The craziness of bitcoin bubble

Bitcoin’s first genesis block was created on 3rd Jan 2009 18:15. As we don’t know where Satoshi Nakamoto is living, so we have no location however If we use major city in the world. I looks like have Leo Asc and Aries MC. Mars was at 5 Capricorn  out of bound and conjunct Pluto at 1 Capricorn, this chart have important signature of Saturn opposite Uranus and Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto ( invisible treasure ) , as it is a digital currency which trying to avoid any intervention from government or bank.

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The craziness of bitcoin bubble can see it from Neptune Mars semi-square and Neptune Saturn semi-sextile and wide Venus conjunct Neptune.   

During this time Europe was suffering economic crisis, Iceland econimic crisis. If we look all this events with a bigger picture, they are all related to how to transform current economic system which control and manipulate by capitalism and big bankers.   

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More significant data is that on 18 May 2010  someone spent 10,000 bitcoins to purchase two pizza, we have time and location this should be treat as a first action as a currency. I hope this guy is still happy with his pizza as its worth One hundred million dollars by now. 


From this chart we have Mars on 20 Leo right on Asc, Sun as chart ruler on 28 Taurus Square Neptune in Aquarius. Mercury as nature significtor of currency also ruler 2 house was at 4 Taurus and trine Pluto from 4 Capricorn, and Saturn again opposite Uranus. On that day Venus form major aspect with Jupiter,Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.  Jupiter also formed aspect with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

On 29 Nov 2013 bitcoin reach peak of 1 bitcoin=1242 USD and started to fall until 2015 1bitcoin = 171.91 USD. 

At that time transit Mars conjunct first purchase chart Saturn Uranus oppostion, transit Saturn was on IC, transiting Pluto was conjunct Genesis block chart Mars and Sun, transit Uranus square Sun Mars. This is not a suprise as both Sun and Mars could be the chart ruler and Mc ruler if data is correct and if Satoshi Nakamoto was living in major city of North hemisphere. 

 If we use first purchase chart, transit Mars still trigger Saturn Uranus opposition, transit pluto conjunct North Node, transit Saturn square Mars, as transit Mars Saturn were contact with Mars Saturn in first purchase chart, again suggest the important role of Mars with bitcoin. 

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4 years later, On 29 November 2017 22:22 UTC bitcoin reach 10,000 USD, transit Mercury was out of bound, conjunct Saturn and trine Uranus, transit Mars opposite Uranus and sextile Saturn,  transit Sun squares Neptune ( same aspect was appear in first purchase chart ) , Jupiter trine Neptune and Saturn trine Uranus.

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Like last time when bitcoin reach peak, transit Mars Saturn and Uranus were aspecting first purchase chart’s Mars Saturn and Uranus. We should be careful as soon Saturn will move into Capricorn and conjunct  genesis block chart’s Pluto Sun Mars conjunction, and conjunct first purchase chart’s Pluto, Chiron will soon conjunct first purchase chart’s Jupiter Uranus conjunction.  Therefor, bitcoin bubble should be burst anytime soon. 

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update on 17th Jan 2018
1.Bitcoin was fall from 19694 on 17th Dec 2017, it fall almost 35%. The big fall appeared on 19-21 Dec  At this point Transit Saturn move into Capricorn and conjunct Bitcoin Genesis block chart Pluto.
2.Bitcoin has plunged 30 per cent from 15th Jan
New Moon was near apogee as an important financial astrology factor. Also, Pluto is at 19 Capricorn at the moment for a sextile with Jupiter.
One of significance Bitcoin charts is 29th Nov 2013 22:22 UT, as first time bitcoin fall after reach Exchange Rate Peaks $1242. Jupiter was at 19 Canceoppositeie Venus at 20 Capricorn. While bitconin fall on 15th Jan Pluto and Moon triggered this aspect.
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