I am really sad to hear that Michael Schumacher is in danger of being left in a permanent vegetative state today, I hope he getting better and come out from danger soon.
I have found his his birth data on Astrodata bank on the day accident happened , and I noticed the Grand cross was right on his Sun and Moon . So I decide have look deeply on his chart .
HIs birthday is 3 January 1969 at 13:43PM Hurth Germany , and He relocated to Gland Switzerland in 2007. ( resource from Astrodatabank http://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Schumacher,_Michael)
The accident happened on 29 December 2013 at 11:07 AM in Méribel , France
His Natal Mercury MC line and Local Space Mercury is very close to Méribel, consider his natal Mercury square Natal Mars , trine Jupiter Uranus , sextile Neptune and Chiron tightly. This Mercury could suggest some risk taking , seeking for excitement.
His Mercury Mc line also pass by Monaco where he has been accused of cheating towards the end of qualifying in 2006 Monaco Grand Prix .
When he went on holidays there was a grand cross formed by Mars Jupiter Uranus Pluto and Sun around 10-16 degrees of Cardinal sings , and Schmacher has his natal Sun on 12 Cp , Uranus on 3 Li Jupiter on 5 Li , Moon on 10 Cn and Saturn on 18 Ar and Nodal axis on 4 Ar-Li axis.
Transit Uranus Mars opposition is right on his Nadal axis square Natal Moon and Natal Sun, Transit Jupiter also opposite his Sun , more important Transit Pluto right on his Sun . Solar Arc Sun conjunct Venus square Neptune , Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Sun .
His Natal Mercury Mc is on Neptune Chiron Midpoint and trigger by Transit Moon ,there are also lots of midpoints has been picked up by Transiting planets .
Tr Ma Tr Pl = So/Mo,
Tr Ne = Ma/Ur ,
Tr Ur = So/Ur So/NN Sa/Ch
Mercury Neptune Paran is on exact degree of Méribel Latitude 45 N ( I use 1 degree orb for Paran ) . Mars Pluto Horizon Paran also near that degree . If we check Midpoint on Astromap we will find Neptune/Chiron midpoint line only 8 miles away.
I have tried relocate his chart to Gland also tried to see local space line from Gland but I could not find anything . Neither on CCG chart .