New Moon 7th April at 18 Aries
On 7th April we will have Aries New Moon. Some astrologers call this Super New Moon, as this new Moon occurs near the Moon’s perigee (the closest point to earth of the Moon’s orbit). Therefore the Moon will increase its influence. Aries New Moon brings a strong vitality to our World. If we read this chart symbolically, Aries has the meaning of new born, fresh start, initiate, also the new moon is the starting point of the lunar cycle also having meaning of beginning. So we can apply this energy to the things we want to start with.
New Moon located on 18 Aries, the ruler Mars in Sagittarius in its slow motion before stationary and retrograde. Mars also square its ruler Jupiter.
This reception between Mars and Jupiter may suggest that we have a chance to review the belief system (philosophy) behind our actions. Perhaps we will get a chance to see what slows us down and what make us feel restless and frustrated.
Retrograde of Mars and Pluto
Mars will be stationary at 8 degree Sagittarius from 6th April to 29th April and go retrograde from 17th April. This is not the only planet go retrograde at this lunar phase, Pluto will also be stationary between 15th -24th April and go retrograde on 18th April at 17 degrees Capricorn. This New Moon will also trigger the square between Uranus and Pluto. Mars,Pluto and Aries represent survival issues in our life: how to find food; how to fight for food; how to fight for protect ourselves when facing attack and how to express ourselves in order to gain a chance to mate and reproduce.
We may be going to witness many events related to Survival, Violence and Fighting. The New Moon triggers Uranus Pluto square and also adds some flavour of social movement in this fight and strive for protection: how people survive in a changing society and how we survive when the world is not the one you are used? The Mars square Neptune at this new Moon may be a warning of seafaring problems, drug abuse and epidemic.
The events going to happen this month could develop in the following related lunar phases: Dec 2016, Sep 2017 and Jun 2018.
The areas more likely to be affected are Australia, New Zealand, Central China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, West coast of America, East Coast of America, Peru, Colombia, Spain, Portugal, Middle East, India, Algeria, Nigeria, West coast of Africa.
The countries that could be affected by stationary Mars include:
Sun near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Albania, Dominican Republic, Iceland, Ukraine, South Yemen
Moon near 8 degrees Sagittarius: France (1st Rep), Denmark (constitution), Portugal, Sri Lanka, US (Federal Constitution )
Asc near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Costa rica, Burma, Indonesia, Japan, Swaziland, US, Vietnam, Egypt
Mc/Ic near 8 degrees Sagittarius: Iceland, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, South Africa, UAE, Sri Lanka, Philippines
The countries that could be affected by stationary Pluto include:
Sun near 17 degrees Capricorn: Burma, Saudi Arabia
Moon near 17 degrees Capricorn: Latvia, Morocco, Singapore, Russia
Asc/Dsc near 17 degrees Capricorn: Ecuador, Iraq, Latvia , Mexico, Greece, Poland, UK (1707)
Mc/Ic near 17degrees Capricorn: Lebanon, Nepal, Greece, Cuba, Syria
1st Quarter Moon 14 April (Sun 24 Aries, Moon 24 Cancer)
This 1st Quarter Moon will have its influence between 14-21 April, We already discussed that Mars and Pluto will be stationary and go retrograde during this time and Sun and Moon both quincunx Mars. Your action may be paused by lack of motivation or fear. When Mars and Pluto retrograde, it is the time to go inward rather the outward. When you feel frustrated, or when you want to regain your force, try to ask yourself (or discuss with your close friends or consultant) what stops you from moving forward? We may find our courage by recognising our deep fears and facing them to allow us to continue working on our challenges once Mars goes direct at the end of June. Another hint that could help us to find a solution to the cause of our frustration (blockage) is this 1st quarter Moon which is linked with the New Moon of 16 Jul 2015 and perhaps events during that New Moon may help explain the current situation.
Major Aspect
Venus square Pluto
Jupiter square Saturn
Saturn square Neptune
Saturn trine Uranus
From 16th April Venus will square Pluto. On the personal level this suggests: crisis in the financial area; challenges in personal relationships; and also there could be issues of self-esteem.
Currently the Jupiter Pluto trine has inflated the confidence of bankers and the financial markets were performing well in the last couple of weeks. However, Venus square Pluto on the Mundane level raises concerns in the Worldwide financial situation. This is not only indication of bad economic situations that we see in the sky: Saturn Neptune square are closer from April; Jupiter Saturn square and Saturn Uranus trine are all related to adjustments of the financial markets.
Venus not only relates to Money and Love but also to diplomatic relationships. It is interesting that the first quarter moon on 14 April are related to New Moon on 16 Jul 2015, during that time we had: the Greek economic crisis; a group of Muslim women attacked a woman who was wearing a bikini in a park in France; and 2000 refugees tried to pass through the euro-tunnel causing Eurostar to stop services for a while. It looks like the worries of the economic situation and refugee/migrant issue will be back in the news in April.