At 23:17 local time (UT 15:17) a magnitude 5.3 earthquake first hits Hualien (East Taiwan), although this is not a mega earthquake but it last more than 20 seconds this does made most people aware and panic, 10 minutes after another M4.7 earthquake happened .
3 hours after another M 5.0 quake occurred in Taitung ( a little bit south ). 3 earthquakes in one night does made Taiwanese worry is there a major earthquake coming as the neighbour country Japan just had few mega earthquake early this month.
From Astrological view, this area does need to be careful as both Solar Eclipse chart and Aries ingress chart has powerful planet on angles. On the 9th Mar 2016 solar eclipse chart Hualine area has Mars on Dsc and on the Aries Ingress chart Taiwan has Pluto near Dsc.
When 1st earthquake happened tonight (27th Apr 2016) Pluto was right on Ascendent. So as second earthquake as it only happened 10 minutes after, the 3rd one happen at 2:19 am Local time (18:18 UT) This time there is Saturn on Mc and Neptune on Asc.
Check the Fixed stars paran in Hualien East Taiwan area there is Procyon setting when Pluto rising when Earthquake happen, the Procyon the Canis Minor. Ptolemy told us Procyon has Mercury Mars nature, Robson told us Procyon has meaning of action and sudden violence. Ebertin Dr Brady talk about Babylonian meaning of this star is healing but Greek see it as small dog of Orion. jump on the stage before the big dog ” Sirius ” come to the sky.