Pokemon Go, again !!!

Look this Vedio

This is what’s happened at 5AM 11th July 2016  in New York

A huge group of people walk on street and shout …

No, not for “Black live matter ” neither for ” remain in EU ” they were crying  ” Squirtle” the name of a turtle monster in the famous NIntendo game ” Pokemon”

You must familiar with the name  ” Pokemon” no matter what is your ages, If you are around my age you will see your kids played this game or watch it, if you are younger then me you will be that kids dreams about become a Pokemon trainer and have your own Monster to fight together on the journey, maybe most of you read this news you will say ” not again”. Yes Pokemon is back again.  


(Source:GameSkinny)In the Pokemon Go game, your preys will appear everywhere and you need catch them and trains them to fight for you , here Squirtle appear in your toilet , the play need to catch it.

You maybe think, Pokemon is just a normal Video game but you may not know that this game  have save ” Game Boy “ this handheld game console in 1996. Pokemon first come as Video game for Game boy on 27 February 1996 in Japan, at this time video game player were slowly lost interesting of handheld game console as the coming of new video game consoles such as “Playstation” “SEGA” so called 4th generation game consoles were more interesting.  Gameboy was only planing to release 3 new game , before Pokemon was released in 1996. The study point out the success of Pokemon was combine several interesting game elements include “ Collect ( Hunting ) magical creatures as preys ”, “ Training the magical creatures “ Fight your magical creatures with other player  and exchange them.

However the popularity of “Pokemon” change this situation,  Gameboy and other game company continue to use Pokemon’s know-how on other Video game, Pokemon become second popular video game in the world ( Most popular video game is Mario ), In September 2015, the Pokémon media franchise has grossed revenues of  40.5 billion USD.

This 1st release of Pokemon game’s on 27 Feb 1996 (Midnight – time un-known ),   have Sun Mars conjunct IC in Pisces, Scorpion rising, Saturn sextile Neptune, Uranus conjunct Neptune and Uranus sextile Pluto. Mars sextile Jupiter and square Pluto. Venus conjunct South Node opposite Chiron Pluto was near the Ascendent. Mars Jupiter sextile are really interesting as “Game” are always have meaning of competition and amusement. “Pong” The first Video game’s chart also have similar aspect.

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The bi-wheel of Game boy and Pokemon are very interesting , the Pokemon’s Jupiter on Gameboy’s Asc and conjunct its Chart ruler Saturn together with Uranus and Neptune. The Sun Mars conjunction is on Gameboy’s North Node also sextile Gameboy chart’s Uranus Neptune and Saturn , Pokemon’s Pluto opposite gameboy’s Jupiter, Pokemon’s Jupiter also sextile Gameboy’s Pluto. We can understand how this product give Gameboy more business opportunities.    

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If we look the chart of 1st Video game “ Pong” 27 November 1972 in California there is also Mars on 8 Scorpio sextile Jupiter in 10 Capricorn. In the midnight chart there is 10 degree Virgo Asc and 8 degrees Gemini MC , todays Saturn is on 10 Sagittarius on the IC of “ Pong” chart and  Neptune is on 11 Pisces on the Dsc of “ Pong”.  This maybe not related to Pokemon’s release but the the Virtual reality  and Augmented reality techniques are most popular in Video game industry, like Pokemon go the gamer have to walk around in real world to catch their Monsters ( Preys).  It is also a half saturn cycle since 1st Video game has been release you will notice  that first game was release at 1972 Saturn in 17 Gemini and we have Saturn in Sagittarius this year. 

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Pokemon Go release on 6 July 2016  first two countries has been release this game were New Zealand and Australia. Few hours later it release in United Sates.  According report It was released near 5 am in New Zealand, we have station Mars right on Dsc and Neptune on Mc square Saturn.

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This also made Nintendon’s share jumped 25% after release the Pokemon Go. If we check the chart the Pluto is on Dsc of Nintendo , Nintendo has Venus Saturn Mars and Moon in late Leo trine Jupiter in 29 Sagittarius (another Mars-Jupiter ) Transit Uranus in 24 Aries make a grand trine with these planet.

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Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.