Soldiers surround Bolivian presidential palace in coup attempt

Soldiers surround Bolivian presidential palace in coup attempt

I don’t have the exact time yet, so I’m using noon and hoping that a dear colleague can help me correct the timing.

State media agency ABI reported that the mobilization began at roughly 2:30 p.m. BOT.

Transit Mars was on Desc.

What I heard the coup seems fails after a call from the new Army commander in #Bolivia for military forces to return to their barracks.

This year’s eclipse on the 8th April has Pluto on the Desc for many Latin American countries, for Bolivia it also has Mercury Jupiter Uranus conjunct M.C suggesting unexpected change.

Put solar eclipse chart on Bolivia’s chart we will have solar eclipse on Chiron but Venus on Pluto, hope this coup will fail and Venus rule 12 and 7 could be supported by other countries ( it was failed while I was writing and unaware about this good news.)

Transiting Uranus is on Bolivia’s 1825 chart ‘s Desc and square Jupiter, and Mars on the Moon, Tr Saturn square Saturn, Tr Chiron square Mars, Tr Mars square THE SUN, Tr Transiting Sun square Pluto suggest a power struggle.

Solar Arc direction has Mars in 12 Aquarius on Bolivia’s IC, but again Venus again on Uranus may ease the situation.

I will keep updating