Nancy Pelosi & Algol

Slowly we notice the Mars Uranus conjunction near Algol, it will surprise us and as we wonder whether Biden will withdraw from the presidential nomination under the current pressure from the media and Democratic supporters. Someone surprisingly suggests he needs to think again after this week’s NATO meeting.

“Whatever you’re thinking,” she said, “you didn’t have to put that on the table until we see how this week goes.”

She added that Biden should make a decision on whether to continue to seek re-election.

Nancy Pelosi expressed her opinion in an interview today.

Should we be surprised? Looking at her chart, I think Biden should listen to her carefully, Pelosi has Mars 26 Taurus conjunct Venus 20 and Mars 19 Taurus, she is sending us the important message because no one knows Mars Uranus conjunction with Algol better than her.

Micheal Sumacher’s accident with Astromap

Schumacher image from CNN


I am really sad to hear that Michael Schumacher is in danger of being left in a permanent vegetative state today, I hope he getting better and come out from danger soon.

I have found his his birth data on Astrodata bank on the day accident happened ,  and I noticed the Grand cross was right on his Sun and Moon . So I decide have look deeply on his chart .

HIs birthday is 3 January 1969 at 13:43PM Hurth Germany , and He relocated to Gland Switzerland in 2007.  ( resource from Astrodatabank,_Michael)

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The accident happened on 29 December 2013 at 11:07 AM in Méribel , France

His Natal Mercury MC line  and Local Space Mercury is very close to Méribel, consider his natal Mercury square Natal Mars , trine Jupiter Uranus , sextile Neptune and Chiron tightly. This Mercury could suggest some risk taking , seeking for excitement.

ACG map for Schumacher

His Mercury Mc line also pass by Monaco where he has been accused of cheating towards the end of qualifying in 2006 Monaco Grand Prix .

  When he went on holidays there was a grand cross formed by Mars Jupiter Uranus Pluto and Sun around 10-16 degrees of Cardinal sings , and Schmacher has his natal Sun on 12 Cp , Uranus on 3 Li Jupiter on 5 Li , Moon on 10 Cn and Saturn on 18 Ar and Nodal axis on 4 Ar-Li axis. 

Transit Uranus Mars opposition is right on his Nadal axis square  Natal Moon and Natal Sun, Transit Jupiter also opposite his Sun , more important Transit Pluto right on his Sun . Solar Arc Sun conjunct Venus square Neptune , Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Sun  .

His Natal Mercury Mc is on Neptune Chiron Midpoint and trigger by Transit Moon ,there are also lots of midpoints has been picked up by Transiting planets .

Tr Ma Tr Pl = So/Mo,

Tr Ne = Ma/Ur ,

Tr Ur = So/Ur So/NN Sa/Ch

Mercury Neptune Paran is on exact degree of Méribel Latitude 45 N ( I use 1 degree orb  for Paran )  . Mars Pluto Horizon Paran also near that degree . If we check Midpoint on Astromap we will find Neptune/Chiron midpoint line only 8 miles away.

I have tried relocate his chart to Gland also tried to see local space line from Gland but I could not find anything . Neither on CCG chart .