South Korea declares Martial law

South Korea declares Martial law

On Tuesday night President Yoon Suk Yeol declares martial law,

He claimed that the opposition parties are pro-North Korea forces, and the agenda of the National Assembly, which is controlled by South Korea’s opposition parties, has plunged the country into crisis. In order to maintain freedom and constitutional order, he has no choice but to take such measures. This is the first time since 1980 that South Korea has declared martial law.

Martial law prohibits the activities of Congress, local councils and political parties, as well as political activities such as rallies and demonstrations. All media and publishing houses are under military control. All medical personnel, including junior doctors, have been ordered to return to work within 48 hours. Violators of martial law can be arrested without a warrant.

Is this really aimed at North Korea, or is it a way for the president to increase his power? Because the Korean constitution says that ‘if more than half of the members of the National Assembly approve the motion to lift martial law, the president shall lift martial law’. At the moment, South Korea’s Congress is controlled by more than half of the opposition parties, which means that Congress can propose lifting martial law.

Leaders of both South Korea’s ruling and opposition parties have pointed out that martial law is wrong or unconstitutional and must be ended.

At 22:39 The Asc 23 Leo was on S Korea’s Sun Saturn Mercury conjunction at 25 Leo, Mars is chat ruler of S.Korea is slow down and will turn retrograde on 6 Dec, it is square S.Koreas Asc and Node, rise the tension of country. But this suggest the martial law may will be overrun by people (National Assembly ) .

The transit Jupiter is retrograde and form a square with transit Saturn, and opposite Jupiter in S. Korea’s chart jupiter rules 2 and 5 th house, apparently alliance countries will take the action. Finally Neptune will turn direct on 7th Dec and form square with Uranus the co rule of I.C.

As Neptune is getting close to 0 Aries, in the next few years we will have Aries ingress chart’s Sun conjunct Neptune, which can suggest the weak leaders, crazy leaders martyr or be sacrificed. Will Yoon Suk Yeol be one of them ?

Will this Martial law last, I am not sure, but more like a temporary event. Will this increase the tension between South and North Korea … Clearly, it will.…/south-korean-president-yoon-suk…

Time line

3 Dec 22:39 President of South Korea declare Martial law

4 Dec 00:07 South Korea parliament vote against Martial law

4 Dec 03:49 President of South Korea end the Martisl law

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.