On 25 December Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8243 was crashing near Aktau International Airport, Kazakhstan, 38 died in the accident. It was a scheduled international passenger flight from Heydar Aliyev International Airport in Baku, Azerbaijan, to Kadyrov Grozny International Airport near Grozny, Russia, the took off time is at 07:55 AZT from Baku
In the take off chart, Chiron was on I.C, although the Sun on Asc but the Sun is the 8 house ruler.
Local Space Map from take off chart we have Uranus line go to Grozny, Russia, the original destination, Chiron line goest to where plane crash Aktau International Airport, Kazakhstan from Baku.
In the Baku’s Capricorn ingress chart, Mars and Pluto line was go to destination Chechnya, Russia.
New Moon chart from Baku has Neptune on ascendent, flight was diverted because of fog, and the Asc was aligns with Fixed Star Scheat, which related to disaster of transportation
On 29 December 2024 Jeju Air Flight 2216, was crashed in Muan County, South Korea South side of South Korea. 179 people was killed in crash. It is the deadliest mass casualty incident in South Korea and deadliest airplane crash in 2020’s.
JJA2216 was flight from Suvarnabhumi Airport near Bangkok, Thailand, to Muan International Airport in Muan County, South Korea, it took off at 2:11 AM from Bangkok Thailand.
Mars – Pluto opposition was near MC – IC when it takes off. ACG map for take off chart Uranus goest to
Muan where plane was crashed.
In the Seoul’s Capricorn ingress chart, Moon and Saturn go to Muan where JJA2216 was charhsed.
The Local Space map from October 2024 Solar Eclipse chart, Uranus move from Seoul to Muan.
We ask what’s wrong with South Korea recently with Martial law imposed and lifted and impeachment of President ? The recent Great Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS aligns with Sun at 17 Libra on 09 Oct 2024 on it’s Mars the Chart ruler. On 11 Oct 2024 aligns with Mercury at 25 Libra on it’s So/Mo midpoint. Cross Celestial Equator at 09 Scorpio on it’s S Node and Asc. The comet was last to be seen on 2 Nov at 1 Capricorn right on its Moon.
Theresa May has been pointed as PM for UK at 17:35 PM (between 17:30-17:40)
Saturn and Chiron were near the angles. Division of land and How to United whole country are suggested by both planets. Saturn rules 2rd and 3rd. The Ascendent of 17:42 right on 1801 chart’s Chiron in 3rd. Tread communication and neighbouring countries of course become challenge areas .
As Astromap and Local space lines we can work out where is good planetary energy and where should be careful .
The Mars As line go through Scotland, North Ireland and Ireland this could be conflict appear in these areas as we already know Scotland maybe have another referendum after UK leave EU and N.I political situation could be unstable. The Mars Asc line and Uranus local space line go through Scotland just confirm this.
Mars LS line go North East and Midland area suggest the potential unsettle areas.Saturn LS line go to Wales area , Pluto ls line pass by south Wales and north Devon could suggest the blockage and damage of this area by the economy.
Mars Ls Line Moon Ls line and Saturn Asc line pass by Paris , Mars Ls continue the south east direction pass by Rome. These two countries could cause more conflict during the negotiation after trigger article 50. Saturn Asc line, Jupiter Ls line, Chiron Ls line are all near Spain Madrid and Gibraltar we can excepting old conflict been trigger, although Jupiter is beneficial, but in its detriment looks like Spain will not give UK support and we can only pray that Spain not cause more trouble.
Saturn Ls go by Croatia and Greece, Turkey and Cyprus have Pluto As line three countries are going cause trouble to each other in political and financial area.
Between London and Berlin have Venus and Mercury Ls lines contact it could be a surprise smooth deal between two governments. Venus and Mercury Ls line also go to Warsaw, but Uranus IC line right on there, we already know that people from Poland could face some challenge to stay after UK leave EU, story of separation polish family in the UK could be the media’s focus. This also suggested the Polish government could give the UK some shocking new or with detach attitude during the negotiation. Vienna has a Pluto LS line suggest UK’s leaving will definitely fans up the far right political movement there as we expect.
Neptune Jupiter go to Norway , not surprise this is the dream and the ideal situation that we may be able to follow Norway’s mode stay close with the EU but stay outside of it. Could this Dreams come true?With Neptune….I am not sure. Mars Asc and Saturn Asc both pass by Sweden and Finland, Saturn Asc also goes through Denmark, this does not look very helpful for the negotiation.
This may be also suggest if UK leaved. North Europe, France, Spain, Croatia and Greece will be affected badly. Germany and Poland maybe have better chance to get more benefit deals after all.
The rest of the world is interesting, the Pluto IC right on New York this suggest US Economic maybe face huge challenge after new PM. China does not look good, but India seems like can get more benefit from UK’s EU leaving .
4 major Earthquakes happened during Mars Pluto stationary, this is what Mundane Astrologers have warned, major Mundane events usually happened during stationary of Outer planets. Very important that Mars was stationary at 8 degree Sagittarius conjunct with ” Antares ” a fixed stars has Martian nature.
Some scientist suggest we should be more cautious about the activity of ring of fire area. This warning should be take seriously.
We can use different techniques to find out the countries will been affected , Country chart like Japan Burma , Ecuador all have As Ds affected by Stationary Mars or Pluto, we can use Astro map from Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse and Ingress chart
If we look at Solar Eclipse chart we can also see those country have been affect by outer planets . Include Japan US west coast , both the Lunar Eclipse and Aries Ingress chart suggestTaiwan Philippine Indonesia New Zealand and west coast of South American ( Chile, Peru,Columbia, Ecuador)
Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares
It is very special opportunities when Mars stationary or retrograde near Antares, I have found in ancient Chinese astrological records talk about Retrograde Mars in centre of Scorpio constellation especially conjunct Antares , ancient astrologers in China doest took the conjunction between Mars and Antares seriously. In their view Mars represent War, riots,drought. When it conjunct Antares is a bad omen for the court (country).
For the Ancient Chinese astrologer, Antares could represent Emperor. In the most important History work of ancient Chinese ” Records of the Grand Historian “(史記) . The Antares were considers as part of ” Heart mansion “(心宿) represent dragon’s hear.
The area of Heart mansion is between Antares to μ1 Scorpii which mean between 9 degrees Sagittarius to 16 degree Sagittarius on the tropical zodiac ( from μ1 Scorpii is another mansion call ” Tail Mansion ” ). The heart mansion has besically two meaning , one is dargaon’s heart another meaning represetn Emperor’s court (or sky god’s court 明堂 ).
In the astronomy the Heart mansion contain 2 parts , the south part located in constellation Lupus, called Ji-Zu (積卒) represent group of Soldiers. Another part in Scorpion constellation represent dragon’s heart . 3 stars include in this part, Antares, σ Sco and τ Sco . Antares also call big fire also rerepsent the Sky Emperor , next to Antares σ Sco represent crown prince of Sky Emperor , the τ Sco represent 2nd Son of Sky Emperor. (東宮蒼龍,房、心。心為明堂,大星天王,前後星子屬。)
The ” Records of the Grand Historian ” also explained Mars’ role in Chinese astrology , Mars represent unrest, it suggest dispute in the court or war. Especially when Mars stationary in Heart mansion (near Antares ) or Room Mansion ( Acrab β Scorpius ) suggestEmperor will have problem.
In Han-Shu ( the History record of East Han dynasty BCE 206- 23 )
As astrologer report retrograde Mars in Heart Mansion (as a bad omen ) at Spring time 7 CE, the Emperor Cheng of Han dynasty ( name: Liu Ao ) demanded the Prime minister to commit suicide but very soon after death of Prime Minister, Emperor Cheng died.
Mars retrograde in Heart Mansion also mentioned In the The Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era (724 CE) , it said When Retrograde Mars conjunct Antares will change the Minister and the Lord left his court. it suggest fall of important person or death of emperor.
Although Mars was not exactly conjunct Antares but retrograde in Scorpio constellation area of ” Heart Mansion ” in July 2001. Some Chinese astrologer does concerned the tragic of 911 related to Retrograde Mars in dragon heart (Scorpio constellation).
This stationary Mars near Antares was conjunct Burma’s ascendent and Japan’s descendent .
Here is more analyse about this 4 major earthquakes happen between 13-16 April
13 April Myanmar Earthqauke
A 6.9 magnitude earthquake has hit north west Myanmar on Wednesday 13 April, so far there are no death record. The strong earthquake can also be notice in north east India.
New on BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-36038029
The astrological timing of this quake is interesting, as this week Mars and Pluto both stationary before retrograde. Usually we expect important events happened during outer planet stationary. The earthquake happened at 20:25 local time (13:55 UT) The Moon at event chart located at 16 degrees Cancer, this is sensitive point of recent year as Uranus and Pluto form a cardinal square near this degree.
From astrological view this earthquake is not totally surprise, I have also gave warning of this country on my lunation forecastingwhich published at 3rd April ( It is not an special skill if we checkEclipse charts, Ingress chartand care with Outer planet stationary degree). If we check the 9th March 2016 Solar eclipse chart of Mawlaik, Myanmar ( 40 miles from earthquake place ) we will see Uranus on Ascendent and Pluto on M.C with 1 degree orb . In the 23 March Lunar Eclipse chart The Sun Moon opposition right on Asc/Dsc axis.
The Aries ingress chart Venus conjunct Neptune on MC, I usually take Neptune as a sign of Earthquake ( as in the mythology Neptune’s triton could cause earthquake.) Saturn in the Ingress chart also near Descendent. If there is no death record in the end must be Venus blessing but it is too early to say this.
On the New Moon on 7th April Pluto is 7 degrees away of local IC this will be very clear if we use Astromap.After We exam all the important chart now we can come to timing of event.
We should not under esteem the power ofStationary Mars, it is at 8 degrees Sagittarius near the Ascendent of Myanmar and square Mars in Country chart with 1 degree orb. Transit Saturn is right on Myanmar’s Jupiter. Transit Jupiter at 14 degrees of Virgo the Mc of Myanmar. When the event happened the Ascendent is on 19 degrees of Scorpio very close to Myanmar ’s Chiron and south node. The Mc of event chart is on country’s Saturn , The Transiting Neptune is on country’s IC.
The transiting Moon is very sensitive in this event chart, honestly I rarely see the transiting Moon trigger other chart with exact tight orb like thisevent, don’t forget on the Solar Eclipse chart Uranus and Pluto are Paran on the Asc and Mc square each other at 17 and 18 degrees of Cardinal sign which triggered by the transiting Moon of event chart. Part from the 16degrees of Cancer opposite transiting Pluto, square Uranus , Myanmar also have Moon at 17 degrees Libra on the country chart square by transit Moon.
14 & 16 April 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes
One hour after I first published the article of Myanmar earthquake, another Magnitude 6.4 earthquake happened near Kumamoto at 21:26 local time (12:26 UTC). This tragic made 3 dead 200 injured and 20 house collapsed. This is just the foreshocks the Main shock hit Kumamoto at 16 April 1:26 am JST.
This is another country has also effect by Stationary Mars, as Japan Meji constitution chart has 9 degrees Sagittarius Descendent, like Myanmar on the warning area of my Lunation forecasting.
Transiting Mars station on Dsc is not only warning given by the planet, In the 2016 Aries chart Japanhave Uranus on Mc this is very important sign of earthquake and for god sake we all know Japan is on the Pacific fire ring where most famous for earthquake, if we read the danger sing on Eclipse and Ingress chart or Important transiting planets affect the country chart a we should treat it carefully .
With Astro map we can see that Kumamoto is 2 degrees away from Uranus Mc line, also we have Sun Saturn paran very close to this area.
The important Meiji constitution chart has 9 degrees Gemini ascendent therefore station Mars at 8 degree Sagittarius is on Descendent.
Chiron and South Node conjunct Mars and Venus return .
Pluto conjunct conjunct country’s south Node
The event chart of foreshock has Neptune ( again ) on IC .
16 April Main shock has Mercury conjunct IC
The Solar Eclipse chart has Saturn on Descendent and Venus ( again ??? ) on Mc . SE Venus also conjunct Japan Meji constitution chart’s Sun.
16 April Ecuador earthquake
Few hours after Kumamoto earthquake another 7.8 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador on 18:58 local time on 16 Apr, according BBC news at least 77 people have been killed and injured more than 50.
Pluto is stationary and slowly move retrograde on Ecuador’Asc ( Mars is stationary on Japan and Burma’s Asc Dsc, all these place has contact with Stationary Mars and Pluto )
The sign also suggest by solar Eclipse , check the Solar Eclipse Chart ‘s Astromap Pluto IC and Uranus DS line is near Ecuador. If we look at New Moon chart Pluto Mc and Uranus IC is on Ecuador
For most of Europe, Thailand is all about Holiday, Lady-boys and Thai massage. It used to be a nice place for retirement. Some of my friends sold their houses in Europe to go to Thailand. They thought they could buy a house and run a small B&B for rest of their life. It was good idea … until 2006.
A friend of mine, as he could not afford expensive University fees in the States, decided go to study somewhere else. He went to Bangkok with his savings in 2010. He thought his savings were enough to pay university fees in Thailand and he can support himself by teaching English there. He was wrong. Three months after he arrived in Thailand, he experienced the Thai peoples power, protesters taking over the streets and airport, military firing at protesters and shutting down schools and businesses. He lost his job and had no university course to go to for almost 2 months.
red shirt protest bkk from wikipedia
Since 2006 There were several political crises linked with huge protests in the country, and the key person is Thaksin Shinawatra, the former Prime Minister. These protesters are either simply against him or support him, and both sides declare they are people’s voice . In this article I will trying to use Mundane astrology to study this series of political fights after Thailand had become democratic.
Thailand is a constitutional monarchy. The head of country is King Rama IX. Before 1997, the military were the real rulers of Thailand. in 1991 the People protested against Military’s rule which almost lead to civil war. King Rama IX got involved and urged both sides to find a peaceful solution. This started the process of democracy and resulted in the 1997 constitution, the so called people’s constitution.
Thailand‘s natal chart is set to 6 Apr 1782 6:54 Bangkok when King Rama I started the Chakri Dynasty. As Thailand is still a monarchy, I suggest using this chart although I was tempted to use the chart set by the constitution. However it looks like 1782 chart has more resonance with Thailand’s political events. This chart has Ascendent on Taurus, Sun in Aries 16 degree and Moon on 29 Capricorn conjunct MC. Jupiter on 28 Sagittarius (this raises an alarm for astrologers who use the Galactic Center) conjunct Saturn on 1 degree Capricorn. This Jupiter Saturn conjunction opposite by Uranus on 29 Gemini .
The decline of military rule started in 1991 when Neptune and Uranus in mid Capricorn and getting square Natal Sun and Nodal axis in 16 Aries and transit Saturn was passed by Natal Pluto . In 1992 the important political crisis Bloody May almost become a civil war, this event occurred on 17-20 May 1992, the square between Ne/So Ur/So was even tighter, and transit nodal axis was on natal Jupiter Saturn conjunction, Tr Mars opposite Na Neptune. Solar Arc Saturn was on 24 Cancer tight conjunct Ic. SA Neptune square Na Moon has encouraged the peoples protest.
The Sun Moon of Solar Eclipse on 15 Jan 1991 was on 25 degrees Capricorn, if we cast chart on Bangkok it will conjunct Ascendent on exact degree. Which also means it conjunct on Thailand country chart’s Mc. The Eclipse on Jun 1992 Thailand also has Uranus conjunct SE chart ‘s Ascendent, a sign of change in rule.
Thaksin Shinawatra
Business tycoon Thaksin Shinawatra’s Thai Rak Thai Party won the first general election on 2001 and was re-elected in 2005 . However allegations of Shinawatra’s corruption never stopped and finally lead to the anti-government protests in 2006 and very soon the military launched a coup d’etat during Thaksin Shinawatra visit New York.
I don’t have Thaksin’s birthtime , I will use noon chart for this article, compare his chart with 1782 chart, we can understand why he been so popular in Thailand even after been overthrown 6 years ago. He has Sun Moon Mercury Pluto Leo stallium, his Jupiter on 26 Capricorn right on Thailand country chart’s Mc and Moon, as the Thai were expecting more freedom after 1997 constitution and urged to recover from 1997 South East Asia Crisis , Thai people were expecting a Jupiter type of leader, Thaksin, with his Jupiter conjunct Moon and his stallium in country chart’s 4th house, we can understand why Thaksin were so popular and according the media his support are most form countryside mostly farmers.
Thaksin also has Neptune on Thailand chart ‘s south node, giving illusion and dreams. And do not underestimate his Mars Uranus conjunct Thailand’s Uranus and opposite Thailand Saturn Jupiter. It does not matter what time he was born, together with Sun, his Moon will always opposite 1782 chat’s Pluto a planet associated with Power struggle scandal and corruption. I did not suggest this like is a sign of corruption but only want to point out when someone has a personal planet or Asc/Mc connect with country’s Pluto, are easily involved with power struggle and being projected with an image of power, secrets and scandal. This could explain the unsettled situation after his first premiership.
The 16 Sep 2006 when the military took power, Transit Pluto was close to 1782 chart’s Jupiter and opposite Uranus. Both Solar Eclipse of that year have Mars on Angle, the Solar Eclipse on March has Pluto on 26 Sagittarius opposite Mars on Mc/Ic.
Although the Thai Rak Thai party was dissolved in 2006 and Thaksin stayed in exile, he still had a huge influence in the country. His supporters come back to power with a different Party name “People’s power party”. Since 2006 Thailand‘s political crisis was based on Pro and anti Thaksin Shinawatra.
The Pro-Shinawatra camp formed the National United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship leading several protests during the military reign until they were back in power in 2007.
In Oct 2008, the Anti-Shinawatra camp, lead by the People’s Alliance for Democracy, took over Bangkok airport and forced the Pro-Shinawatra Prime Minister to step down and the leader of the opposition formed a New government.
From 2006 to 2008 Sa Uranus conjunct 1782 chart ‘s Pluto , Sa Saturn opposite Pluto, Sa Jupiter Saturn square Chiron in 1st. With transit Pluto conjunct tighter and tighter to 1782 chart’s Jupiter Saturn, Thai society is more unsettled.
In early 2010 the pro-Shinawatra camp had several protests. They occupied Bangkok’s business district for 2 months and in the end, the Government used force to end this protest. Even though a couple of the movement’s leaders surrendered themselves to police, the Pro-Shinawatra party Pheu Thai won the election in 2011. Yingluck Shinawatra (Thakshin’s sister) become Prime minister.
In early 2010 Tr Pluto still conjunct 1782’s Saturn, Tr Saturn conjunct Neptune, Tr Uranus on Venus. The solar eclipse on 15 Jan 2010 has Sun Moon on 25 Capricorn (again), this suggests Eclipse point on 1782 chart’s Mc. And if you still remember, the last time a Solar Eclipse was in the same sign and same degree was 19 years ago and at that time, in 1991, Thailand has a political movement which led to democracy. However this 2010 eclipse chart also has Asc conjunct Na Mars, Tr Uranus conjunct Chart ruler Venus, Tr Saturn conjunct Neptune, Tr Pluto conjunct Saturn. Node on So/Mo midpoint.
In Aug 2013 Pheu Thai Party pass amnesty Bill which believed by oppostion can help Thakshin Shinawatra return to Thailand. Opposition soon call the demonstrations to against this bill. Although this bill has been reject by the Senate of Thailand but the anti government camp still call for strike and ask Prime Minister step down. On 1 Dec 2013 violence erupted between the pro and anti government camps, causing 5 death and 54 injuries.
We can see Sa Sun opposite 1782‘s Na Mars, Sa Pluto opposite Na Venus . Tr Neptune and Tr Chiron on Nov 2013 Solar Eclipse chart’s Mc. Tr Neptune and Tr Chiron on Nov 2013 Solar Eclipse chart’s Mc. Capricorn ingress chart has Sun near IC and astromap shows that Ma/Pl paran are very close to Bangkok.
Capricorn ingress 2013 Bangkok
2013SE en Mundo
In the astromap we can see the 3 Nov 2013 SE map has Neptune MC and Chiron Mc near bangkok , but if we look at Geodetic we understand why this unsettle get more tension as Pluto IC line was near Bangkok.
SE 2013 Geodetic map
1 Dec 2013 Geodetic map
On 1 Dec 2013 when the fight between Thailand anti-government protester and Thaksin supporters cause 5 death and 54 injured . Pluto IC line on Geodetic map was nearly bangkok, which we can not see it on other format .
1 Jan 2014
The Uranus Pluto square from 2011 to 2013 seems have very little to do with 1782’ s chart but more close to new year 2014 , we can see the Cardinal grand cross pick up 1782 chart’s Sun the leadership. In Solar Eclipse 29 April 2014 , Uranus Mars opposition near 13 Aries Libra on 1872 chart’s Sun and Node.
SE 29 Apr 2014
King Rama IX, Bhumipol
I am very curious about King Rama IX , not only he been the longest reign monarchy in Thailand , also he respect by his people , although he doesn’t really own the power but during bloody May 1992 he is able to hold both side and urged them to made peaceful result. I usually don’t use King or Queen’s chart for a country unless they really own reign of country. However I want to give a go with King Rama IX ‘s chart as i have his birthday. He has Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in 28 Aries , Asc on 4 Capricorn Mc on 0 Scorpio.
King Rama IX
In 1992 Tr Pluto on 21 Scorpio conjunct King’s Mercury square Tr Saturn on 18 Aquarius. Tr Uranus Neptune was opposite his Pluto. Sa Moon conjunct Des, Sa Saturn 150 Na Pluto. We notice grand cross in Spring 2014 , will also pick up his 16 degrees Capricorn Pluto.
It looks like King Rama IX’s chart also fit into recent Thailand’s political event, and as the Pluto is Mc ruler in his chart.I wondering what ‘s going to happen in Thailand when the grand cross hit this sensitive point.
SE 29 Apr 2014
I have look at solar eclipse chart on 29 Apr 2014 , on that time we will still experience the cardinal grand cross and usually eclipse has at least 3 months forward backward effect. SE Sa conjunct on SE chart’s IC , Grand cross on 11-14 degree of cardinal sign pick up 1782’s So & N.N and King Rama IX’s Pluto , SE So Mo conjunct 1782’s Chiron .
2014 Cancer Ingress chart has Chiron near the Ic and Libra Ingress chart has Jupiter on Mc square Saturn on Asc. And “Yes” we understand this is a big time of global economic, as Ju-90-Sa and Sa-90-Ne going to hit everyone between 2014-2016 , My question is would Thailand hit by the first wave of Ju-Sa waning square as both planets take over MC ASC in 2014 Libra ingress ?
Also look at the Geodetic map, Pluto will move away from Bangkok from Feb 2014 and come back after Summer, It will get closer near August and September 2014 , this suggest Thailand will face another upheaval around this time.
When I first learned that Ukraine signed an agreement with Russia and gave up cooperation with the EU, I wasn’t thinking that events will catch fire like this. I would not think this if I had turned on my computer to look up Ukraine‘s chart .
Ukraine independent on 1 Dec 1991 6:00PM , National chart has Sagittarius Sun and Libra Moon , Leo Ascendant and Aries Mc. I still remember during the East European revolutions, Uranus and Neptune was conjunct on mid Capricorn that means that most EX USSR member countries are going to face Tr Uranus square Na Uranus and Tr Pluto conjunct Na Uranus. We can understand these countries will face more challenges than other countries during late Ur-Pl square, but why Ukraine ?
From Transit we already have a clue as to why the Ukrainian government faces more challenges than others, Uranus is on 9 degrees Aries at this moment, right above Ukraine’s Mc which signifies government and Transiting Mars pass by Ic and Ic ruler which represents the opposition parties and conjunct the Natal Moon which represents the people. Transit Saturn also right on Pluto the planet represents collective fear and anxiety, struggle and survival. Some astrologers see the Saturn-Pluto combination as most challenging in our life.
Solar Arc
If we examine the Solar Arc chart we will see SA Chiron square Na Mars, SA Saturn square Na Pluto (again) and, most important, SA Uranus just passed Descendent. I don’t think this is a place to sleep quietly during the night if there are both Transit Uranus and Solar Arc Uranus right on the chart angles, well maybe only if this country have exciting samba parties everyday.
ViKtor Yanukovych
According Astrodatabank, Mr Yanukovych was born on 9 Jul 1950 12:15 . Libra ascendent conjunct with Mars Neptune in 1st house. Sun conjunct Mercury on Mc 12 Cancer ( I can smell something here… ) Uranus also near Mc on 5 degree Cancer.
Yes, we should be very sensitive with Cardinal planets on his natal chart this moment. Again like the country he serves, he picks up the most dynamic Cardinal Grand cross of 2014. Uranus on his descendent and Pluto on Ic. With Jupiter near the Mc conjunct his Sun which explains why he and his government want to expand their power and think that no one can stop them. Jupiter usually gives us confidence.
The recent Ur-90-Pl also pick up his Asc axis and Ma/Ur Ur/Mc midpoint. The Solar Eclipse on 3 Nov 2013 occurred on 11 degree of Scorpio opposite Yanukovych’s Moon on 11 degrees of Taurus . In this chart there is also Mars Chiron opposition trigger Saturn Jupiter opposition on his chart.
Between country and leader
I remember once Liz Greene telling us that it is the country that picks its servants according to the country’s chart and transit. People of this country will also choose the president who fits into the challenge which the county is going to face. When a country needs radical change they will pick a president who has Uranus connection with country.
Yanukovych has his Uranus right on Ukraine‘s nodal axis. His Mc Sun Mercury opposite Ukraine’s Uranus and Neptune. His Mars Neptune conjunct Ukraine ‘s Moon, this suggests he can really stir up people’s emotions and anger. He has a strong Uranus-Pluto transit, as has the country. Ukraine needs Yanukovych to be there when it is going to face a radical change. He could be there to lead the change. He could also be there to cause this radical change.
I always use Astromap with Eclipse chart. On the Solar Eclipse on 3 Nov 2013 ‘s ACG chart we can see the Mars Ds line was 80 miles away from Kiev and Mars Pluto paran was only 25 miles away.
Solar Eclipse on 3 Nov 2013
Interestingly if we lookup on Yanukovych’s astromap we can see again, Uranus Mc right on Kiev , LS Pluto line right on Kiev too , LS Sun and LS Mercury line pass by Moscow suggesting good communications and LS Pluto goes west passing exactly by Warsaw and Berlin and LS Saturn passes by Paris, I can guess how much he will like the message from this 3 countries compare with Moscow?
Yanukovych’s Astromap , LS So Me pass by Moscow, LS PL SA go to EU. Uranus right on Kiev
As we know, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto will form a grand cross again around March-April 2014. This means the grand cross we just have on New Year 2014 is more like a trial. This also suggests the fight between the Government and the People will not stop easily. if the Ukraine people still feel the need of Uranian change in this country, by that time the upheaval of grand cross will be much much stronger.
I am really sad to hear that Michael Schumacher is in danger of being left in a permanent vegetative state today, I hope he getting better and come out from danger soon.
I have found his his birth data on Astrodata bank on the day accident happened , and I noticed the Grand cross was right on his Sun and Moon . So I decide have look deeply on his chart .
The accident happened on 29 December 2013 at 11:07 AM in Méribel , France
His Natal Mercury MC line and Local Space Mercury is very close to Méribel, consider his natal Mercury square Natal Mars , trine Jupiter Uranus , sextile Neptune and Chiron tightly. This Mercury could suggest some risk taking , seeking for excitement.
His Mercury Mc line also pass by Monaco where he has been accused of cheating towards the end of qualifying in 2006 Monaco Grand Prix .
When he went on holidays there was a grand cross formed by Mars Jupiter Uranus Pluto and Sun around 10-16 degrees of Cardinal sings , and Schmacher has his natal Sun on 12 Cp , Uranus on 3 Li Jupiter on 5 Li , Moon on 10 Cn and Saturn on 18 Ar and Nodal axis on 4 Ar-Li axis.
Transit Uranus Mars opposition is right on his Nadal axis square Natal Moon and Natal Sun, Transit Jupiter also opposite his Sun , more important Transit Pluto right on his Sun . Solar Arc Sun conjunct Venus square Neptune , Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Sun .
His Natal Mercury Mc is on Neptune Chiron Midpoint and trigger by Transit Moon ,there are also lots of midpoints has been picked up by Transiting planets .
Tr Ma Tr Pl = So/Mo,
Tr Ne = Ma/Ur ,
Tr Ur = So/Ur So/NN Sa/Ch
Mercury Neptune Paran is on exact degree of Méribel Latitude 45 N ( I use 1 degree orb for Paran ) . Mars Pluto Horizon Paran also near that degree . If we check Midpoint on Astromap we will find Neptune/Chiron midpoint line only 8 miles away.
I have tried relocate his chart to Gland also tried to see local space line from Gland but I could not find anything . Neither on CCG chart .