Trump on Harsh money Trial

Before we jump into discussion could any colleague double check correct time with me?

My approach to this chart would be more like battlefield and legal case in Horary technique.

Which 1st house is NY Prosectors, Trump will be the opponent represent by 7th house, Judge 10th and M.C and Jury 11th, 4th as end of matter and simehow has a final say to the final decision. ( maybe you will use different approach, for me that is how I read this court case )

1: NY Prosectors

7: Trump



4: End of matter

Moon as Lord of 1, has essential dignity in its own sign, however it is seen as in 2nd, so it can only shows half of their power.

Saturn in Pisces has no dignity, but in 10 house he will have powerful influence and easy to steal the show as he usually do.

Jury present by 11 house we have planets in Aries, non of them form aspect with Saturn or has reception with Saturn, it will not be good for Trump but neither with L1 the Moon, this suggests that Prosecutor does not get any advantage either, Moon will square the Sun in 11th that means Jury disagree or upset by Prosecutor, this is a advantage to Trumps or maybe Prosecutor will have try really hard to earn the vote from Jury.

The Judge represent by 10th, the L10 is Jupiter in Taurus has a dignity in term, thus suggest they had certain level of integrity, the moon ( L1) as exaltation ruler of Jupiter, the prosecutor has strong influence on judge…

However Saturn rules by Jupiter that suggest the Judge can control Trump if they misbehave in court, but Judge also feel that they have to look after him.

I guess Trump maybe not going to get damage by this case event he get criminal record and he is very likely going to escape from this charge, as his significator Saturn occupy the 10th house.

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.