Study of EgtptAir Ms181hijack


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EgtptAir Ms181 has been hijacked from Alexandria to Cyprus
This flight take off 6:36 29 Mar 2016 .
Take off chart has Uranus near ASC and Pluto in Mc
The Aries ingress chart has very similar configuration but few degrees away.
Although the Solar Eclipse has no angular planet. Tania Daniels point out that transit Venus is near Eclipse point 18 degrees Pisces exact conjunct Chiron , interesting Hijacker has demanded ” political asylum ” and let female children off the plane.
Venus ruler 9th on Solar Eclipse chart of Alexandria.

The Astromap has Pluto Mc line near this area and more interesting this flight departure time has LS Saturn Ls Moon LS Mars go Cyprus .


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Fixed star ( I am not familiar with Fixed star I try to use tight orb and Brady’s Parans , if there is anything need to be corrected please let me know ,it is bizarre that I look at yesterday’s night sky and think about Jupiter is very close to Zosma and read this news today )
Moon is 1 degree away Antares a fixed star has Mars Jupiter energy .
Venus play important role here and it rise with Aculeus on Mc ( Paran)
Mars Paran with Zosma
Jupiter Paran with El Nath

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Published by

Rod has studied astrology for over 20 years, both through self study and through LSA and Faculty of Astrology. His favourite aspects are mundane and a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught it in Mandarin for around 10 years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.