Syrian rable overthrow the ex President Assad on 8 Dec

Syrian rable overthrow the ex President Assad on 8 Dec, Assad fled on 7 Dec.

If we look at Syria’s chart, Aries ingress and Libra ingress chart we will find that astrology does give us some hint.

In Syria’s natal chart it has Neptune conjunct the Sun, and we know as training Neptune is very close to 0° Aries (world axis, cardinal point) we will have Neptune conjunct the Sun in the Aries ingress chart for the next 3 years. We cannot ignore 2 points here: 1. It suggests that world leaders could be crazy, fanatical, idealistic or sacrificial or victimising. And second most important is Syria has Sun conjunct Neptune in its chart, astrology transit rules 101, when natal chart has certain set aspect, it will be activated when same set of planets form aspect in transit, in this case Syria is always sensitive when the Sun aspect Neptune.

Of course we should not judge a country will be in crisis when a set of transits happen, we need more evidence.

For example, Mars is stationary retrograde at the moment and it is right on Syria’s Pluto. We can notice the Sun Mercury opposition Jupiter around the AS-DS axis but note this is a midday chart so this may not be a valid argument point for some astrologers but we also notice Syria also has Natal Jupiter at 20° Gemini which it was triggered by transit Mercury Jupiter opposition and Sun Jupiter opposition. More important is the outer planets transit, this chart has T.Neptune opposite N.Neotune ( Neptune half cycle ) and it will soon have Uranus return T Uranus is on it’s Saturn and T.Pluto opposite N.Pluto.

Angular planets in the natal chart usually give us a crucial clue, if we look at the Aries ingress chart, Saturn is on Asc. Libra ingress chart has Pluto on Asc.

And the April 2024 eclipse chart in Damascus has Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The October eclipse has Jupiter on Dsc.


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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.