About Capulus

Some astrologer always identify fixed star capulus as Messier 34 however I did a bit study on this topic.

I had a similar question several years ago and I did a bit of star map comparison, I think there is a mix up position between Messier 34 and double cluster NGC869. If we compare the image in Anthony’s post and the astronomical star map ( from SkySafari pro app ), M34 is in a different position in two different maps. In the map from SkySafari Messier 34 should be around Algol and not above the star Miram. M34’s position today should be 22° ♉️04, in this case and Antony’s calculation should be correct, in 2000 it is around 21° ♉️ 44.

From the old star map we know,and if Capulus has been described as the sword hand of Perseus. If we compare the position in the star map Anthony provide, and the SkySafari star map , it could be the position of NGC 869, today we call it Double cluster ( together with NGC 884. )

Double clusters were first recorded by Hipparchus as a patch of light in Perseus and also recorded in Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi’s Book of Fixed Stars. The position of NGC869 in 2000 is 24°♉️10′ (R.A 02h19.1m, +57° 09′ J2000 epoch).

However, M34 may only have been discovered around 1645 by Giovanni Batista Hodierna and is only visible with the naked eye in very dark conditions.

Perhaps the position of the Capulus in the software Solar Fire, Janas use the position of NGC869.

screenshot captured from Stellarium

Trump shooting 13 July 18:11 Butler PA

Trump shooting 13 July 18:11 Butler PA

Definitely related to Mars Uranus conjunction align with fixed star Algol and square with his Natal Mars.

We already witness this alignment manifest in many way from last couple days but I really surprise it will go this way.

Please be alert in the coming days, the energy of fixed signs may prolong its effects.

No photo description available.

Nancy Pelosi & Algol

Slowly we notice the Mars Uranus conjunction near Algol, it will surprise us and as we wonder whether Biden will withdraw from the presidential nomination under the current pressure from the media and Democratic supporters. Someone surprisingly suggests he needs to think again after this week’s NATO meeting.

“Whatever you’re thinking,” she said, “you didn’t have to put that on the table until we see how this week goes.”

She added that Biden should make a decision on whether to continue to seek re-election.

Nancy Pelosi expressed her opinion in an interview today.

Should we be surprised? Looking at her chart, I think Biden should listen to her carefully, Pelosi has Mars 26 Taurus conjunct Venus 20 and Mars 19 Taurus, she is sending us the important message because no one knows Mars Uranus conjunction with Algol better than her.

French Presidential election

Paris Chart form the Opening the Poll station of run 1

Asc 21 Cancer

L1 The Moon at 25 Aries at V.O.C his strategy is not going to work

L1 the Moon in 11th house rely on his alliance ( centre left wing parties )

Moon has no aspect but in 10th house, it can exercise most power

Desc is Capricorn

L7 Saturn is station before retrograde it get higher position but it move back for now, Saturn still in 9th house although a nice house but it only can exercise very little power and influence.

Saturn has a separate sextile from Mercury L4 and approaching Venus, getting popular

Mercury is L4 and L12 in 1st house it bring destruction and self undoing like Macron calling this snap election.

Mercury as L4 has final say in 1st , the odd is in favour of Macron’s party