by Antiscia.

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On 9 Oct 2007 the S&P500 fell again because of the Credit crunch. Mars was once again out of bounds, and this time:

Venus on 1 Vi , conjunct the Antiscia point of Jupiter on 87’s chart  

Mars on 4 Cn make it’s C.Antiscia on 25 Sg near Galactic Centre 

Jupiter on 15 Sg 33 conjunct  Antiscia of Saturn on 87’s chart 

Uranus on 15 Pisces square  Saturn on 87’s chart  

Neptune on 19 Aq conjnct 87’s Pluto by Antiscia 

Pluto on 26 Sg Galactic centre and conjunct Mars on same chart  by Antiscia 

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On March 2009, when the S&P500 came to a historical low point, we have:

Pluto on 3 Cp , its Antiscia on Galactic centre and opposite Chiron on 87’s chart  

Greece crisis 2015 ??? 

On these important timings of Economic crisis, I repeatedly notice that Galactic centre plays an important role either by planet position, conjunct or opposite by antiscia. This makes me wonder how close we are from another economic crisis. I took a look on 29 June 2015’s chart, the first trading day after Greece officially denied the offer from Eurogroup and imposed control on money, which brought forth a fall on global stock market. The background astronomical information are Jupiter-Saturn square , Moon wobble, Mars out of bounds and stationary Chiron before retrograde. 

Sun on 7 Cn conjunct 87 Uranus by Antiscia 

Mars on 3 Cn opposite Galactic centre by Antiscia  

Venus Jupiter on 20 and  21 Leo , opposite  Pluto on 87’s chart by Antiscia

Pluto on 14 Cp the Antiscia on 14 Sg conjunct  1987 Saturn by Antiscia  

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 I have been being asked if Greece would really leave Eurozone for many times, and I don’t really think “leaving or not” is an important issue as we have all prepared for this for a while. What we need to know is we are facing a huge economic upheaval. It doesn’t not matter if Greece will stay in Eurozone or not.

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If you simply check the national chart of Greece, you will notice that Pluto is transiting near its descendant, and the Greek economic crisis or “euro crisis” indeed started when Pluto was near 10 degree Capricorn and started to form Uranus-Pluto square. This degree is important for most modern countries which choose the 1st January as their birthday and those organisations which choose this date to start their service, as they all have 10 degrees of Capricorn Sun. This includes the birth chart of Euro. Transiting Saturn conjunct Chiron on Euro chart , Transit Chiron right on Euro ‘s Jupiter , the real test maybe come again when transit Saturn conjunct Euro’s Pluto later this year  and Transit Neptune will square it , in another word , the Saturn Neptune square and Jupiter Saturn Square of 2015 2016 will hit Eurozone badly .  

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I don’t want to simply say that this is the cause and we should not judge a situation simply by looking at the transits, ignoring mundane astrology techniques and natal charts. There are so many factors that we should consider, like eclipses, comets, ingress charts, country’s solar return, progression and direction, etc. As this article mainly focuses on antiscia, I will not continue to analyse Greek financial debt crisis and Euro crisis in this article but maybe another one. 

Nepal Earthquake and ACG map

On 25 April the devastated 8.1 Mw earthquake in Nepal cause so far more then 6000 people dead and 14,000 injured . 6 days after another huge 6.8M earthquake happen on Papua New Guinea .Here is not going to show why we ” did not ” predict earthquake but show us how Astro map works .

So many people focus on Transiting  of event moment ,  this can explain something but very little help on the forecasting work  . However Each year the Solar & Lunar Eclipse charts  and Cardinal ingress chart offer us rich information , especially to forecast or ”  predict ”  certain type of event may occurred in near place . If we turn on  the 20th March 2015 Solar Eclipse  chart So Mo Ur NN and Chiron all in the 8th house even there is no outer planet on the angle.

On the Lunar eclipse chart Pluto is 8 degrees aways from IC, there is also Mercury on the Descendent , I am curious about this Mercury as Mercury has represent a sign of Earthquake in ancient astrometeology . I have also see a few huge earthquake have Mercury on the angle of Eclipse charts , Event charts and Ingress charts .  And for Aries ingress chart Saturn is right above MC.

In the traditional work event Transiting chart only been use to find out the trigger the ” final straw ”  , not useful for searching the cause or prediction ( well , I personally agree ) . First we have notice it will be first  quarter Moon soon , I notice that event are very porn to occurred  near new moon, full moon , first quarter moon and last quarter moon.   Also  we can see on the  the earthquake chart has Mercury and Mars on Solar Eclipse Chart ‘s Mc.  Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 13.46.52


The Astro map indeed works better for us to pin point the location . Usually event happened where has outer planet lines pass by on the Eclipse charts or Ingress chart .

On 20th March 2015 Solar Eclipse the Geodetic map suggest Sun Moon Dsc lines line right up Naple , Saturn Asc line , Neptune Ic line ,are near Papua New Guinea .Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 20.46.46


On En Mundo map Mars Ds line Uranus Dsc line and Pluto IC line all pass by  Papua New Guinea .

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On 4th April Lunar Eclipse Geodetic map , Chiro line is near Nepal right on India .Sure as Geodetic outer planets   Saturn Asc line still near   Papua New Guinea .


Aries Ingress 2015 Saturn Mc line is right on Nepal

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An Astro map more then a thousand words, 4th April 2015 Lunar Eclipse


The 4th April 2015 Lunar Eclipse indeed is a powerful Eclipse as Sun conjunct on Uranus and Square  Pluto , Moon opposite Uranus also square Pluto this trigger last Uranus Pluto square. Uranus is right above Middle heaven in most west European countries this could suggest certain upheaval , more important if countries going to have election like UK.

Just couple days before Lunar Eclipse south Pacific near Samoa and Tonga experience a magnitude 6.4 earthquake . Uranus IC line is near this area on Luna Eclipse chart .


Also a Category 5 high-intensity supertyphoon that looks set to hit Philippines within the next three days , South East Asia is busy area of Aries Ingress chart Mars-As Uranus-As Pluto-Mc all pass that area .


Meanwhile Geodetic Mars-Ds line also near Philippines .Also south China area near Guangdong Hainana , Hong Kong has Chiron Ds pass on the Solar Eclipse Chart , Mars Ds on the Lunar Eclipse .   


1st April 2015 explosion at Mexico oil rig

An explosion and a fire erupted on an offshore oil platform operated by Mexico’s Pemex on Wednesday, killing at least four workers, injuring 16 people. Uranus Ass line pass this area on 4th April 2015 Luna Eclipse . Screen Shot 2015-04-02 at 10.04.21

The Aries Ingress Neptune Dsc line is near and Saturn IC is 5 degrees away . Also by checking Geodetic map of the area I am more worry about Cuba Haiti Dominic Republic, Peru , Colombia Venezuela .Screen Shot 2015-04-02 at 10.13.18

Religious freedom law and Hatred

Here is Astro map for Lunar Eclipse 4th April 2015, see wha Planet pass by Indiana and Arkansas .

After Indiana governor Mike Pence sign the religious freedom law , the criticisms come from every where. The support say this law meant to protect free exercise of religion however the opponents see this as a legal way to discriminate against the LGBT community under the guise of religious liberty. A pizza shop in Indian already said they will not service on gay widening.Arkansas also passed same law .


Elimination is part function of Pluto , Pluto also relate to hatred , religious freedom is not allowed people practice their religious but carry out elimination discrimination and hatred .

Pluto Mc line on 4th April Lunar Eclipse pass by Indiana and also near Arkansas fit this image.


Another scandalous news from Duke University North Carolina  .An incident in which a noose was found hanging in the Bryan Center plaza on 31 March.

We all know what this means,  as 1960′ Uranus Pluto conjunction relate to Civil right movement  , Uranus Pluto waxing square is revealing the work we have done  and the issues we need to deal with in the future.

This Luna Eclipse trigger Uranus Pluto square with tight orbs , this will not be last hatred event we face but just show that we still have long way to go .

Solar Eclipse Saturn Mc line is only 35 miles aways from Durham North Carolina .


Lunar Eclipse Mars As line is 194 miles away .


Geodetic Uranus As line is also in this area .


Local Space map and airplane crash

 In Astro locality skill Local space is as important as ACG and Geodetic map , it also reveal that energy direction of one place and one particular moment . Astrologer who use Astro map skill usually draw a Local space line and see what kind energy  from which direction .

It is very easy sometime you even don’t need a map , if Jupiter is on your Ascendent or Descendent , then on the Local space map you will have Jupiter Local Space (LS) line across the place you were born. This suggest you will receive Jupiter’s energy either from East or West and if this Line pass by a city let us say New York you will have Jovian experience ( Jupiter ’s influence ) with people or things from this place .

While I am study Astro locality and Air disaster events i apply lots of different of astro mapping skill. Local Space line is one of it . I suppose that both arrival city and departure city have most passenger on board and they receive energy from either departure place or where plan crashed . I use this idea on few different airplane crash it shows very interesting result . I first draw Solar and  Lunar Eclipse chart from the place where airplane suppose to arrive and use Local Space map to find the link between departure city or where airplane has been found. 

4U 9525

First example is Germanwings 4U9525, the Solar Eclipse on Dusseldorf has Uranus and Sun Moon near MC , Mercury Neptune Chiron in 9th , if we draw astro map according to this chat . The Local Space Mercury Neptune and Chiron was between Barcelona to Dusseldorf . 


Lunar Eclipse on 4th April is also very strong , Uranus on Mc and Jupiter on Asc . On the Local space map of Lunar Eclipse Mercury and Node pass by Barcelona but Uranus pass by French Alps area.4ule



AF 447 flew from Rio to Paris , most passengers were French , if we use Lunar Eclipse LS map we will see several planet LS lines ( Mars Jupiter Neptune Chiron) linking between Brazil and Paris   . The Solar Eclipse on 22 July 2009 has Pluto link between Brazil and Paris



Last year same time on 8th of March the MH370 was disappeared near indian ocean , flight was support fly from Kuala Lumper to Beijing. The Solar Eclipse on 3rd November 2013 Neptune  LS line and Chiron LS line link between Beijing and Kuala Lumper and Mars LS line link between south indian ocean (where find debris ) to Beijing .




The Lunar Eclipse before MH17 crash is 15 April 2014, the Saturn Local Space line from Kuala Lumper go pass by South East Ukraine where Airplane has been attacked . 


I have to make a clear point i do not exclude ACG line or other tech but in this study I only focus on LS line and arrival city . What I want to say is I will always careful with place where have outer planets on the angle ( where outer planets ACG lines pass on the map ) . For example the Solar Eclipse on 29 April has no outer planet LS line between Ukraine and Kuala Lumper  but Pluto DSC and Jupiter ASCGeodetic lines pass by the  area where  airplane crash it gave us another indication ( or warning ) of this area . Also the Geodetic Pluto Uranus are always near Malaysia suggest unsettle of this area too. 


Another idea is Ingress chart, this is also important timing for mundane events , I dry both Cancer Ingress 2014 before MH17 event there are Mars move from /to Kuala Lumper and Ukrainemh17cni  447ari

 , and Aries Ingress 2009 before AF447 crash Chiron Jupiter and Node LS was pass between Rio and Paris . This maybe need more study on it .

Germanwings 9525 crashes in French Alps

According news a Germanwings flight 4U 9525 has crashed near French Alps near   Digne-les-Bains arean on 24th March 2015 . This flight departure from Barcelona at 10:01 am  schedule arrive on Dusseldorf  on 11:39 am Local time. flight data from http://uk.flightaware.com/live/flight/GWI9525



As astrologer we know this moment is not a quiet time as we are near Solar Eclipse and still during Moon Wobble period.

As this Eclipse can be seen in Europe the influence could be direct and strong.  The Solar Eclipse has Sun Moon in 29 Pisces and Ruler Jupiter in 13 degrees Leo 。

If we cast chart from Barcelona Jupiter near Ic .  There is no angular planet near the Asc/Dsc and Mc/IC Axis. I would like to point out that Saturn just turn retrograde from Station on 4 Sagittarius  , last July when Saturn Uranus station we had 3 airplanes crashed .  


Aries Ingress 

If we check Aries Ingress chart we will see Mercury conjunct Chiron and Neptune near IC of Dusseldorf and Barcelona . It is very often that outer planet conjunct the angles in the Ingress chart and Eclipse chart  when the huge mundane events happened at that time. 


Company chart 


Germanwings found on 27 Oct 2002 if we use midnight chart have 13 degree Aries where transit Uranus is there, the Saturn in on 29 degrees of Gemini square by Solar Eclipse , transiting Saturn is just turn retrograde on 4 degree Sagittarius near company’s South Node  .

Country chart 

I don’t know what Germany ’s chart would German Astrologer use , I check the book of world horoscope and find few different charts . The  Federal Republic of Germany and constitution were set up on 23 May 1949 and East West Germany were united on 3rd Oct 1990 . I try to look both Charts and they all mean something , however if anyone would like to give some advise about what chart of Germany you use , I will really happy to know .


1949 chart  have 5 degree Libra ascendent and Eclipse point is very close to Dsc and it square 1949 charts Uranus ( 28 Gemini ) in 9th . 1949 chart has retrograde Mercury on 17Gemini in 9th House and transiting Chiron square it with 1 degree orb. Transiting Saturn conjunct 1949’s Chiron on 3rd house cusp and  opposite 1949’s Sun right on 3-9 House cusps.  


Unification chart 1990 has 4 degree Leo Asc and 10 degrees Aries Mc , transiting Uranus and South Node is very close to MC  . 1990’s chart has Mercury on 25 Virgo opposite by Eclipse point . Transiting Chiron exact conjunct  the 1990’s Moon in 9th ,transiting Pluto is conjunct Neptune and Saturn . 

Take off chart 


I don’t really think taking off chart give much  information and not very useful for forecasting and prediction. According radar record 4U 9529 was schedule on 9:35 am but take off on 10:01 am, take off chart has Jupiter ( Eclipse ruler ) on IC and Saturn on Dsc . It is very interesting to know that Saturn just turn  retrograde .

ON the Astromap of take off chart 4U 9529 was flew along the LS Pluto line . 


The Eclipse chart has no any outer planet near this area however the Geodetic map suggest that Geodetic Pluto is on 180 miles away from Barcelona , Uranus is 400 miles away from where we lost contact with Germanwings 4U 9529. 


An astrological study of the Solar Eclipse on 20 March 2015

This year we have a Solar Eclipse on 20 March and perhaps I can see it in London if there is good weather (wish me good luck). However ancient astrologers  may not have been happy to see a Solar Eclipse as they were usually considered to be a predictor of tragic events.


Water , Fire , Celebrities, United Kingdom  

Sun and Moon on water sign suggests the event could link with water, sea and flooding. The ruler of Eclipse is Jupiter in Leo, as Leo is a fire sign this suggests the wild fire and war may cause big problems.   Leo rules important people which suggests the country leaders and famous people, especially the Royal family, are going to face challenges.

United Kingdom is one of the countries that is going to be affected by this solar eclipse, not only is it located in the Solar Eclipse zone, also the 29 degrees of Pisces is important for UK. 

UK’s 1066 chart have Moon in 29 Pisces and this should not be ignored.  Maybe a new cycle of British Royal family going to begin, and we can expect a big change in the British Royal family.  Dramatic Political change in UK may be another effect,  as UK has a general election in May, the Eclipse point on 1066 chart’s Moon could indicate a dramatic change. Moon rules 1066 chart’s IC, repent opposition party, lands, house price, people’s need , food and agriculture, these are all areas to  focus on. 


Where else ? Astromap and Geodetic map indication  

According the ancient rules, the northern Europe (UK,  Ireland and North Europe countries ) may face a huge impact immediately, especially as Pluto is right on Norway-Sweden area’s Dsc , if we use Astro map we can see it very clearly that Pluto Ds line passes Oslo and Stockholm and Neptune Mc line is also next to Stockholm.  This means that if you draw a Solar Eclipse chart using Stockholm as the location, you will see Neptune on Mc and Pluto on Dsc. This will be the place experiencing huge solar eclipse energy. 


 Iceland is near the Solar Eclipse zone and it has Transit Saturn on Mc during Solar Eclipse, Saturn was station right on MC before Solar Eclipse this suggest important shifting  for power , Transiting Pluto is conjunct on Iceland Mars, Solar Eclipse point on Iceland ’s Chiron , this suggest Iceland could be another place where  we have to pay more attention .



Now let us look at other areas on the Astro map:  Spain, Portugal (which has Des on 28 Pisces in country chart ), Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iran,  Syria (where unsettle as IS takes over), Iraq, Omen, Saudi Arabia.  Iran and almost whole Middle East has outer planet on Angle in Solar Eclipse chart . Most West African countries have Saturn on Descendent of Solar Eclipse chart.

China and SE Asia countries have Neptune Chiron Saturn.  As Neptune and Saturn are going to Square this year, an economic slowdown may come into effect in this area after Spring 2015.  Transiting Saturn is stationary on China’s Natal Chiron in 10th House weakness of this country should be careful  ,  Australia is another hot spot of this Eclipse, Mars cross there, could it suggest a wild fire or some other shocking event?

East coast of America (US and Canada) has Saturn, west coast has Mars Uranus effect which is not to be ignored,  as recently several cases suggest, US people are against their police force  abusing their power.  Brazil is another country that will be unsettled this year. 


Geodetic map is another useful skill, as outer planet move slowly on Geodetic map , this give us a clear idea about where in the world we should be careful.  It shows Eclipse degree is on UK.  Uranus and Mars are going to affect East Europe. 

New York and east coast of US, Haiti, Colombia and Chile are going to experience Pluto energy and should be aware that a big crisis could happen in that area. In Asia Geodetic Pluto and Uranus is already having a huge impact in South East Asia since last year: Malaysia had an Air plane crash and political issue.  Mars line passes by Beijing and Hong Kong indicative that danger, violence, political unsettlement and struggle could happen in this area.      

This article was written for online mundane astrological magazine INFINITY found by Smiljana Gavrancic , so I only post small part of it and if you are interested in this article , I will post the link once INFINITY is published .

A brief study of 2015 Saturn Stationary  on 14 Sg 55

Outer planet stationary usually has powerful impact on Mundane event from Political to Economic . Most financial astrologer observe the unsettle of  financial market during the period when outer planet change direction and stationary. In March 2015 Saturn will stationary on  4 degrees 55 Sagittarius from 11th March to 19th March and we all know that  an Eclipse  will happen on 20th March also this is the time of last Uranus Pluto exact square (trigger by Mars )  . What does this mean ? Where going to be effected ? I am very very curious . I would like to study the last Stationary on 2014 and to see what we can learn from there.

Last year most powerful stationary was happened on 20-21 Jul when both Saturn and Uranus station together.   Saturn was station on 16 degree of Scorpio and Uranus was stationary on 16 degree of Aries .

During that time we were focus on Russia Ukraine conflict , at sometime international criticise about  Israel strike on Palestine school and civilian area .  If we check Ukraine independent chart on 1 Dec 1991 we will find Moon on 17 Libra opposite Uranus station degree . The Ukraine proclaim  independent chart have 13 Scorpio and Pluto on 17 Scorpio  where stationary Saturn right above .

Israel has south Node on 14 Scorpio and Palestine proclaim independent chart has 8 degree Libra Asc , stationary Uranus near Descendent and opposite Chart ruler Venus on 19 Libra . Station Saturn was on 16 Scorpio conjunct Palestine ’s Pluto Mercury Sun stellium in Scorpio. 


2014 was not  a good year of Malaysia Airlines , after MH370 disappeared on 8th of March , another flight MH17 was crushed near Ukraine Russia border by attacked by missile . Malaysia ’s chart has Jupiter retrograde on 17 degree Aries where transiting stationary Uranus located . Malaysia airline has two founded time 21 May 1946 has Mercury on 13 Aries and 1 Oct 1972 chart has Chiron on 15 degree Aries opposite Mercury on 15 Libra and Uranus on 17 Libra, both chart has planet near 16 Aries where Uranus stationary . 


Another Asian airline also have airplane crushed on 22 July 2014 . TransAsia airway ,a Taiwanese airline, has an airplane  crushed on 22 July 2014 ( TransAsia also other airplane crushed on 4 Feb 2015  )This company was founded 21 May 1951,  has Mc on 16 Scorpio and Moon on 20 Scorpio. 


Very interesting that both stationary Planets were locate on Mars ruler sign on 20-21 Jul 2014, and all the area affected has Mars influence on Geodetic map . Could this suggest the ruler of Stationary planet play an  important role ? 

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From these data I suspect that Countries and Organisation which has planet or As/Mc Axis near  degree near transiting outer planet stationary are easily affect by that Planet . So I have use Data bank to list those countries which has Sun Moon Asc Mc Axis near 4 degree Sg.

Sri lanka independent  chart has Moon on 4 degree Sg, Latvia Ukraine , UAE , Mexico constitution chart have all have Moon opposite 4 degree Sg.

Dominican rep, Ukraine, UAE, Lebanon has the Sun near 4 degree Sg. 

Burma , China ( 21 Sep 1949 ) , Costa Rica , Croatia . Irland ,Vietnam have Ascendent near 4 degree Sg and Japan Meji constitution ,  Indonesia , Singapore , Spain all will have Stationary Saturn near Descendent  . 


China ( 1 Oct  1949) , Dominican Republic , South Africa, Lebanon   , Iceland all have Mc near 4 degrees Sg.


I am very new of Geodetic map but this technic  always surprise me , so I draw a map of  Geodetic outer Planet location ( includes Mars ) of this time and this maybe give us some idea about affected areas , those location should be careful observe  as 20 March 2015 Solar Eclipse is also not far from now . 
