Ankara Attack on 23 October

On 23 October 2024, according to local news, the attack in Ankara took place at 15:30 local time, killing five people and injuring 22.

If we look at the event chart at first glance there are no angular planets, but if we put this event chart on top of the 1923 Turkey chart we will see that Chiron was close to M.C and opposite Mercury ( the I.C ruler) and Saturn (the 8th house ruler) at I.C.

The transiting Sun not far from Mercury & Saturn and transiting Pluto also square this Mercury-Saturn conjunction in the national chart, not least transiting Mars also square Turkey’s Mercury-Saturn as transit Mars is about to opposite transit Pluto.

I always combine other mundane techniques when analysing such events, for example in the Ankara Libra ingress chart Pluto is right on the Ascendant and 8th house ruler Mercury opposite Neptune square Jupiter. If we use the full moon on 17 October, we will see Pluto again on the Ascendant and Uranus close to I.C.

When my friend Kenan sent me the exact time, I was surprised that the event chart has M.C at 14ºSagittarius, because the recent bright comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS was exactly at this degree when the event occurred.

At this moment we have the Sun just move in to Scorpio and square Pluto, Mars is also opposite Pluto too .

About Capulus

Some astrologer always identify fixed star capulus as Messier 34 however I did a bit study on this topic.

I had a similar question several years ago and I did a bit of star map comparison, I think there is a mix up position between Messier 34 and double cluster NGC869. If we compare the image in Anthony’s post and the astronomical star map ( from SkySafari pro app ), M34 is in a different position in two different maps. In the map from SkySafari Messier 34 should be around Algol and not above the star Miram. M34’s position today should be 22° ♉️04, in this case and Antony’s calculation should be correct, in 2000 it is around 21° ♉️ 44.

From the old star map we know,and if Capulus has been described as the sword hand of Perseus. If we compare the position in the star map Anthony provide, and the SkySafari star map , it could be the position of NGC 869, today we call it Double cluster ( together with NGC 884. )

Double clusters were first recorded by Hipparchus as a patch of light in Perseus and also recorded in Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi’s Book of Fixed Stars. The position of NGC869 in 2000 is 24°♉️10′ (R.A 02h19.1m, +57° 09′ J2000 epoch).

However, M34 may only have been discovered around 1645 by Giovanni Batista Hodierna and is only visible with the naked eye in very dark conditions.

Perhaps the position of the Capulus in the software Solar Fire, Janas use the position of NGC869.

screenshot captured from Stellarium

Nancy Pelosi & Algol

Slowly we notice the Mars Uranus conjunction near Algol, it will surprise us and as we wonder whether Biden will withdraw from the presidential nomination under the current pressure from the media and Democratic supporters. Someone surprisingly suggests he needs to think again after this week’s NATO meeting.

“Whatever you’re thinking,” she said, “you didn’t have to put that on the table until we see how this week goes.”

She added that Biden should make a decision on whether to continue to seek re-election.

Nancy Pelosi expressed her opinion in an interview today.

Should we be surprised? Looking at her chart, I think Biden should listen to her carefully, Pelosi has Mars 26 Taurus conjunct Venus 20 and Mars 19 Taurus, she is sending us the important message because no one knows Mars Uranus conjunction with Algol better than her.

Fixed Star Zaniah

We are already talking a lot about the upcoming lunar eclipse on 25 March. This moon is on one side of ecliptic and almost all other planets are on another side of ecliptic (without considering astroids and dwarf planets).

As a Full Moon it has a theme related to relationship, and when it falls on Aries-Libra axis it repeats the relationship again, we know it invite us to focus on our relationship, justice and peace. The only major aspect this lunar eclipse has is the Moon trine Pluto and the Sun sextile it, which brings our attention to the Pluto theme of crisis, as Pluto just moves into Aqurius we need to learn to adapt to the new world, and how to work with each other.

However, I notice that this lunar eclipse was very close to a fixed star right on the ecliptic. Zaniah in the constellation of Virgo. Zaniah is Eta Virgo, representing the left shoulder (wing) of the Goddess.

From Alan’s Star Names, their lore and meaning, we learn that Zanih is originally from Al Zawiah, it is the name of 5 stars of this area. Together with Zevijava ( Beta Virgo ) and another 3 nearby stars they form the corner of the Barker and the Kennel the dog, in Arabic astrology, it was considered of good omen.

It’s name in Chinese is 太微左垣ㄧ the First Star of the Left Wall of the Supreme Palace Enclosure, also called 左執法 the Law Enforcement Officer on the Left.

Robson said this star gives refinement, honour, sympathy, order and a lovable nature.

Dr. More said

“One attribute of Zaniah can be seen in the Mercury-Venus-in-Libra talent for negotiating peace. “One attribute that a good commander (or salesman) must surely need is an intuition for knowing when to call a halt to fighting and either offer or seek terms for peace. “

I really hope that this lunar eclipse conjunct with this auspicious peaceful star can bring us some good news out of the current chaos and I know it is not easy but I sincerely hope so.

Or at less we see the tiny result ( full moon ) of our effort to make peace. Just sharing this interesting observation with you.

Outer planets stationary and studies of Earthquakes in April 2016

IMG_76884 major Earthquakes happened during Mars Pluto stationary, this is what Mundane Astrologers have warned, major Mundane events usually happened during stationary of Outer planets. Very important that Mars was stationary at 8 degree Sagittarius conjunct with ” Antares ” a fixed stars has Martian nature.

Some scientist suggest we should be more cautious about  the activity of ring of fire area. This warning should be take seriously.

We can use different techniques to find out the countries will been affected , Country chart like Japan Burma , Ecuador all have As Ds affected by Stationary Mars or Pluto, we can use Astro map from Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse and Ingress chart

If we look at Solar Eclipse chart we can also see those country have been affect by outer planets . Include  Japan  US west coast , both the Lunar Eclipse and Aries Ingress chart suggestTaiwan Philippine Indonesia New Zealand and west coast of South American ( Chile, Peru,Columbia, Ecuador)

Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares    

It is very special opportunities when Mars stationary or retrograde near Antares, I have found in ancient Chinese astrological records talk about Retrograde Mars in centre of Scorpio constellation  especially conjunct Antares , ancient astrologers in China doest took the conjunction between Mars and Antares seriously. In their view Mars represent War, riots,drought.  When it conjunct Antares is a bad omen for the court (country).


For the Ancient Chinese astrologer, Antares could represent Emperor. In the most important History work of ancient Chinese  ” Records of the Grand Historian “(史記) .  The Antares were considers as part of ” Heart mansion “(心宿) represent dragon’s hear.

The area of  Heart mansion is between Antares to μ1 Scorpii  which mean between 9 degrees Sagittarius  to 16 degree Sagittarius on the tropical zodiac ( from μ1 Scorpii is another mansion call ” Tail Mansion ” ). The heart mansion has besically two meaning , one is dargaon’s heart another meaning represetn Emperor’s court (or sky god’s court 明堂 ).


In the astronomy the Heart mansion contain 2 parts , the south part located in constellation Lupus, called Ji-Zu (積卒)  represent group of Soldiers.  Another part in Scorpion constellation represent dragon’s heart . 3 stars include in this part, Antares, σ Sco and  τ Sco . Antares also call big fire also rerepsent the Sky Emperor ,  next to  Antares σ Sco represent crown prince of Sky Emperor , the   τ Sco  represent 2nd Son of Sky Emperor. (東宮蒼龍,房、心。心為明堂,大星天王,前後星子屬。)

 The ” Records of the Grand Historian ” also explained Mars’ role in Chinese  astrology , Mars represent unrest, it suggest dispute in the court or war. Especially when Mars stationary  in Heart mansion (near Antares ) or Room Mansion ( Acrab β Scorpius ) suggestEmperor will have problem.

In Han-Shu ( the History record of East Han dynasty BCE 206- 23 )

As astrologer report  retrograde Mars  in Heart Mansion  (as a bad omen ) at Spring time 7 CE, the Emperor Cheng of Han dynasty ( name: Liu Ao ) demanded the Prime minister  to commit suicide but very soon after death of Prime Minister, Emperor Cheng died. 

Mars retrograde in Heart Mansion also mentioned In the The Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era (724 CE) , it said When Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares will change the Minister and the Lord left his court. it suggest fall of important person or death of emperor.

Although Mars was not exactly conjunct Antares but retrograde in Scorpio constellation area of   ” Heart Mansion ” in July 2001. Some Chinese astrologer does concerned the tragic of 911 related to   Retrograde Mars in dragon heart (Scorpio constellation).


This stationary Mars near Antares was conjunct Burma’s ascendent and Japan’s descendent .

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Here is more analyse about this 4 major earthquakes happen between 13-16 April

13 April Myanmar Earthqauke

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake has hit north west Myanmar on Wednesday 13 April, so far there are no death record. The strong earthquake can also be notice in north east India.

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New on BBC

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Earthquake data from USGS

The astrological timing of this quake is interesting, as this week Mars and Pluto both stationary before retrograde. Usually we expect important events happened during outer planet stationary. The earthquake happened at 20:25 local time (13:55 UT) The Moon at event chart located at 16 degrees Cancer, this is sensitive point of recent year as Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal square near this degree. 

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From astrological view this earthquake is not totally surprise, I have also gave warning of this country on my lunation forecasting  which published at 3rd April ( It is not an special skill if we check  Eclipse charts, Ingress chart  and care with Outer planet stationary degree). If we check the 9th March 2016 Solar eclipse chart of Mawlaik, Myanmar ( 40 miles from earthquake place ) we will see Uranus on Ascendent and Pluto on M.C with 1 degree orb . In the 23 March Lunar Eclipse chart The Sun Moon opposition right on Asc/Dsc axis.

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The Aries ingress chart Venus conjunct Neptune on MC, I usually take Neptune as a sign of Earthquake ( as in the mythology Neptune’s triton could cause earthquake.) Saturn in the Ingress chart also near Descendent. If there is no death record in the end must be Venus blessing but it is too early to say this.   

On the New Moon on 7th April Pluto is 7 degrees away of local IC this will be very clear if we use Astromap.  After We exam all the important chart now we can come to timing of event.

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We should not under esteem the power of  Stationary Mars, it is at 8 degrees Sagittarius near the Ascendent of Myanmar and square Mars in Country chart with 1 degree orb. Transit Saturn is right on Myanmar’s Jupiter. Transit Jupiter at 14 degrees of Virgo the Mc of Myanmar. When the event happened the Ascendent is on 19 degrees of Scorpio very close to Myanmar ’s Chiron and south node. The Mc of event chart is on country’s Saturn , The Transiting Neptune is on country’s IC. 

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The transiting Moon is very sensitive in this event chart, honestly I rarely see the transiting Moon trigger other chart with exact tight orb like this  event, don’t forget on the Solar Eclipse chart Uranus and Pluto are Paran on the Asc and Mc square each other at 17 and 18 degrees of Cardinal sign which triggered by the transiting Moon of event chart. Part from the 16degrees of Cancer opposite transiting Pluto, square Uranus , Myanmar also have Moon at 17 degrees Libra on the country chart square by transit Moon.     

14 & 16 April 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes 

One hour after I first published the article of Myanmar earthquake, another Magnitude 6.4 earthquake happened near Kumamoto at 21:26 local time (12:26 UTC). This tragic made 3 dead 200 injured and 20 house collapsed. This is just the foreshocks the Main shock hit Kumamoto at 16 April 1:26 am JST.

This is another country has also effect by Stationary Mars, as Japan Meji constitution chart has 9 degrees Sagittarius Descendent, like Myanmar on the warning area of my Lunation forecasting.      

Transiting Mars station on Dsc is not only warning given by the planet, In the 2016 Aries chart  Japan  have Uranus on Mc this is very important sign of earthquake and for god sake we all know Japan is on the Pacific fire ring where most famous for earthquake, if we read the danger sing on Eclipse and Ingress chart or Important transiting planets affect the country chart a we should treat it carefully   .

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With Astro map we can see that Kumamoto is 2 degrees away from Uranus Mc line, also we have Sun Saturn paran very close to this area.

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The important Meiji constitution chart has 9 degrees Gemini ascendent therefore station Mars at 8 degree Sagittarius is on Descendent.

Chiron and South Node conjunct Mars and Venus return .

Pluto conjunct conjunct country’s south Node

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The event chart of foreshock has Neptune ( again ) on IC .


16 April Main shock has Mercury conjunct IC

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The Solar Eclipse chart has Saturn on Descendent and Venus ( again ??? ) on Mc . SE Venus also conjunct Japan Meji constitution chart’s Sun. 


 16 April Ecuador earthquake 

Few hours after Kumamoto earthquake another 7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador on 18:58 local time on 16 Apr, according BBC news at least 77 people have been killed and injured more than 50.

Pluto is stationary and slowly move retrograde on Ecuador’Asc ( Mars is stationary on Japan and Burma’s Asc Dsc, all these place has contact with Stationary Mars and Pluto )

The sign also suggest by solar Eclipse , check the Solar Eclipse Chart ‘s Astromap Pluto IC and Uranus DS line is near Ecuador. If we look at New Moon chart Pluto Mc and Uranus IC is on Ecuador

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