Democracy or Plutocracy: Protests in Brazil and U.S April 2016

On 17th April Brazilian congress lower house voted to impeach President Dilma Rousseff, most people believe there are more behind this impeachment. At mean time there is mass demonstrations by a group called “Democracy Spring” began from Mid of April in US, so for the Police has arrested 900 People. I would like to exam these two event with recent lunation charts , Eclipse and New Moon Full Moon and Astromap according these chart.


Story 1. Political Crisis in BRAZIL  


The Political crisis in Brazil since 2015 is arrive the highest point when the congress voted impeach President Rousseff. Here is some paragraph from  ‘s Article on The Guardian website.

The country’s elite class and their media organs have failed, over and over, in their efforts to defeat the party at the ballot box. But plutocrats are not known for gently accepting defeat, nor for playing by the rules. What they have been unable to achieve democratically, they are now attempting to achieve anti-democratically: by having a bizarre mix of politicians – evangelical extremists, far-right supporters of a return to military rule, non-ideological backroom operatives – simply remove her from office.

Indeed, those leading the campaign for her impeachment and who are in line to take over – most notably the house speaker Eduardo Cunha – are far more implicated in scandals of personal corruption than she is. Cunha was caught last year with millions of dollars in bribes in secret Swiss bank accounts, after having falsely denied to Congress that he had any foreign bank accounts. Cunha also appears in the Panama Papers, working to stash his ill-gotten millions offshore to avoid detection and tax liability.


That the real plan behind Rousseff’s impeachment is to put an end to the ongoing investigation, thus protecting corruption, not punishing it. There is a real risk that once she is impeached, Brazil’s media will no longer be so focused on corruption, public interest will dissipate, and the newly empowered faction in Brasilia will be able to exploit its congressional majorities to cripple that investigation and protect themselves.


Here is the news link article by   ” The real reason Dilma Rousseff’s enemies want her impeached”

What we Since on the news is 2015 on going protests in Brazil demand President Dilma Rousseff’s exit because fail to save Brazil economy and she been accused of juggling federal accounts to make the economy seem better than it was before her re-election in 2014.

However the in the ‘s article he point out ” But what most outside Brazil did not see was that the country’s plutocratic media had spent months inciting those protests (while pretending merely to “cover” them). The protesters were not remotely representative of Brazil’s population. They were, instead, disproportionately white and wealthy: the very same people who have opposed the PT and its anti-poverty programmes for two decades.”


Now let us go to check few chart

  1. Solar Eclipse Chart 2016Mars on the 1 degree Sagittarius near  Ascendent and Venus on 25 Aquarius on IC. When the congress voted impeach Mars was stationary on SE chart’s Asc.Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 17.30.57bz3



2. 9 Mar 2016 Solar Eclipse with Brazil country chart

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Here we can see the SE Venus is right on country’s Asc, Venus rules country’s IC, SE Mars is very close to MC in 10 and also rulers MC. This Mars trine country’s Pluto in 2 house and Pluto is another ruler of MC . Pluto in country ‘s chart ruler MC and locate in 2and house describe the corruption and long term military government in past history, the transiting Mars trigger this wound. The Jupiter on SE chart is on country’s Sun opposite by SE Sun Moon and both square Saturn in SE chart.

3.Full Moon chart’s Retrograde Mars are right on MC

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Transit Pluto currently conjunct Rousseff ‘s Venus ( chart ruler )  and SE Sun Moon and Chiron square her Sun . bz1

When the congress voted  impeach in the evening of 17th April ( time unknown ) Pluto stationary on Rouseff’s Venus her Chart ruler. Mars stationary on the 8 degrees Sagittarius as I mention in other article the fixed star ” Antares ” is 1 degree away and interesting the ancient Chinese astrologer consider when Mars stationary near Antares will cause problem to ” Emperor” ( country leader).

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In the Solar Arc chart Rouseff has SA Neptune conjunct NA Sun, suggest some confession with her image, SA Asc conjunct her NA Moon suggest at this moment she maybe showing her Feminine side  and caring image to people. The Mercury square Chiron describe the tension between Rousseff and media. The SA Mars square her Pluto and SA Uranus on her Mars totally describe the crisis she is facing and She may have to bring another revolution to against the conservative plutocracy power and against corruption  .

Does anyone see where is her SA Saturn ?       2 degrees Scorpio …on Brazil country chart’s Mars …Will she become the Heroine to over come the political crisis or Victim of Plutocracy ?

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Very interesting if we check this Full moon when she face the huge political crisis , the Full Moon fall on 2 degrees Scorpio Taurus axis,  the lunation family of this full moon beginning at 23 October 2014 at 3 day before she been re elected. … Sun Moon are near her Asc/Dsc axis.

If we put New Moon on 23 October 2014 and Full moon on 22 April 2016  together with Brazil country chart we will notice again that country’s Mars has been trigger. Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 21.23.44



I from David Miranda’s article I am also interesting in Brazil’s contemporary history

  1. When the Military regime started in 1964, the Solar Eclipse of that year, New Moon was on 23 Capricorn,  Venus Saturn was on Brazil’s Asc.  Saturn conjunct North node opposite Venus. Mars in 1 degree Aquarius square country’s Mars and sextile Pluto. There there is also Pluto on the Sun .  This is Uranus conjunct Pluto in 60s and if you look carefully Brazil has Uranus on 3 degrees Capricorn and Pluto on 0 Aries.Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 18.00.09
  2. From 1984 the Brazil move gradually from Military regime to democracy after leaves of  João Figueiredo and Civilians returned to power in 1985. Here we have the Solar Eclipse chart of 1984 Nov ( influence the presidential election ). Sun Moon in 10 conjinct MC. Pluto play an important role again this time right on country Mars. SE Mars square country Mars ( Mars return of the solar eclipse 1964) .   SE Saturn also opposite country Mars.     Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 18.21.13
  3. As the March 1985 Brazil return to democracy I am also interested to the Solar Eclipse of May 1985 chart . In this chart we can see the SE Chiron Venus Moon and Sun all conjunct Brazil’s Moon Jupiter in 4th house.   The Sun Moon conjunct in 9 degrees Gemini. Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 18.28.43
  4.  When first left wing president Lula da Silva  elected in  2002. We can see the Solar Eclipse chart of December 2002 suggest this major change . Uranus on Asc, SE Jupiter and SE Mc conjunct south Node and Venus,  Se Node conjunct Jupiter Moon, Se Pluto and Sun Moon ,  square Sun, SE Mercury square country’s  Mercury and there is again SE Mars conjunct country Mars … wicked … Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 18.41.16
  5.  However if we put 2002 Solar Eclipse with 2016 Solar Eclipse together we will see some interesting point. Both Eclipse are locate at mutable signs and square Brazil country Sun in 14 Virgo. 2016 Saturn conjunct 2002’s Sun Moon Pluto and opposite Saturn. 2016 Venus conjunct 2002’s Uranus .   Screen Shot 2016-04-23 at 18.48.15

 Brazil has Uranus on 3 degrees Capricorn and Pluto on 0 Aries. It react in 60s when Uranus conjunct Pluto, therefore we are not surprise when Uranus square Pluto from 2010 this country face another wave of upheaval.  This is showing us what’s Uranus Pluto square are working on .   Democracy or Plutocracy.

Story 2.Democracy Spring in Washington D.C

Yes it is happen in U.S now … but our media don’t want us  to know so they are keeping silence. ( my friend accuse me trust fake news… oh well …)


More than 900 ‘Democracy Spring’ protesters arrested in D.C.
Mass demonstrations by a group called “Democracy Spring” began last Monday. A related group, “Democracy Awakening,” joined the efforts on Saturday and are holding often integrated sit ins and other demonstrations to protest laws it considers discriminatory.

The Democracy Spring effort started in Philadelphia, where thousands began a 140-mile walk to the U.S. Capitol to “demand Congress take immediate action to end the corruption of big money in our politics and ensure free and fair elections in which every American has an equal voice.” 


What’s means “the corruption of big money in our politics   ” again the super rich and big cooperation has been dominate this country for so long is US Democracy ? or Plutocracy ?

The 9 Mar 2016 Solar Eclipse chart in Washington DC has Saturn near Asc, Uranus conjunct Sibly chart Chiron , SE Venus conjunct Sibly chart ‘s Moo semi-sextile Pluto (The invisible Plutocracy ) and We know Pluto right on US Sibly chart ‘s 2nd house cusps.

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The Solar Arc of Sibly chart has Saturn on Dsc, Mercury opposite Neptune, Uranus conjunct Nodal Axis.

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The Astromap from new moon chart has Pluto near DC and Mars Ls line go to North East toward Philadelphia the direction .

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Astromap from Aries ingress chart has Mars As line cross DC and Philadelphia and Moon LS line are go to Philadelphia …

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Outer planets stationary and studies of Earthquakes in April 2016

IMG_76884 major Earthquakes happened during Mars Pluto stationary, this is what Mundane Astrologers have warned, major Mundane events usually happened during stationary of Outer planets. Very important that Mars was stationary at 8 degree Sagittarius conjunct with ” Antares ” a fixed stars has Martian nature.

Some scientist suggest we should be more cautious about  the activity of ring of fire area. This warning should be take seriously.

We can use different techniques to find out the countries will been affected , Country chart like Japan Burma , Ecuador all have As Ds affected by Stationary Mars or Pluto, we can use Astro map from Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse and Ingress chart

If we look at Solar Eclipse chart we can also see those country have been affect by outer planets . Include  Japan  US west coast , both the Lunar Eclipse and Aries Ingress chart suggestTaiwan Philippine Indonesia New Zealand and west coast of South American ( Chile, Peru,Columbia, Ecuador)

Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares    

It is very special opportunities when Mars stationary or retrograde near Antares, I have found in ancient Chinese astrological records talk about Retrograde Mars in centre of Scorpio constellation  especially conjunct Antares , ancient astrologers in China doest took the conjunction between Mars and Antares seriously. In their view Mars represent War, riots,drought.  When it conjunct Antares is a bad omen for the court (country).


For the Ancient Chinese astrologer, Antares could represent Emperor. In the most important History work of ancient Chinese  ” Records of the Grand Historian “(史記) .  The Antares were considers as part of ” Heart mansion “(心宿) represent dragon’s hear.

The area of  Heart mansion is between Antares to μ1 Scorpii  which mean between 9 degrees Sagittarius  to 16 degree Sagittarius on the tropical zodiac ( from μ1 Scorpii is another mansion call ” Tail Mansion ” ). The heart mansion has besically two meaning , one is dargaon’s heart another meaning represetn Emperor’s court (or sky god’s court 明堂 ).


In the astronomy the Heart mansion contain 2 parts , the south part located in constellation Lupus, called Ji-Zu (積卒)  represent group of Soldiers.  Another part in Scorpion constellation represent dragon’s heart . 3 stars include in this part, Antares, σ Sco and  τ Sco . Antares also call big fire also rerepsent the Sky Emperor ,  next to  Antares σ Sco represent crown prince of Sky Emperor , the   τ Sco  represent 2nd Son of Sky Emperor. (東宮蒼龍,房、心。心為明堂,大星天王,前後星子屬。)

 The ” Records of the Grand Historian ” also explained Mars’ role in Chinese  astrology , Mars represent unrest, it suggest dispute in the court or war. Especially when Mars stationary  in Heart mansion (near Antares ) or Room Mansion ( Acrab β Scorpius ) suggestEmperor will have problem.

In Han-Shu ( the History record of East Han dynasty BCE 206- 23 )

As astrologer report  retrograde Mars  in Heart Mansion  (as a bad omen ) at Spring time 7 CE, the Emperor Cheng of Han dynasty ( name: Liu Ao ) demanded the Prime minister  to commit suicide but very soon after death of Prime Minister, Emperor Cheng died. 

Mars retrograde in Heart Mansion also mentioned In the The Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era (724 CE) , it said When Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares will change the Minister and the Lord left his court. it suggest fall of important person or death of emperor.

Although Mars was not exactly conjunct Antares but retrograde in Scorpio constellation area of   ” Heart Mansion ” in July 2001. Some Chinese astrologer does concerned the tragic of 911 related to   Retrograde Mars in dragon heart (Scorpio constellation).


This stationary Mars near Antares was conjunct Burma’s ascendent and Japan’s descendent .

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Here is more analyse about this 4 major earthquakes happen between 13-16 April

13 April Myanmar Earthqauke

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake has hit north west Myanmar on Wednesday 13 April, so far there are no death record. The strong earthquake can also be notice in north east India.

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New on BBC

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Earthquake data from USGS

The astrological timing of this quake is interesting, as this week Mars and Pluto both stationary before retrograde. Usually we expect important events happened during outer planet stationary. The earthquake happened at 20:25 local time (13:55 UT) The Moon at event chart located at 16 degrees Cancer, this is sensitive point of recent year as Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal square near this degree. 

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From astrological view this earthquake is not totally surprise, I have also gave warning of this country on my lunation forecasting  which published at 3rd April ( It is not an special skill if we check  Eclipse charts, Ingress chart  and care with Outer planet stationary degree). If we check the 9th March 2016 Solar eclipse chart of Mawlaik, Myanmar ( 40 miles from earthquake place ) we will see Uranus on Ascendent and Pluto on M.C with 1 degree orb . In the 23 March Lunar Eclipse chart The Sun Moon opposition right on Asc/Dsc axis.

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The Aries ingress chart Venus conjunct Neptune on MC, I usually take Neptune as a sign of Earthquake ( as in the mythology Neptune’s triton could cause earthquake.) Saturn in the Ingress chart also near Descendent. If there is no death record in the end must be Venus blessing but it is too early to say this.   

On the New Moon on 7th April Pluto is 7 degrees away of local IC this will be very clear if we use Astromap.  After We exam all the important chart now we can come to timing of event.

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We should not under esteem the power of  Stationary Mars, it is at 8 degrees Sagittarius near the Ascendent of Myanmar and square Mars in Country chart with 1 degree orb. Transit Saturn is right on Myanmar’s Jupiter. Transit Jupiter at 14 degrees of Virgo the Mc of Myanmar. When the event happened the Ascendent is on 19 degrees of Scorpio very close to Myanmar ’s Chiron and south node. The Mc of event chart is on country’s Saturn , The Transiting Neptune is on country’s IC. 

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The transiting Moon is very sensitive in this event chart, honestly I rarely see the transiting Moon trigger other chart with exact tight orb like this  event, don’t forget on the Solar Eclipse chart Uranus and Pluto are Paran on the Asc and Mc square each other at 17 and 18 degrees of Cardinal sign which triggered by the transiting Moon of event chart. Part from the 16degrees of Cancer opposite transiting Pluto, square Uranus , Myanmar also have Moon at 17 degrees Libra on the country chart square by transit Moon.     

14 & 16 April 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes 

One hour after I first published the article of Myanmar earthquake, another Magnitude 6.4 earthquake happened near Kumamoto at 21:26 local time (12:26 UTC). This tragic made 3 dead 200 injured and 20 house collapsed. This is just the foreshocks the Main shock hit Kumamoto at 16 April 1:26 am JST.

This is another country has also effect by Stationary Mars, as Japan Meji constitution chart has 9 degrees Sagittarius Descendent, like Myanmar on the warning area of my Lunation forecasting.      

Transiting Mars station on Dsc is not only warning given by the planet, In the 2016 Aries chart  Japan  have Uranus on Mc this is very important sign of earthquake and for god sake we all know Japan is on the Pacific fire ring where most famous for earthquake, if we read the danger sing on Eclipse and Ingress chart or Important transiting planets affect the country chart a we should treat it carefully   .

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With Astro map we can see that Kumamoto is 2 degrees away from Uranus Mc line, also we have Sun Saturn paran very close to this area.

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The important Meiji constitution chart has 9 degrees Gemini ascendent therefore station Mars at 8 degree Sagittarius is on Descendent.

Chiron and South Node conjunct Mars and Venus return .

Pluto conjunct conjunct country’s south Node

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The event chart of foreshock has Neptune ( again ) on IC .


16 April Main shock has Mercury conjunct IC

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The Solar Eclipse chart has Saturn on Descendent and Venus ( again ??? ) on Mc . SE Venus also conjunct Japan Meji constitution chart’s Sun. 


 16 April Ecuador earthquake 

Few hours after Kumamoto earthquake another 7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador on 18:58 local time on 16 Apr, according BBC news at least 77 people have been killed and injured more than 50.

Pluto is stationary and slowly move retrograde on Ecuador’Asc ( Mars is stationary on Japan and Burma’s Asc Dsc, all these place has contact with Stationary Mars and Pluto )

The sign also suggest by solar Eclipse , check the Solar Eclipse Chart ‘s Astromap Pluto IC and Uranus DS line is near Ecuador. If we look at New Moon chart Pluto Mc and Uranus IC is on Ecuador

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Taurus-Scorpio full Moon lunation forecasting report


Taurus Scorpio Full Moon will happen on 22 Apr 5:23 am UT at  2 degrees 30’ Scorpio (Moon) and Taurus ( Sun ). The influence will last for one month but the most obvious affect will happen between 22 April to 5 May (Before Taurus new Moon on 6 May ) . 


Stationary (Retrograde) Mars Pluto

During this time we are still under the influence of Stationary Pluto and Stationary Mars.  Both Planets started to go retrograde on 16 and 17 April but as they move very slow they still count as stationary until the end of April. On the 13 April and 16 April we have 4 earthquakes occurring in Burma, Ecuador and south Japan, as I mentioned in my last report, both countries have 9-10 degrees Sagittarius ascendent or descendent which is hit by stationary Mars.  Also some of  my colleagues who are familiar with Fixed stars point out the this stationary Mars is very close to the Fixed star “Antares”  which is located at 9 degrees Sagittarius. According to Ptolemy, Antares has Mars’s distractive nature (thanks Sharon and Ralph). Therefore we should be more careful with this Mars and the countries affected by this Mars (here I just repost the list from my previous report)

The countries that could be affected by stationary Mars include:

Sun near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Albania, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Ukraine, South Yemen

Moon near 8 degrees Sagittarius: France (1st Rep), Denmark (constitution), Portugal, Sri Lanka, US (Federal Constitution )

Asc near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Costa rica, Burma, Indonesia, Japan, Swaziland, US, Vietnam, Egypt

Mc/Ic near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Iceland, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, South Africa, UAE, Sri Lanka,  Philippines

Also do not forget the countries that could be affected by stationary Pluto include:

Sun near 17 degrees Capricorn: Burma, Saudi Arabia

Moon near 17 degrees Capricorn: Latvia, Morocco, Singapore, Russia

Asc/Dsc near 17 degrees Capricorn: Ecuador, Iraq, Latvia , Mexico, Greece, Poland, UK (1707)

Mc/Ic near 17degrees Capricorn: Lebanon, Nepal, Greece, Cuba, Syria 

About Earthquake 

4 major Earthquakes happened during Mars Pluto stationary, this is what Mundane Astrologers have given warming , major events usually happened during stationary of Outer planets. Some scientist suggest we should be more cautious about  the activity of ring of fire area.

We can use different techniques to find out the countries will been affected , Country chart like Japan Burma , Ecuador all have As Ds affected by Stationary Mars or Pluto, we can use Astro map from Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse and Ingress chart
If we look at Solar Eclipse chart we can also see those country have been affect by outer planets . Include  Japan  US west coast , both the Lunar Eclipse and Aries Ingress chart suggestTaiwan Philippine Indonesia New Zealand and west coast of South American ( Chile, Peru,Columbia, Ecudor)

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Mercury retrograde

Mercury is retrograde from 28 April to 22nd May and between 25 Apr to 1 May is Mercury stationary, although most astrologers remind us that don’t make important decision and don’t sign important contract during Mercury retrograde time but I think it will be fine so long as we deal with our business more carefully.  Mercury retrograde suggests that we think twice and do not rush into any decisions, but does not suggest we “do not make decisions”.  Also, most astrologers suggest that you do not travel during this time.  I personally disagree, as for last eight years I often have important trips during Mercury retrograde time and I have been fine.  It could suggest some delay, so one just needs to be more flexible with one’s itinerary.

The Mercury retrograde is from 23 Taurus, if we have to re-do, re-write, re-think or re-negotiate anything, we should think about Taurus themes which include money, finance, resources, body, abilities, stability, accumulation.     Also Mercury stationary point is very closed to Fixed Algol it has been considered as most evil star in the heaven, has Jupiter Saturn natures, related misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence. Dr Brady suggest Algol embody everything that men feared in the feminine. ( Thanks Theo for remind me about Algol)


Important Aspect

The important aspect include Saturn square Neptune, Jupiter square Saturn which remind us to be very careful with the financial markets and the dangers of religious fanaticism.  Usually the Jupiter opposite Neptune and Jupiter trine Pluto suggests bankers are more daring to invest.  The contrast between Saturn Neptune square (signs for bear market) and Jupiter Pluto Neptune aspects (signs for bull market) made finance market more unpredictable we could expect some dramatic actions for next two weeks.

Another indication of unstable financial markets is suggested by Venus conjunct Uranus.  This could suggest a shocking event: unexpected trading news or an unusual trading event could happened at this time. Uranus also suggests techniques that improve our life therefore we may hear some breaking news of technology, Medicine or Science.   

Un-aspected Sun until 28th April

Part from it’s contact with Moon, the Sun will appear un-aspected before 28th April, we may notice some people acting with total confidence and may appear a little forward. Usually the Sun represents famous people and country leaders.  We have more chance to see them act in this way and this may cause some conflicts.       

With Moon phase family this full moon in 2 degrees Scorpio could trigger events which happened between 23 October – 22 November2014 ( New Moon in 0 Scorpio)  and 24-31 Jul 2015 (1st quarter Moon in 0 Scorpio). The event happened during this week may be triggered again on 19 Jan 2017 as last quarter Moon will be in 0 Scorpio too.

Between October to November 2014 ( New Moon in 0 Scorpio): ISIL were a major concern in international relations; Libya and Syria were in civil war; the worries of Ebola outbreak arose; President Dilma Rousseff was re-elected in Brazil; the conflict between Ukraine and Russia was very intense; and the Hong Kong authorities start dismantling a protest site in Admiralty following a court order.

Dilma Rousseff

Very interesting as Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff were re-elected at same Moon phase family and Brazilian congress just vote to impeach her. We will see the Full Moon is right on Brazil country chart’s Mars ( ruler of MC ).  The Astromap from the Full Moon chart also have Mars (Mc ) Saturn (Mc ) Neptune(Asc) Jupiter(Dsc) pass Brazil. If we look her birth chart ( from  )  the Solar Eclipse Point and Chiron all have square her Sun and transiting Pluto on her Venus , when the Congress vote impeach Pluto was station and turn retrograde on her Venus.

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Astromap of Full Moon suggest we should be careful with following areas

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America: West coast of US, East coast, Brazil

Asia Pacific: East Australia, New Zealand

Middle East, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Palestine   North Europe,Scotland, East England, East Europe    

30 April to 5 May Last Quarter Moon

The last Quarter Moon happens between 30 April and 5 May.  The ending of the lunation cycle usually bring the struggle of feelings to let things go.  However we should be careful of upheavals in financial markets in the first couple of days of May.  It could be a briefly peaceful week as Sun trine Jupiter and strongly Venus  will be un-aspected most of time, unlike the un-aspected Sun bringing arrogance, Venus suggests more peaceful and diplomatic actions during this period.  Venus also urges us to think about Its value, beauty, and peace.      


Outer planets stationary and 2016 April Earthquakes

4 major Earthquakes happened during Mars Pluto stationary, this is what Mundane Astrologers have warned, major Mundane events usually happened during stationary of Outer planets. Very important that Mars was stationary at 8 degree Sagittarius conjunct with ” Antares ” a fixed stars has Martian nature.

Some scientist suggest we should be more cautious about  the activity of ring of fire area. This warning should be take seriously.

We can use different techniques to find out the countries will been affected , Country chart like Japan Burma , Ecuador all have As Ds affected by Stationary Mars or Pluto, we can use Astro map from Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse and Ingress chart

If we look at Solar Eclipse chart we can also see those country have been affect by outer planets . Include  Japan  US west coast , both the Lunar Eclipse and Aries Ingress chart suggestTaiwan Philippine Indonesia New Zealand and west coast of South American ( Chile, Peru,Columbia, Ecuador)

Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares    

It is very special opportunities when Mars stationary or retrograde near Antares, I have found in ancient Chinese astrological records talk about Retrograde Mars in centre of Scorpio constellation  especially conjunct Antares , ancient astrologers in China doest took the conjunction between Mars and Antares seriously. In their view Mars represent War, riots,drought.  When it conjunct Antares is a bad omen for the court (country).IMG_7688

In the ” Records of the Grand Historian ”  The Antares were considers as part of ” Heart mansion ” represent dragon’s hear. The area of  Heart mansion is between Antares to μ1 Scorpii  which mean between 9 degrees Sagittarius  to 16 degree Sagittarius on the tropical zodiac ( from μ1 Scorpii is another mansion call ” Tail Mansion ” ). The heart mansion has besically two meaning , one is dargaon’s heart another meaning represetn Emperor’s court (or sky god’s court ).

In the astronomy the Heart mansion contain 2 parts , the south part located in constellation Lupus, called Ji-Zu (積卒)  represent group of Soldiers.  Another part in Scorpion constellation represent dragon’s heart . 3 stars include in this constellation  Antares σ Sco and  τ Sco , Antares also call big fire also rerepsent the Sky Emperor ,  next to  Antares σ Sco represent crown prince of Sky Emperor , the   τ Sco  represent 2nd Son of Sky Emperor.

 The ” Records of the Grand Historian ” also explained Mars’ role in Chinese  astrology , Mars represent unrest, it suggest dispute in the court or war. Especially when Mars stationary  in Heart mansion (near Antares ) or Room Mansion ( Acrab β Scorpius ) suggest problem of  Emperor.

In Han-Shu ( the record of East Han dynasty BCE 206- 23 )

As astrologer report  retrograde Mars  in Heart Mansion  (as a bad omen ) at Spring time 7 CE, the Emperor Cheng of Han dynasty ( name: Liu Ao ) demanded the Prime minister  to commit suicide but very soon after death of Prime Minister Emperor Cheng died . 

Mars retrograde in Heart Mansion also mentioned In the The Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era (724 CE) , it said When Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares will change the Minister and the Lord left his court. it suggest fall of important person or death of emperor.

Although Mars was not conjunct Antares but retrograde in Scorpio constellation on zodiac  ” Heart Mansion ” in July 2001 and we see the terrible event of 911 happened, some Chinese astrologer does concerned this tragic related to   Retrograde Mars in dragon heart (Scorpio constellation).


This stationary Mars near Antares was conjunct Burma’s ascendent and Japan’s descendent .

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Here is more analyse about this 4 major earthquakes happen between 13-16 April

13 April Myanmar Earthqauke

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake has hit north west Myanmar on Wednesday 13 April, so far there are no death record. The strong earthquake can also be notice in north east India.

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New on BBC

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Earthquake data from USGS

The astrological timing of this quake is interesting, as this week Mars and Pluto both stationary before retrograde. Usually we expect important events happened during outer planet stationary. The earthquake happened at 20:25 local time (13:55 UT) The Moon at event chart located at 16 degrees Cancer, this is sensitive point of recent year as Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal square near this degree. 

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From astrological view this earthquake is not totally surprise, I have also gave warning of this country on my lunation forecasting  which published at 3rd April ( It is not an special skill if we check  Eclipse charts, Ingress chart  and care with Outer planet stationary degree). If we check the 9th March 2016 Solar eclipse chart of Mawlaik, Myanmar ( 40 miles from earthquake place ) we will see Uranus on Ascendent and Pluto on M.C with 1 degree orb . In the 23 March Lunar Eclipse chart The Sun Moon opposition right on Asc/Dsc axis.

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The Aries ingress chart Venus conjunct Neptune on MC, I usually take Neptune as a sign of Earthquake ( as in the mythology Neptune’s triton could cause earthquake.) Saturn in the Ingress chart also near Descendent. If there is no death record in the end must be Venus blessing but it is too early to say this.   

On the New Moon on 7th April Pluto is 7 degrees away of local IC this will be very clear if we use Astromap.  After We exam all the important chart now we can come to timing of event.

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We should not under esteem the power of  Stationary Mars, it is at 8 degrees Sagittarius near the Ascendent of Myanmar and square Mars in Country chart with 1 degree orb. Transit Saturn is right on Myanmar’s Jupiter. Transit Jupiter at 14 degrees of Virgo the Mc of Myanmar. When the event happened the Ascendent is on 19 degrees of Scorpio very close to Myanmar ’s Chiron and south node. The Mc of event chart is on country’s Saturn , The Transiting Neptune is on country’s IC. 

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The transiting Moon is very sensitive in this event chart, honestly I rarely see the transiting Moon trigger other chart with exact tight orb like this  event, don’t forget on the Solar Eclipse chart Uranus and Pluto are Paran on the Asc and Mc square each other at 17 and 18 degrees of Cardinal sign which triggered by the transiting Moon of event chart. Part from the 16degrees of Cancer opposite transiting Pluto, square Uranus , Myanmar also have Moon at 17 degrees Libra on the country chart square by transit Moon.     

14 & 16 April 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes 

One hour after I first published the article of Myanmar earthquake, another Magnitude 6.4 earthquake happened near Kumamoto at 21:26 local time (12:26 UTC). This tragic made 3 dead 200 injured and 20 house collapsed. This is just the foreshocks the Main shock hit Kumamoto at 16 April 1:26 am JST.

This is another country has also effect by Stationary Mars, as Japan Meji constitution chart has 9 degrees Sagittarius Descendent, like Myanmar on the warning area of my Lunation forecasting.      

Transiting Mars station on Dsc is not only warning given by the planet, In the 2016 Aries chart  Japan  have Uranus on Mc this is very important sign of earthquake and for god sake we all know Japan is on the Pacific fire ring where most famous for earthquake, if we read the danger sing on Eclipse and Ingress chart or Important transiting planets affect the country chart a we should treat it carefully   .

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With Astro map we can see that Kumamoto is 2 degrees away from Uranus Mc line, also we have Sun Saturn paran very close to this area.

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The important Meiji constitution chart has 9 degrees Gemini ascendent therefore station Mars at 8 degree Sagittarius is on Descendent.

Chiron and South Node conjunct Mars and Venus return .

Pluto conjunct conjunct country’s south Node

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The event chart of foreshock has Neptune ( again ) on IC .


16 April Main shock has Mercury conjunct IC

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The Solar Eclipse chart has Saturn on Descendent and Venus ( again ??? ) on Mc . SE Venus also conjunct Japan Meji constitution chart’s Sun. 


 16 April Ecuador earthquake 

Few hours after Kumamoto earthquake another 7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador on 18:58 local time on 16 Apr, according BBC news at least 77 people have been killed and injured more than 50.

Pluto is stationary and slowly move retrograde on Ecuador’Asc ( Mars is stationary on Japan and Burma’s Asc Dsc, all these place has contact with Stationary Mars and Pluto )

The sign also suggest by solar Eclipse , check the Solar Eclipse Chart ‘s Astromap Pluto IC and Uranus DS line is near Ecuador. If we look at New Moon chart Pluto Mc and Uranus IC is on Ecuador

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Aries New Moon, lunation forecasting report


New Moon 7th April at 18 Aries

On 7th April we will have Aries New Moon. Some astrologers call this Super New Moon, as this new Moon occurs near the Moon’s perigee (the closest point to earth of the Moon’s orbit). Therefore the Moon will increase its influence.   Aries New Moon brings a strong vitality to our World. If we read this chart symbolically, Aries has the meaning of new born, fresh start, initiate, also the new moon is the starting point of the lunar cycle also having meaning of beginning. So we can apply this energy to the things we want to start with.      

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New Moon located on 18 Aries, the ruler Mars in Sagittarius in its slow motion before stationary and retrograde.  Mars also square its ruler Jupiter.

This reception between Mars and Jupiter may suggest that we have a chance to review the belief system (philosophy) behind our actions. Perhaps we will get a chance to see what slows us down and what make us feel restless and frustrated.

 Retrograde of Mars and Pluto

Mars will be stationary at 8 degree Sagittarius from 6th April to 29th April and go retrograde from 17th April.  This is not the only planet go retrograde at this lunar phase, Pluto will also be stationary between 15th -24th April and go retrograde on 18th April at 17 degrees Capricorn.  This New Moon will also trigger the square between Uranus and Pluto. Mars,Pluto and Aries represent survival issues in our life: how to find food; how to fight for food; how to fight for protect ourselves when facing attack and how to express ourselves in order to gain a chance to mate and reproduce.

We may be going to witness many events related to Survival, Violence and Fighting. The New Moon triggers Uranus Pluto square and also adds some flavour of social movement in this fight and strive for protection: how people survive in a changing society and how we survive when the world is not the one you are used?  The Mars square Neptune at this new Moon may be a warning of seafaring problems, drug abuse and epidemic.

The events going to happen this month could develop in the following related lunar phases: Dec 2016, Sep 2017 and Jun 2018.


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The areas more likely to be affected are Australia, New Zealand, Central China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, West coast of America, East Coast of America, Peru, Colombia, Spain, Portugal, Middle East, India, Algeria, Nigeria, West coast of Africa. 

The countries that could be affected by stationary Mars include:

Sun near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Albania, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Ukraine, South Yemen

Moon near 8 degrees Sagittarius: France (1st Rep), Denmark (constitution), Portugal, Sri Lanka, US (Federal Constitution )

Asc near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Costa rica, Burma, Indonesia, Japan, Swaziland, US, Vietnam, Egypt

Mc/Ic near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Iceland, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, South Africa, UAE, Sri Lanka,  Philippines

The countries that could be affected by stationary Pluto include:

Sun near 17 degrees Capricorn: Burma, Saudi Arabia

Moon near 17 degrees Capricorn: Latvia, Morocco, Singapore, Russia

Asc/Dsc near 17 degrees Capricorn: Ecuador, Iraq, Latvia , Mexico, Greece, Poland, UK (1707)

Mc/Ic near 17degrees Capricorn: Lebanon, Nepal, Greece, Cuba, Syria

1st Quarter Moon 14 April   (Sun 24 Aries, Moon 24 Cancer)

This 1st Quarter Moon will have its influence between 14-21 April, We already discussed that Mars and Pluto will be stationary and go retrograde during this time and Sun and Moon both quincunx Mars.  Your action may be paused by lack of motivation or fear.  When Mars and Pluto retrograde, it is the time to go inward rather the outward. When you feel frustrated, or when you want to regain your force, try to ask yourself (or discuss with your close friends or consultant) what stops you from moving forward? We may find our courage by recognising our deep fears and facing them to allow us to continue working on our challenges once Mars goes direct at the end of June.  Another hint that could help us to find a solution to the cause of our frustration (blockage) is this 1st quarter Moon which is linked with the New Moon of 16 Jul 2015 and perhaps events during that New Moon may help explain the current situation.

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Major Aspect

Venus square Pluto

Jupiter square Saturn

Saturn square Neptune

Saturn trine Uranus

From 16th April Venus will square Pluto.  On the personal level this suggests: crisis in the financial area;  challenges in personal relationships; and also there could be issues of self-esteem. 

Currently the Jupiter Pluto trine has inflated the confidence of bankers and the financial markets were performing well in the last couple of weeks.  However, Venus square Pluto on the Mundane level raises concerns in the Worldwide financial situation.  This is not only indication of bad economic situations that we see in the sky: Saturn Neptune square are closer from April; Jupiter Saturn square and Saturn Uranus trine are all related to adjustments of the financial markets.

Venus not only relates to Money and Love but also to diplomatic relationships.  It is interesting that the  first quarter moon on 14 April are related to New Moon on 16 Jul 2015, during that time we had: the Greek economic crisis;  a group of Muslim women attacked a woman who was wearing a bikini in a park in France; and 2000 refugees tried to pass through the euro-tunnel causing Eurostar to stop services for a while.   It looks like the worries of the economic situation and refugee/migrant issue will be back in the news in April.

Study of EgtptAir Ms181hijack


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EgtptAir Ms181 has been hijacked from Alexandria to Cyprus
This flight take off 6:36 29 Mar 2016 .
Take off chart has Uranus near ASC and Pluto in Mc
The Aries ingress chart has very similar configuration but few degrees away.
Although the Solar Eclipse has no angular planet. Tania Daniels point out that transit Venus is near Eclipse point 18 degrees Pisces exact conjunct Chiron , interesting Hijacker has demanded ” political asylum ” and let female children off the plane.
Venus ruler 9th on Solar Eclipse chart of Alexandria.

The Astromap has Pluto Mc line near this area and more interesting this flight departure time has LS Saturn Ls Moon LS Mars go Cyprus .


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Fixed star ( I am not familiar with Fixed star I try to use tight orb and Brady’s Parans , if there is anything need to be corrected please let me know ,it is bizarre that I look at yesterday’s night sky and think about Jupiter is very close to Zosma and read this news today )
Moon is 1 degree away Antares a fixed star has Mars Jupiter energy .
Venus play important role here and it rise with Aculeus on Mc ( Paran)
Mars Paran with Zosma
Jupiter Paran with El Nath

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Brussels explosions and 2 weeks Lunation forecasting report


Aries ingress (Jupiter Saturn Square )

Aries ingress on 20th March as we see this day as starting point of Spring.  This day’s chart has an important influence for the whole spring season ( 20 Mar – 21 Jun ). Jupiter Saturn square suggest tension in politics and the Economy.

On 22 March several explosions occurred in Brussels. Before we leap into Transit we better understand what Aries Ingress chart and Eclipse Chart means for this area .

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For Brussels, Mars and Saturn are near the Mc. Don’t forget these two malefic planets have recently slowed down.  Saturn will be stationary on 16 degrees Sagittarius  and go retrograde from 16 degrees Sagittarius to 9 degrees Sagittarius, across Belgium’s Ascendent.

Then I have also noticed that most countries are going to have Mars or outer Planets on the angles on the Aries ingress chart. There are:

Japan  China, Taiwan , Philippine , Australia ( NSW and Queensland )  Thailand Malaysia Indonesia Singapore , Iran Iraq , India , Nepal

Poland, Czech Austria , Slovenia , Italy UK France Germany ( West Europe countries )

US ( East coast , New England area,  North West and Alaska) West coast of Canada (near Vancouver) Cuba and near area



Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon)  on 23 Mar 2016

The Lunar Eclipse will affect us for at least the next 6 months.  It is a full moon, however, when Sun,Earth and Moon are aligned and Earth caught in between the Sun and the Moon.  The Earth blocks the light from the Sun and causes a Lunar Eclipse, therefore astrologers believe a Lunar Eclipse has Full Moon quality with an influence that lasts longer and is more powerful.

If you read my article about  the “2016 Solar Eclipse“ you will remember that this Eclipse belongs to  Saros Series 18 South major influence on Trading, Financial matters and Relationships. It suggests ending and separation. This is what we may be learning from the news for at least the next 6 months (if we are not counting other astrological factors).


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On 23 March 2016 we will have a Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) at 3 degrees Aries Libra axis.  If you have any planets located at 3 degrees Aries or 3 degrees Libra (give 5 degrees orb if you like), you are more likely to be influenced by the Lunar Eclipse for the next 6 months.  You can focus on relationship and co-operation.  Also focus on the houses where this Lunar Eclipse locate in your chart.

As this Lunar Eclipse is related to the New Moon of end of September 2014 and 1st quarter Moon on end  of June 2015. (These two Lunation phases share the same degrees of the recent Lunar Eclipse) , therefore  the events (Social or Personal) happening during that period are more likely to have a notable result for the next two weeks.

Also I have noticed that the early degrees of cardinal is an important area of the zodiac as many important countries have Sun Moon Ascendent and MC in this area.

Sun (China, France 1st Rep) ,

Moon ( UK-1066, Greece Democracy, Indonesia, Iran Khomeini )  ,

Ascendent Axis (Australia ,Germany, India, Palestine, UK 1801)     ,

Mc IC Axis (Egypt, USA-Sibly ,France 5th Rep).


Lunar Eclipse Aatromap


According ACG map as I mentioned in the “Interpretation of Eclipses of March 2016”



Southern and South Eastern Australia, Northern Queensland (Mars, Saturn)

Coastal region of Western New Zealand (Pluto)

Central China (Longitude: 102E-112E), Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand

(Longitude: 102E-112E) (Uranus, Pluto)

India (Chiron, Saturn)

Afghanistan, Pakistan (Mars, Neptune)

Europe & Africa:

Sweden, Poland, Czech, Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, Italy, Eastern Germany (Longitude: 11E-16E) (Uranus)

Spain (Pluto)

Coastal Region of North-western Africa (Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, Neptune)

North & South America:

Western South America, Columbia, Peru, Chile (Uranus, Pluto)

Mid-West of North America (Longitude:101W-111W) (Saturn) (112W-122W) (Mars)



Saturn retrograde 

Saturn is retrograde from  25 Mar to 14 Aug this year, It moves backward from 16 Sag to 9 Sag. During this time our social development has potential to be held back , People feel the need to protect themselves and their property. Society focuses on security and protecting what we have rather than taking risks and going in new directions.

More important Saturn will be stationary  between 23-27 March. We are usually very careful during outer planet stationary as it usually suggests instability in politics and economics.  Disasters also easily happen during this time. Saturn is stationary at 16 degrees Sagittarius 24. If you have planet near this degree you may be affected this Stationary Saturn. I suggest you focus on a Saturn theme, relationship with authority,  responsibility, safety and security.

You can also focus on planets that contact with the Stationary Saturn, the house they are located in and the house they rule.  Also the following countries have  Sun Moon Ascendent and Mc on 16 degrees Sagittarius, these countries are more likely to have Saturnian even in for next three months.

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Sun:  Finland Ireland Sweden(Constitution) Russia (1991),  Norway (opposite Sun)  Italy (opposite Sun)

Moon: North Korea Croatia Slovania

Ascendent:  Cyprus , Belgium, Indonesia Malaysia New Zealand, Thailand,Syria, USA Sibly

Mc:Denmark MC

Venus square Saturn and Mars square  Neptune

After a full moon we have Venus square Saturn and  Mars square Neptune. Venus square Saturn suggests a difficult situation in the financial market.  This suggests those countries affected by the Lunar Eclipse and stationary Saturn need to be very careful with their economic situation. This could also suggest suppression of female states in society, as it happen in the Lunar Eclipse it could appear in media as a shocking social event.

Mars waning square Neptune suggests we are in the end of the Mars Neptune cycle. For some people it is a difficult time, as they just “see“ that the environment (the society) are not supporting them to fulfil their “dreams“  although they fight very hard, chasing these dreams, but it is the end of the cycle and they need to learn to let it go. Usually Mars Neptune contact gives us warning on public health systems, be cautious if there is any news about flu virus or any kind of epidemic.

Last Quarter Moon on 1st April 

There is a last Quarter Moon on 1 April ,  It will have influence for next 7 days , the waning moon suggests letting go of things that we don’t need anymore however that is not easy and most of us will fight to keep things as we are used to it (even we don’t need it). Therefore we may find it difficult to let things go away and struggle to keep things where they are. This last quarter Moon related to the  new Moon of January 2014  and 1st quarter Moon of October 2014. If there is some event happen during this time, it could be affected. For example: Latvia officially adopts the euro as its currency, this could suggest something maybe going to happen in Latvia’s economy, on this day thirteen states of US increase the minimum wage.

Although the Saturn Neptune square is not in tight orb in the Lunar Eclipse chart and Aries ingress chart but after Saturn retrograde, the square will become tighter suggesting an increased pressure for next few months. Retrogrades Saturn in Sagittarius suggests holding back and s conservative mindset.  The domestic issue is more likely focus on the declining financial situation and cuts to social benefit (UK has just cut benefits for the disabled last week ).


We usually notice that conflict between middle eastern countries and western countries happens when Saturn forms a hard aspect with Neptune. If we consider both Aries ingress and Lunar Eclipse ’s indication we will notice Palestine , Iran , Syria and Egypt are more likely to get involved. Saturn is the boundary , so that recent refugee crisis in EU countries could be triggered by Retrograde Saturn and  Saturn square Neptune soon.

Interpretation of Eclipses of March 2016

Part of this article was published in the INFINITY Astrological Magazine 2016 Jan-Feb issue
Solar Eclipse: 9th Mar 2016 1:54 a.m. GMT
Location of New Moon: 18 Pisces 55
Ruler: Jupiter in Virgo

Lunar Eclipse: 23rd Mar 2016 12:00 p.m. GMT
Sun: 3 Aries 17  Ruler: Mars in Sagittarius
Moon: 3 Libra 17 Ruler: Venus in Pisces

In 2015, a lot of financial astrologers predicted that the global economy would start to recede; at the same time, bankers and economists, on the contrary, were expecting the economy to revive or the recession to come to an end. The prediction of astrologers is indeed on solid ground. In 2015 and 2016, Jupiter-Saturn and Saturn-Neptune, both of which are related to economic development, would respectively form a square while, coincidentally, both of them will be in the last square of their respective synodic cycles. This suggests that the development of global situation will soon come to the last phase of both Jupiter-Saturn cycle and Saturn-Neptune cycle. The second square ( waning square ) of a synodic cycle often suggests a decision to end. In such upheavals, we would be subject to continual happenings of conflicts, which in turn allow us to be clear about which social institutions and structures should be kept before the start of the next synodic cycle and which of them must be abandoned or abolished. Properties of these incidents often synchronise with what happens in the society when these two pairs of planets are in conjunction.

Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses are an important tool that astrologers use to predict the yearly global situation. When predicting, astrologers often use the four cardinal ingress charts, which includes the spring equinox chart, the summer solstice chart, the autumn equinox chart and the winter solstice chart, to support their judgement. The eclipses charts often suggest which areas of life we should pay our attention to. If there are significant planets located at the ascendant, the descendant, IC or MC of the eclipse charts, we often tend to pay more attention to the influence that such planets bring forth.

Elements, Signs and Rulers of the Eclipses Charts

The solar eclipse in March will be at 18 Pisces 55. The lunar node will locate at the Virgo-Pisces axis, symbolising that water resources, ocean and fishery, which are all under the water element, will still be the focus of our attention this year. It is especially so when this solar eclipse is near the south node which symbolises feedbacks, compensation and response. Hence, how we treat our water and fishery resources will receive a response by then – how we conserve our fish stocks, how we neglect water pollution, and how we emphasise water resources will lead to certain rewards or consequences.


The ruler of this solar eclipse in March is Jupiter, and Jupiter simultaneously forms an aspect to the new moon of this solar eclipse. In traditional astrology, it is what we call “reception”. Jupiter, which is in detriment, may not be of much help here, but its properties, including acceptance, moral values, religion and media, may still be an option to help us navigate through the countless obstacles thanks to such reception. Jupiter in detriment may suggest that what comes to help may not be those large institutes and organisations that we know well; instead, it may be those small media corporations, regional churches or small charitable organisations that would be willing to give a helping hand. It may also suggest that we can experience the bright side of humanity through some small actions when we are in difficulty.

Both Jupiter and the north node are in Virgo. This suggests that the incidents that we are going to encounter and experience are implanted in issues governed by Virgo – including public safety, medical services, labour, agriculture, farming, differentiation and discrimination – and the earth element, such as land, farming and housing. Soon after Jupiter ingressed into Virgo in 2015, Morgan Asia included numerous cosmetic brands into their index-calculation. In addition, the influence of the genetic engineering of Monsanto has aroused the attention of environmentalists and agriculturalists, and it is expected that the March solar eclipse on Virgo will bring these issues back into the spotlight.


The lunar eclipse in March will happen on the Aries-Libra axis. The theme of cooperation and competition in life would become the property of it, and such property will also be reflected in international affairs. Mars will sextile the Moon and trine the Sun respectively, and it also is the ruler of the Sun in this lunar eclipse chart. Mars in Sagittarius would once again emphasise international conflicts, and the Sun-Mars harmonious aspect may suggest that the leaders of different countries will proactively come up with a way to tackle them. Nevertheless, Sun in Aries, an exaltation, may suggest that certain acts of heroism or fights for leadership may lead to unnecessary conflicts, or it may be the case that some cooperation or conflicts, as a result of someone’s intention to consolidate their own leadership, will lead to a change in situation. The moon of this lunar eclipse will be in Libra, which is ruled by Venus. Venus is at 13 Pisces and conjuncts Neptune, forming a T-square with the Jupiter-Saturn square which comes to an exact degree on that day. Both Libra and Venus govern marriage and cooperation. This may remind us that from March to September, which is under the influence of this lunar eclipse, marriages, relationships and cooperation may be subject to drastic changes as a result of social changes and economic crises, a characteristics which corresponds with the property of this Saros cycle. It is especially true when there are planets or angles located at 11 – 19 degree of mutable signs, or when the natal chart of a person, a country or an organisation has planets at 18 Virgo (the solar eclipse point) or 3 Aries (the lunar eclipse point).

The Saros Cycle and 1998
According to Dr. Bernadette Brady’s study of Saros Cycle and its influence, we know that the eclipses in March 2016 belong to Saros Series 18 South and thus they will possess the influence of this Saros Series. The characteristics of the natal chart of this Saros Series include the placement of a Venus-Jupiter aspect, an aspect between the new moon and Neptune, and a connection between the new moon and Venus-Saturn midpoint. These placements suggest a strong sense of ending and separation. Pain is thus an inevitable result, though it will also lead us to another new start. The implication of this Saros Series corresponds with the Venus-Neptune and Venus-Saturn aspects in the lunar eclipse chart.


Next, I will further suggest some different observations. First of all, Dr. Brady mentioned the Venus-Jupiter quincunx in her interpretation of this Saros Cycle – both Venus and Jupiter can be associated to wealth. Sue Thompkins also mentioned that many astrologers regard quincunxes as an aspect related to financial and health crisis. If we integrate these two points of view, at the same time considering that a lot of present outer-planet aspects are suggesting the possibility of financial issues, we should thus pay more attention to our own financial status so as to prepare ourselves to confront another global financial crisis. This is not a groundless estimation. Last time we encountered this Saros Series was in 1998, in which several countries in South-East Asia were under financial crisis, not to mention Russia which was under the same fate at that time. Saturn was at 3 Taurus, forming a waxing square with Neptune which just ingressed into Aquarius. From the current economic situation and astrological transits, it is not difficult for us to derive that the possibility of another upcoming global financial crisis is high.
Important Placements in Solar Eclipse

From various planetary cycles, we can observe that what the solar eclipse in March 2016 suggests is closely related to what happened in late November and early December of 2015. There is a Mars-Pluto semi-square in the solar eclipse chart of March, which is also the last aspect of their synodic cycle symbolising many conflicts in life, from struggles to giving up. The decision involved here should have been realised in early November when Mars and Pluto were in square. The Sun-Saturn conjunction happened at the end of 2015. This time also signalled the beginning of another Sun-Saturn synodic cycle, while this conjunction also triggered the Saturn-Neptune square. In the 2016 March Solar eclipse chart, Sun and Saturn form the waxing square of their synodic cycle, highlighting the need of decision between the plight and the chasing of dreams. It may suggest that what happened in the end of 2015, including the Paris attack, a joint sanction of France, Russia and NATO against ISIL, the conflict between Turkey and Russia, the inclusion of Renmenbi into the Special Drawing Rights basket, and the decision made on COP21 Paris would probably have an obvious influence on 2016. Several aspects in the solar eclipse chart are of significance, and they play an important role through 2015 and 2016.

Uranus-Pluto Square
This synodic cycle is the one which deserves our attention most. It has been influencing the world since 2012. Before discussing what kind of effects it would bring in spring 2016 and 2017, we should first observe how it manifested itself in 2012 – 2015. In these few years, we witnessed numerous conflicts in many places as a result of wealth disparity, and there were frequent occurrence of inequalities and protests against governments. There were large-scale student protests in western societies, Hong Kong and Taiwan, whereas thousands of people also protested when the Japan government announced its military normalisation. Moreover, we see how LGBT social movements become more active.

We can discuss these happenings from two perspectives. First, astrologically, Pluto has a sense of containment, control and an implication of danger, while the properties of isolation, separation and revolution of Uranus often bring forth vigorous conflicts. Many astrologers even agree that Uranus is related to entrepreneurs and the middle class; for Pluto, it not only is the Roman god of wealth, but also governs the hidden treasures. For the word “plutocracy”, we can easily see that its prefix is Pluto itself. Second, all mundane astrologers would observe the starting point of a synodic cycle when they predict. When Uranus and Pluto formed a conjunction in the 1960s, the starting point of the present Uranus-Pluto square, the African-American Civil Rights Movement could be a reference to the frequent racial conflicts in the States in recent years. Besides, in 1969, the time when Uranus and Pluto would soon move apart from conjunction, the Stonewall Riots happened, a demonstration related to gay rights; correspondingly, in 2012 – 2015, we witnessed a lot of changes on gay marriage rights in many countries. Uranus and Pluto will form a rather close aspect again in 2016 spring, and they would only have an orb of one degree thirty-six in the solar eclipse chart. This suggests that the above incidents, as symbolised by these two planets, would still play an important role in our society in 2016.


Jupiter-Saturn Square / Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction in 2000
Jupiter-Saturn Square is one of the most significant placements in mundane cycles. Social development, as symbolised by Jupiter, can be carried out by Saturn; at the same time, the expansion of Jupiter can also be restrained by Saturn. This aspect symbolises the conflicts and integration between political or economical freedom and the conservatives. As Jupiter and Saturn form a square in 2015-2016 and the aspect itself symbolises social conflicts, it suggests that our society has to make certain decisions and give up those plans that are already expired. This square is related to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in 2000. At the time, the dot-com tumble and other economic crises finally led to the existence of some measures and approaches, some of which will be re-assessed in the upcoming two years.

Saturn-Neptune Square / Saturn-Neptune Conjunction in 1989 (Saturn-Neptune Square in 2007-2009 and the European Financial Crisis)
Saturn and Neptune – another pair of planets which are significant to the economic cycle – will form their waning square in 2016, which once again reminds us to be aware of the economic situation. Due to the fact that the happenings of numerous financial crises did synchronise with the critical timings of this synodic cycle, perhaps we should reflect and see if we are too optimistic towards economic development or if there are any impractical actions. The bubbles as symbolised by Saturn and Neptune often suggest critical financial crisis; this time, the square also signals the end of an era.

The conjunction of these two planets in Capricorn in 1989 symbolises the beginning of an important era. Many countries in Eastern Europe declared independence circa 1989. In the same year, the States enact the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) in the wake of the savings and loan crisis, at the same time establishing different financial regulatory and supervisory institutions. These institutions, which were established during Saturn-Neptune conjunction, confronted many challenges in 2007 because of the subprime mortgage crisis. However, it is worth noticing that the upcoming one would be much more challenging, and the situation by then would be obvious enough for us to abandon those impractical ideas. We should also note that the European debt crisis in 2007 – 2009 is also closely related to the Saturn-Neptune synodic cycle.

As well as economic changes, Eastern Europe also started to adapt themselves into the free society of the rest of Europe in 1989, which simultaneously brought forth issues of economic differences and immigration into the eurozone. All these issues may once again come into the spotlight in 2016. Many astrologers have pointed out the close relationship between Saturn-Neptune aspects and conflicts of Arabian countries. In 2010, a Danish cartoonist depicted Muhammad wearing a bomb in a turban which triggered conflicts between the Muslim world and the West; in 2015, the Charlie Hebdo shooting happened at the moment of Saturn-Neptune square; Salman Rushdie was under a calling for assassination issued by the leader of Iran after he published the Satanic Verses. Now, in 2015, we have already seen that many people accused those immigrants, who failed to adapt themselves into the European society, of being the culprit of the horror attacks in Europe. The European countries can do nothing but bomb ISIL; however, the horror out of this situation also motivates the people to support the far-right parties and Fascism. It was already reflected in France in its vote in late 2015. We must be cautious of how these themes keep on developing in 2016.

Mars-Pluto Aspect and Saturn-Uranus Aspect
In addition, there are other pairs of aspects in presence around the solar eclipse in March. Though they are not hard aspects of outer planets, they still worth our attention. First, Mars and Pluto are in semisquare, and this synodic cycle is a significant indication of political rivalries or conflicts and war. This pair of planets is also closely associated to the price of oil and indirectly affects the financial market. On the other hand, despite symbolising the wrestling between the conservatives and the reform parties, Saturn-Uranus aspect is vitally influential in financial astrology. I have observed that this pair of planets often suggests conflicts between supervisory institutions and entrepreneurs, and it sometimes represents interference or support from government towards new technology. Crisis in free economy, as reflected in the occurrence of the European debt crisis and bankruptcy of Iceland government, may once again ask for our attention.
A lot of astrologers believe that we should not limit our focus just to the day of an eclipse when we predict what influences they might bring forth, and they often have their own perspectives on this. Some suggest that the influence of a solar eclipse would last for six months, while some believe that it would last for three years. To me, the influence of solar eclipse is extensive, and its effect starts from three months prior to the day of eclipse to one year after it; for lunar eclipses, the influence is rather weak and is easily manifested in our living, and will dissipate 6 months after the eclipse. However, astrologers tend to agree that when Sun and lunar nodes are in square, the effect of the eclipses would be more prominent, a period which some astrologers call “Moon Wobble Time”. It refers to the period which starts from two weeks prior to the Sun-lunar node square to one week after its exact degree.

2016 Moon Wobble Time
11 Mar Sun-South node conjunction duration 26th Feb- 18th Mar
7 Jun Sun-Lunar nodes square duration 24th May – 14th Jun
4 Sep Sun-North node conjunction duration 21st Aug -11th Sep
29 Nov Sun-Lunar nodes square duration 15th Nov – 6th Dec

Besides, the moment when Mars, Saturn and other outer planets start to influence the eclipses point often suggests the occurrence of major incidents. Saturn will be in hard aspects with the new moon by the time the solar eclipse happens in March, and it will go retrograde in the end of March. We predict that major social incidents, which reflect the properties of the planets profoundly and directly, will be triggered during the time as the eclipses happen; these events may be related to organisations and institutions governed by Saturn, or it could be related to the conservative atmosphere among the countries. Mars, on the other hand, will first trigger the new moon of the March solar eclipse, then the full moon of the March lunar eclipse, while Saturn will once again trigger the solar eclipse point, the influence of which would last to the end of 2016.

If the ecliptic degrees at which a new moon, full moon and last quarter moon are in important aspects to the location of the new moon of solar eclipses or the axis of full moon of lunar eclipses, events of similar nature could be triggered too. Triggers by a new moon or full moon usually would last for one month, while those triggered by first quarter moon or last quarter moon will last for two days. If the interaction between Mars, Saturn, outer planets or Chiron with the eclipses point, as previously discussed, and the happenings of these lunar aspects are found at the same time, or if simultaneously there are significant placements of outer planets or stationary outer planets, the possibility of major social events is very high.

For those months whose new moon is influenced by the March eclipses, the influence could last up to a month.
5 Jun 2016 new moon at 14 Gemini (Moon Wobble Time)
1 Oct 2016 new moon at8 Libra
(Mars triggers the Sun-Moon opposition of lunar eclipse in March + stationary Pluto)
29 Dec 2016 new moon at7 Capricorn
(Saturn triggers the new moon of solar eclipse in March + stationary Uranus)

For those months whose full moon is influenced by the March eclipses, the influence could last up to a month.
14 Dec 2016 full moon at 22 Gemini in square with the new moon of solar eclipse (Saturn triggers the new moon of the March solar eclipse)

For those months whose first quarter moon is influenced by the March eclipses, the influence could last up to two days.
12 Jun 2016 (Moon Wobble Time + stationary Neptune)
9 Sep 2016 (Moon Wobble Time)
7 Dec 2016

For those months whose last quarter moon is influenced by the March eclipses, the influence could last up to two days.
27 Jun 2016 (stationary Mars)
23 Sep 2016 (stationary Pluto)

Regions influenced by solar eclipses and ACG map
In ancient time, astrologers believe that regions over which the solar eclipse was visible would suffer the most severe influence. In spring 2015 when the solar eclipse occurred, most of the Europe could see its happening. Besides, we find that Mars is at the ascendant of the 2015 September lunar eclipse charts of Paris and Brussels, which possibly encompasses the issue of European refugee crisis and the Paris horror attack. It reminds us that the observation of the ancients is somehow valid and worth our notice. The solar eclipse of March 2016 will be over South-east Asia and Australia. In the solar eclipse of 1998, which belongs to the same Saros Series of the 2016 March one, those South-east Asian countries were undergoing the most severe financial crisis they had ever confronted. These two implications reflect that South-east Asia and Australia, regions which can witness the 2016 March solar eclipse, deserve our meticulous attention. If there are outer planets over these regions in the ACG map of the solar eclipse, the attention should thus be further heightened.

National Charts
In the national charts or important charts of the countries enlisted below, Sun, Moon, the ascendant or MC forms hard aspects to 18 degree of mutable signs, the point at which the solar eclipse happens.

Sun: Brazil, Egypt, Denmark (constitution), Italy, Kenya, North Korea, Lithuania, Norway, Syria, Vatican
Moon: Germany, Northern Cyprus, Latvia, Poland, Malta, Portugal, Syria
Asc: Denmark (constitution), Ethiopia, Laos, Libya
MC: Mali, Turkey, Russia (1917 chart), Mauritius, Namibia

In the national charts or important charts of the countries enlisted below, Sun, Moon, the ascendant or MC forms hard aspects to 3 degree of cardinal signs, the point at which the lunar eclipse happens. Many astrologers believe that important placements or aspects at the first few degrees of cardinal signs often pull the important powers or countries into major events.
Sun: China, France (the chart of the First Republic), Croatia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Venezuela
Moon: Estonia, Greece, Indonesia, South Korea, Ireland, Laos, U.K (1066 chart), Spain, Turkey
Asc: Bahamas, Czech, Taiwan, Iceland, India, Kuwait, U.K (1801 chart)
MC: New Zealand, Uganda, Salvador


Astro Map
In addition to determine by considering which regions can visibly witness the solar eclipse, we can also use the ACG map, a modern astrology technique, to predict which regions or areas would obviously be subject to the influence of solar eclipse, especially for those which has Mars, Saturn, the outer planets or Chiron at the angles of their eclipses charts. These regions would be under severe influence of the eclipses.


Solar Eclipse Chart
New Zealand (Saturn)
The northern coast of Queensland, Australia (Neptune, new moon)
Inland of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia (Mars)
Northern and Central costal region of China (Mars)
Southern Japan (Saturn)
Nepal, Bhutan, North-eastern India and Bangladesh (Pluto, Uranus)
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Western Iran, Central Asia region (new moon, Chiron, Neptune, Saturn)
Iraq, Eastern Turkey, the Arabian Peninsula (Mars)

Europe & Africa
Sweden, Norway, central Finland (Saturn)
U.K (Saturn, Uranus)
France, Spain – Catalonia region (Uranus)
Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece (Pluto)
Somalia, Eastern Africa (Mars)

North & South America:
Brazil (Saturn, Mars)
Honduras, Nicaragua (Uranus)
Western costal region of North America (new moon, Saturn, Chiron)
Inland region of Eastern North America (Pluto)

Lunar Eclipse

Southern and South Eastern Australia, Northern Queensland (Mars, Saturn)
Coastal region of Western New Zealand (Pluto)
Central China (Longitude: 102E-112E), Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand (Longitude: 102E-112E) (Uranus, Pluto)
India (Chiron, Saturn)
Afghanistan, Pakistan (Mars, Neptune)

Europe & Africa:
Sweden, Poland, Czech, Austria, Croatia, Slovakia, Italy, Eastern Germany (Longitude: 11E-16E) (Uranus)
Spain (Pluto)
Coastal Region of North-western Africa (Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, Neptune)

North & South America:
Western South America, Columbia, Peru, Chile (Uranus, Pluto)
Mid-West of North America (Longitude:101W-111W) (Saturn) (112W-122W) (Mars)


Additional note about South Taiwan Earthquake

1.Full moon chart on 24 Jan 2016 have Chiron opposite Jupiter on Horizon

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2.New Moon on 10 Jan has Neptune right on Ascendent , we can se this as a sign.

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3.Lunar eclipse chart on 28 Sep 2015 has Chiron right on I.C where indicate the wound of land and people. Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 21.42.27


4. Most important the 2015 Capricorn Ingress chart have Uranus on Ascendent and Pluto on M.C … According the geologist ,Taiwan maybe face another huge earthquake soon , if we look at Aries Ingress chart , this warning should be treat carefully.

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5.The Uranus was on IC when earthquake happened on 3:57 AM 6th Feb 2016.  Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 21.43.05


2016 三月日蝕與月蝕分析

日蝕:9th Mar 2016 1:54 AM GMT

新月度數:18 Pisces 55


月蝕:23rd Mar 2016 12:00 PM GMT

太陽:3 Aries 17  守護星 火星  射手座

月亮:3 Libra 17  守護星 金星  雙魚座

2015年許多財經占星師都預測全球的經濟將會開始衰退,但許多銀行家與經濟學者都仍然抱持著一種「經濟有可能復甦」或「衰退到此為止」的態度;事實上,占星師的預測有其強烈的根據。在20152016年這兩年,木星與土星以及土星與海王星這兩組與經濟發展有關連的行星都會產生四分相,而且兩組行星都處於行星相位循環 (Synodic Cycle) 當中的最後一次四分相,這也暗示了當前的全球局勢發展來到了木土循環與土海循環週期的末端,行星循環最後的一次四分相往往暗示著一個結束的決定,在許多的波折當中我們將透過不斷的衝突而看清楚,在進入下一次行星循環之前,哪些社會運作的方式是可以保留的,哪些社會運作的方式又是必須放棄的,而這些事件的特質也往往與兩個行星合相時出現在社會當中的事物有關聯。




木星是三月日蝕的守護,木星也與日蝕的新月產生相位,這在古典占星來說是一種收受 (reception),但木星本身的弱勢能夠帶來的幫助並不大,但因為這一層收受,木星所象徵著包容、道德、宗教與傳媒仍然有可能是幫助我們度過重重困難的選項之一,木星處女的弱勢,可能暗示著這並非大家所熟識的大型機構,而是一些不起眼的小型傳播媒體或者區域性的教會(小型的慈善團體),或者也暗示著我們會在困境當中因為一些小事物而體驗到人性的美好。





沙羅週期與 1998

根據占星師 Dr. Bernadette Brady對日月蝕沙羅週期影響所作的研究,從中我們得知今年上半年的日蝕與月蝕屬於沙羅週期十八號 (SS 18 South) 的影響,這個沙羅週期誕生圖的特色在於金星與木星相位,還有日月跟海王星的相位與及日月跟金星土星中點的關聯,當中帶有強烈的結束與分離的特質,這當中的傷痛難以避免,但是卻也領導我們走向另一個新的開始。這一層沙羅週期的暗示也正好與月蝕圖當中金星與海王星土星的相位有著呼應。


接下來,我將會更進一步地提出一些不同的觀察,首先是Dr. Brady在沙羅週期的分析當中提到了金星木星的150度相位,無論是金星或木星都與財富有關,而蘇.湯普金 (Sue Thompkins) 也提到150度是許多占星師眼中象徵財務與健康危機的相位。綜合這兩者,同時加上此刻行運當中的許多外行星相位也暗示著財務危機的可能性,因此我們必須更為謹慎地面對自身財務狀況,以及做好全球金融危機再次出現的準備。這並非憑空預測,上次我們遇到這個沙羅週期影響的時間是1998年,當時東南亞國家陷入了經濟危機,而同一年俄羅斯也產生了經濟危機,當時土星在金牛座三度並與剛進入水瓶座的海王星產生了循環當中第一次的四分相,而從2015年的景氣以及此刻的行運,我們將不難想像全球性的經濟危機再次出現的可能性相當的高。


從許多行星的循環來看,2016年春天的日蝕所暗示的事件將緊密的與2015年十一月底至十二月初的事件產生關聯。日蝕圖當中有火星與冥王星的半四分相,這是火冥循環的最後一組相位,暗示著許多生存衝突從掙扎到放棄的過程,那個決定應該早在2015十一月的火冥四分相時就已經清楚地意識到了。而那段時間太陽與土星合相暗示著年度日土循環的開端,同時那時的日土合相觸動了土海四分,而現在太陽則與土星產生循環當中的上弦四分相 (Waxing Square),這凸顯了人們在艱困的環境與夢想的追逐上需要作出決定。這可能暗示著在2015年底重要的事件將會顯著的影響著2016年,當中包括了巴黎的恐怖攻擊、法俄北約聯手制裁ISIS、極右派在歐洲興起、土耳其與俄羅斯的衝突、世界貨幣基金(IMF)將中國人民幣納入SDR特別提款權貨幣、與及巴黎氣候峰會 (COP21) 上所作出的決定。在日蝕圖當中將有幾組相位相當的重要,而他們大多都在2015-2016扮演重要的角色。




我們可以從兩個觀點來看待這些事情:第一,在占星學當中,冥王星有著牽制、控制還有危機的意涵,天王星的切割、分離與改革則往往帶有劇烈的衝突性,許多占星師更認為天王星與資本家與及中產階級有關,而冥王星不但是羅馬人的財富之神,守護隱藏的寶藏,而且如果我們去看財閥政治 (Plutocracy) 這個字,它不正正就是以冥王星 (Pluto) 為字首嗎?第二,所有的世俗占星師在預測時都會去研究循環起點的影響,1960年代的天冥合相正是這個四分相的開端,當時美國民權運動的興盛可以對應近年在美國的種族衝突;與同性戀平權運動相關的石牆暴動發生在1969天王星與冥王星合相的末期,在2012-2015期間,我們看到了世界各國在婚姻平權上的改變。天冥四分會再次在2016年春天產生緊密的相位,而在日蝕圖當中天王星與冥王星只有136分的角距,這暗示著這兩個行星所象徵的上述事件將在2016年持續扮演重要的關鍵。


木土四分  2000 木土合相

木星與土星的四分相是世俗循環 (Mundane cycles) 當中最為重要的一環,木星所象徵的社會發展可以透過土星落實,木星所象徵的擴張則可以透過土星約束。這一組相位象徵著政治或經濟上的自由跟保守勢力之間的衝突與整合,20152016年我們來到了象徵社會衝突的木星與土星四分相,這一組四分相暗示著社會必須做出一些決定,並放棄一些不合時宜的計畫。這一組相位與2000年的木星土星合相有著關聯,當時的網路泡沫 (dot com bubble) 以及因為經濟危機所做出的、為了刺激經濟的不同做法很可能在這一兩年被重新檢討。

土海四分  1989土海合相  2007-2009 土海四分與歐洲經濟危機)



除了經濟之外,東歐在1989年開始融入了歐洲的自由社會,當中帶來了包括歐元區的經濟差異及移民問題,這些都將有可能在2016年再次的引發眾人的關注。許多占星師也指出了土海相位與阿拉伯世界的衝突有著密切的關連,2010年丹麥漫畫家繪製先知畫像引發了回教世界與西方國家衝突,2015年的查理周報恐怖襲擊事件發生在土海四分時刻,而Rushdie 1989年發布的魔鬼詩篇也同樣受到了回教國家的追殺令,目前我們已經看見歐洲發動恐怖攻擊的源頭被指向難以融入歐洲社會的移民,歐洲政府除了轟炸IS之外別無他法,然而恐懼卻引發了人民往極右派與法西斯主義靠攏,法國在2015年底的地方選舉已經出現了這個跡象,我們必須注意此一影響在2016年持續發酵。


火冥相位  土天相位



許多占星師認為當我們預測日蝕與月蝕發生的影響時不應該只侷限於日蝕當天或月蝕當天,不同的占星師有著不同的認定,有的給予日蝕六個月的影響力,有的甚至會給予長達三年。而我認為日蝕的影響領域比較廣泛,因為日蝕象徵著重大事件引發的群眾反應,大約是一年的影響,有時候影響力會提前三個月凸顯,而月蝕的影響力較為細微並且容易出現在生活當中,影響力大約在月蝕之後6個月消失。不過許多占星師都同意當太陽與月亮交點產生合相與四分相,那往往會是日月蝕的效應被凸顯的時刻,又有占星師稱此一時刻為月亮顫動時期 (Moon Wobble time),這所指的是太陽與月亮交點合相或四分相的前兩週到正相位的後一週。

2016 月亮顫動時期

11 Mar 太陽合相南交點 影響週期 26th Feb- 18th Mar

7 Jun 太陽四分交點 影響週期 24th May – 14th Jun

4 Sep 太陽合相北交點 影響週期 21st Aug -11th Sep

29 Nov 太陽四分交點 影響週期 15th Nov – 6th Dec




5 Jun 2016  新月在14 Gem(在月亮顫動時刻)

1 Oct 2016  新月在8 Lib(火星觸動三月底月蝕的日月對分+冥王星停滯)

29 Dec 2016 新月在7 Cap(土星觸動三月日蝕的新月+天王星停滯)


14 Dec 2016 滿月在22度雙子與日蝕新月四分相 (土星觸動三月日蝕的新月)


12 Jun 2016 (在月亮顫動時刻+海王星停滯)

9   Sep 2016  (在月亮顫動時刻)

7   Dec 2016 


27 Jun 2016  (此刻火星停滯)

23 Sep 2016   (此刻冥王星停滯)











月:愛沙尼亞、希臘、印尼、南韓、愛爾蘭、寮國、英國 (1066)、西班牙、土耳其

上升:巴哈馬、捷克、台灣、冰島、印度、科威特、英國 (1801)







澳洲昆士蘭北部沿海(海王星 新月)




尼泊爾、不丹、印度東北部與孟加拉(冥王星 天王星)

阿富汗、巴基斯坦與伊朗西部中亞一帶(新月 凱龍 海王星土星)


歐洲 非洲:


英國(土星 天王星) 





巴西(土星 火星)


北美洲西部沿海地區(新月 土星 凱龍)





澳洲南部與東南部與昆士蘭北部(火星 土星)、


中國中部(經度102E-112E)、越南、緬甸、馬來西亞、印尼、新加坡、泰國(東經102-112區域)(天王星 冥王星)


阿富汗 巴基斯坦(火星 海王星)


瑞典、波蘭、捷克、奧地利、克羅埃西亞、斯洛伐尼亞、義大利、德國東部(經度11E-16E 地區)(天王星)


非洲西北部海岸(土凱 冥 海


南美洲西岸、哥倫比亞、秘魯、智利(天王星 冥王星)

北美洲中西部(經度101W-111W 土星)(112W-122W 火星)





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Astrology study of 2016 Istanbul suicide bombing

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I hear about Istanbul suicide bombing yesterday afternoon and I did not hear many people talk about it, I felt a little bit upset as this event happened in Tourist area and most people been killed are tourists (10 German and 1 Peruvian) , I have visit Istanbul last spring make lots of friends and always want to go back. I feel really sorry of this event , if I don’t go to local barber who watch only Al Jazeera I will not learn this news at all. As most western people were moaning about David Bowie’s death.   
The Event time is
12 Jan 2016 10:20 AM EEDT

The attacker was a Syrian born in Saudi Arabia and member of ISIL. 

Here I will first look few chart and then go to Astromap

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The 28th Sep 2015 Lunar Eclipse chart base on Istanbul  has Chiron right on Descendent, If we place Transit Chiron ’s position of Eclipse on Turkey country chart  (29 Oct 1923) we will see Transiting Chiron is right on M.C. This Lunar Eclipse chart have very interesting Ascendent on 20 Virgo close to Turkey ’s IC. Sun Mercury conjunct  Turkey’s Mars.

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Chiron influence

If we check the other chart Chiron have a strange influence on this event.

  1. ON the event chart base on new 12 Jan 2016 10:20am , in this chart Chiron is right on Ascendent conjunct with South node .  Chiron opposite Jupiter which is Chart Ruler and Chiron’s dispositor also Turkey country chart ruler.  Jupiter conjunct North Node right on Descendent , Jupiter represent foreigner from the attacker to the victims in this event are all foreigner. Mars sesquiquardrate Chiron, Mars Chiron aspect are  usually suggest violence involve with vulnerable people, Sandy hook primary school shooting also have Mars Chiron semi square.  The MC is on 25 degrees fixed star Aculeus  (M6 an open cluster  ) is near this  stars has Mars Moon effect. ( Event time is base on news and wikipedia If anyone have more detail I would be appreciate and happy to correct it, thanks ) .

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2. The Solar Eclipse on 3 Sep 2015 have Chiron opposite New Moon and this was place on Turkey country chart’s MC/IC.

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3. Compare outer planets transit and Turkey country chart I notice that Transit Uranus is right on Turkey ’s Chiron and Transit Chiron is near Turkey ’s Uranus. 

Recep Tayyip Erdogan have Chiron (25 Cp) conjunct North Node (22 Cp) near Ascendent (18 Cp)

Other Outer Planet aspect

Uranus square Pluto

I will not ignore Saturn square Neptune and Uranus Pluto square as Turkey country chart has Uranus trine Pluto  near Asc and Mc , and current Uranus Pluto square are active this natal Uranus Pluto aspect.

Saturn square Neptune

Lynn Bell has talk about ISIL’s influence during her lecture in Summer 2015 FAS summer school. She did mention about Saturn Neptune aspect are related to Important events of Muslim history , The Hijra happen on 618 AD that year Saturn was on late Taurus  and Square Neptune in late Leo  , the ISIL ’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared Caliph also on 9 Apr 2013 also have Saturn Neptune trine. And we are having Saturn Neptune Square now.   ( resource from Astrologer Paul Saunders’ website

If we allow wide orb Turkey ’s chart have Saturn sextile Neptune (4 degrees orb), therefor this country will resonate when overtime Saturn Neptune  aspect each other.

Astro map 1. 2016 28 Sep Lunar Eclipse , Chiron is right pass Istanbul , if we turn the Astro map to Geodetic system Chiron still very close Istanbul.  The LS Pluto line from Istanbul move south east north west direction which connect Istanbul  and Syria as we know the wave of refugee from Syria has huge impact to Turkey.

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Astromap 2. 2016 13 Spe Solar Eclipse, only Venus near Istanbul but Geodetic Uranus Asc line go through Germany where most victims from in this tragic event, if we use local space chart base on Berlin we will have LS Chiron line  go to Turkey and Syria.    

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Astro Map 3. Capricorn ingress chart Mars line on Syria which is not a surprise to astrologers as Mars is a symbol of War , if we use Istanbul as location we will also have LS Saturn line go south east  to Syria and north west to Germany.    

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