McDonald’s ditches diversity targets

McDonald’s ditches diversity targets, companies including Walmart and Harley-Davidson have backed away from ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ efforts amid a changing legal and political landscape. Does Pluto in Aquarius have anything to do with this? Yes, it does.

The first McDonald’s opened on 15 May 1940, it has Pluto at 0 Leo, triggered by the recent Mars-Pluto opposition, Mars just passed it’s Pluto.

Nevertheless, McDonald’s has had a lot of negative publicity recently, including sexual harassment.

Uranus at 22 Taurus, Sun at 24 Taurus. Tr Pluto is opposite McDonald’s Pluto and its Uranus returned last year. Around the time when the U.S supervene court ruling on Affirmative Action.

Transit Mars square Jupiter, the planet of inclusion, transit Saturn also semi-square it. Don’t forget Jupiter Saturn square suggest the develop of society of next 15 years. As this discussion making during the Mars Pluto opposition we can expect it will have further develop in April when 2 plants form the opposition again.

According to the news, McDonald’s is not just a company that is abandoning its diversity policy, it is the dark side of Pluto in Aquarius. As part of the minority community, I have been concerned about this situation for some time. Minority communities need to stay strong and stand together to face this challenge. #astrology #mundaneastrology #plutoinaquarius #marsplutoopposition

original post on Facebook Mundane Astrology Group on 8 Jan 2025

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.