Peaceful fighter Liu Xiaobo and His Star Parans


“Even if I were crushed into powder, I would still use my ashes to embrace you.” -Liu Xiaobo

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, die today ( 13th July 2017), he was human rights activist and Chinese literary critic, he participated the protest at Tiananmen square fight and went to prison for this reason, but this never stop his fight for Human right in China. When news reported his death, I turned on my computer and read his chart, I was amazed by the Star Parans, so I would like to share with you.

 Antares as Heliacal rising star

His Heliacal rising star is Antares. This, so called, Royal star in the heart of Scorpion, is also called the “rival of Mars“ because of it’s red colour.  It indicates great success and also describes his passion and obsession, as a Heliacal rising star it leads him to show his passion and never give up. It also brought him a most difficult task about “letting go”. Liu  never abandoned his idea of a democratic China even up to his death.  Nevertheless, Antares also set with his Saturn at 28 Scorpion and Saturn square Pluto, at the last years of his life he was imprisoned for what he stood for – Human rights in China.


 On 23rd December 2009, he wrote an article  “I Have No Enemies: My Final Statement” to answer the Chinese government’s prosecution of “inciting subversion of state power“. In October 2010, Liu Xiaobo was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China”. However he was absent as the Chinese government would not allow him to go.  During the award ceremony Norwegian actress Liv Ullmann read this article.  He told his wife “Even if I were crushed into powder, I would still use my ashes to embrace you.“ 

El Nath as Heliacal setting star

I would not be surprised about his brave criticism of the Chinese government if I knew  El Nath was his Heliacal setting star.  This star is located at Taurus’ horn, you should be careful when a bull points his horns toward to you, they never fear confrontation.  As this is his Heliacal setting star it indicates the only way he would deal  with his life tasks is through “Confrontation”. 


Criticism never stop

 During his life, Liu Xiaobo was imprisoned four times. He was first sent to prison in 1989 as a leader during the Tiananmen square protest.  After being released from prison he lost his job in university. However he never stopped his fight for Democracy and Human rights in China. In the Star Parans he has Aculeus rising with his Sun, Acumen culminate when Pluto sets.  These two stars form the sting of Scorpio, symbolising attack and criticism. Betelgeuse, which is on the right arm of Orion and also symbolises attack is culminate with the Moon.  Hamal, again symbolising confrontation as it is on the forehead of Aries, is on nadir when the Sun is rising.  All these stars are related to criticism and fight and as we know Antares as his Heliacal rising star and setting with is Saturn, meant there was no way that he could give up on fighting for his cause.     


A crown with thorns 

If you ask me, what I remember of him, I remember that during the protest at Tiananmen square, he negotiated with the Army to have them convince the majority of students to leave  Tiananmen square.  This action saved thousands of lives, but he became a target of the Chinese government. The Algol was rising when his Moon was on Nadir and Algol was also on Nadir when Mercury is rising and Mars was right on Mc on his birthday.  Dr Bernadette Brady suggests that Algol represents being plagued by his or other people’s tragedy when it is paran with the Moon.


The reason that the Nobel committee awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize was for “his long and non violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.“  This will be how people remember his great soul. His Venus is in 4 degrees of Aquarius, Mirach the β Andromeda, symbolising beautiful and peaceful soul, was culminate when his Venus was setting on the west horizon, and at same time Diadem the star symbolising “the crown of sacrificed Queen Berenice”, a sacrifice for others rather than for personal glory,  was on Nadir.  This will be how we will remember him. May his beautiful soul rest with stars.



I am not familiar with the skymap, but his skymap look very intense, Moon on Taurus horns , Saturn on Scorpion’s mouth, Mars on Symplegades, so I have included it here, so feel free to comment on it.

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沒有敵人的劉曉波 (1955-2017) 他的恆星與共軸








2009年十二月,他因為因為煽動顛覆國家政權罪被審判時,在法庭上遞交陳述的文章「我沒有敵人我的最後陳述」當中即對他深愛的妻子劉霞說「即使我被碾成粉末,我也會用灰燼擁抱你。」2010年諾貝爾獎頒發和平獎給他時,他未能到場,這一篇文章透過挪威籍女演員Liv Ullmann念出。



El Nath 是位於金牛座牛角的恆星(金牛座 β 星),則是劉曉波的偕日降星,偕日降星作為我們面對生活挑戰的指導方式,也是我們執行偕日昇星的方式。我想,沒有人會想要站在牛角之前,而此一恆星就有著「衝撞」的特色,這也是他面對人生的態度,毫無所懼的去衝撞,去批判。


劉曉波的一生至少入獄四次,1989年因為參與天安門學運被捕入獄之後他丟掉了大學講師的工作,每一次的發言與批判換來的是囚禁,但是這仍然無法阻擋他對於追求中國人權與更民主中國的熱誠。誰也無法阻擋他對於政權的批判,在他共軸的恆星當中幾乎所有與批判、攻擊的恆星都出現在名單上,象徵著建設性批判位於天蠍座螫的M6星雲 Aculeus與他的太陽一同生起,象徵著攻擊性批判的Acumen 另一天蠍座螫的M7星雲則與冥王星共軸,獵戶座搞舉武器的右手Betelgeuse (獵戶座α星) 與月亮一起高掛中天,而他出生那天太陽升起時,象徵衝撞羊角的牡羊座α Hamal則在下中天象徵著他人生的態度與身後留給人們的印象。



劉曉波在全世界追求自由與民主的人的心中佔有一個地位,他為了追求民主而下獄,甚至最後犧牲了生命,如果你問我對他的記憶,我會說在天安門事件時他身為大學講師站出來加入學生絕食的行列,並且在血洗之前他與鎮壓部隊談判爭取時間,將大部分的學生勸離天安門,減少了當時犧牲的學生人數,卻成為中國政府逮捕的首要對象,象徵著蛇髮女妖頭部的Alogol 英仙座β 星)與月亮還有水星甚至火星共軸,在恆星的定義當中,不僅有著執著熱情的象徵,同時也的確象徵著因為自身或他人的選擇而陷入災難之中。



寫下這篇文章是我對這一位對抗政權毫無畏懼的英雄的致敬,願他的靈魂與星辰一同安息。 13 Jul 2017