Astrological Forecasting for Pisces New Moon, Syzygy of Aries Ingress and Aries Ingress 2021

Pisces New Moon 
Pisces new Moon conjunct Neptune reinforces the Pisces themes of kindness, empathy, understanding of duality and ability to mix different things together. However, there was a Solar eclipse on 14 Dec at 23 Sagittarius, which still has influence at this time and the new Moon at 23 Pisces will trigger this solar eclipse by exact square. This indicates we will experience some shocking events until the next new Moon in April. These events are related to the Pisces and Neptune theme, for example more concerns about the Virus, Pollution, Gas, Seafair and Water. The December Solar Eclipse belongs to the Saros cycle 142 this series has a strong Venus/Pluto flavour in the mundane level, suggesting greed and corruption, scandal, sex or relationship or female. In the personal life, if you have Planets or Angles around 23 Mutable sign, check the theme of that planet to find the things you will need work on this month, for example, if you have Mars in 23 Gemini, the Mars theme is courage and self-expression. Also those events that started at the end of last year may stir up again, for Europe and UK it looks like the vaccine plan and Brexit could have new developments.
The New Moon at 23 Pisces aligns with the fixed Star Markab in Pegasus. The name is from an Arabic word مركب Markab “the saddle of the horse”, Ptolomy said this fixed star has Mars, Mercury nature. Roberson says it gives honour, riches, fortune, danger from fevers, cuts, blows, stabs. If we look from the view of horse riding, Markab represent the saddle on Pegasus, it is the saddle of the horse it makes journey smooth and stable, this may be an auspicious sign, allowing our society move forward more smoothly. 

Syzygy of Aries Ingress 2021

The Syzygy ( the New Moon or Full Moon ) before Aries ingress has an important meaning to ancient astrologers who used this time to predict the financial situation and price at Market for the year and first 3 months. For Wall street, the Saturn square Uranus in 2nd house give us a warning about unstable market performance, both 2nd house ruler and Mc ruler are in the Cadent house which does not have power to increase market gain.  The Saturn in its ruled sign of Aquarius could suggest inflation. However, it is located in the cadent house for the Aries ingress Syzygy chart of most of major cities. That is a good sign together with Venus Exalted in Pisces conjunct New Moon.  It indicates that inflation will not be a major concern for the first six months of 2021.  Additionally, we can see the spending on leisure, clothing, beauty and fashion will be increasing strongly. For businesses, the spending on employees, personnel and administrative expenses will increase too.  Saturn square Uranus is an important indication of the financial Market. Saturn represents regulation and restriction from governments, and this set of planet aspects has a long history related to financial crises. Even though Syzygy for Aries Ingress 2021 does not support this, there is still a possibility that we are going to experience a down turn of the investment market, it could be May-June or between September and November when Saturn also semi-square Neptune.      We also should be careful because as Mars is going to trigger last year’s Eclipse around Mid-April while it conjuncts Moon’s north node, this could increase conflict, riots. A similar theme is repeated in the White house’s Aries ingress chart that Mars conjunct I.C. Mars in Gemini on I.C suggesting aggressive action in the environment and conflict displayed on the media. Meanwhile the 4th house also suggests problems related to land and house price. We should keep an eye on how these conflicts, riots and house prices influence market performance. 

The Aries Ingress 2021 
In the Aries ingress chart the Moon is wild conjunct with Mars in Gemini, this tells us people have something to say, they are angry. For people who are living in the lockdown situation, they yearn for social activity. If the government does not understand this and prepare for it, Mars energy will increase and become fights and riots. Moon 16 Gemini, it was trine Saturn and now going to trine Jupiter this movement repeats a similar theme of free movement and says not to restrict, even if people understand the restriction was for their own good (Moon in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius).  Saturn square Uranus is the major theme of this year, it basically suggests the conflict between different classes, races, new ideas and old traditions. Fighting between authorities and rebels, big tech companies and the government will continue through this year. 
For U.S, although Mars in Gemini on I.C suggests the possibility of conflict and house price problem, Ascendent ruler Saturn is strong, Saturn square with Uranus trine Moon and Mars again indicates conflict between the races, classes, and politicians, but Jupiter, ruler of M.C and 11th was on the Ascendent suggesting government slowly leads the country out of the pandemic.
For Europe and the UK, Gemini ascendent and ascendant ruler Mercury in Pisces in 10th suggests an interesting situation that people’s voices will be the important concern of authority This could be rise of populism, or it could be government having no power and needing support from people since Jupiter rules 11th in 10th (or near M.C), Saturn rule M.C in its own sign, but in 9th house. As Saturn rules M.C, so the events related to Saturn square Uranus will be highlighted in these areas.     
The Neptune will be on the Descendent of China, Indonesia,  West Australia, and also on the M.C of East Europe and South Africa raising concerns about the pandemic development.  Mars will be on the M.C of Thailand and Myanmar and Central American countries, suggesting unsettled times in these areas will continue. 

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.