South Taiwan gas explosions

4 dead, over 180 injured as multiple gas explosions hit Taiwan city on 31 Jul 2014.

Kaohsiung , in South Taiwan ( Where the crashed airplane GE222 has took off ) just have serious gas leak and explosion around midnight 1st Aug local time ( 11:57 pm )

According new the gas leak started 9 pm 21 Jul local people ware mask and been warned not use fire , however from 11:57 the explosion spared on several streets .
Transiting Mars square Jupiter (Explosion ) trine Neptune (gas) , Mars also sesquiquadrate Chiron . I observed lots fire ,explosion , gun shout during Mars Chiron Aspect .

Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 19.36.30The Cancer Ingress chart of local place has Mars on MC opposite Uranus on IC form T square wit Pluto on 1st . Explosion area was on Chiron LS line

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New Moon of Geodetic has Mars Jupiter Sun Moon around . 



Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 19.34.22ACG New Moon chart has Saturn on IC. Mars was LS line passed by south West area of Kaohsiung.


Screen Shot 2014-07-31 at 19.39.08Solar Eclipse on 29th Apr 2014 has Chiron Neptune on Des , Lunar Eclipse on 15th Apr 2014 Chiron get even close to Des

2 Airplanes crashed in 48 hours

While we are mourn for MH17 been shot done in Ukraine , we have another 2 airplanes crushed in 2 days  , 3 Planes in one month .
On 23 of Jul ,Taiwanese airline TransAsia Flight GE 222 was carrying 54 passengers and four crew members on a flight from Kaohsiung to Makung during stormy weather in the wake of Typhoon Matmo. Conflicting reports from the scene spoke of as many as 48 dead and an estimated eight survivors ferried to hospital with burn injuries.

On 24 of July, An Air Algerie flight carrying 110 passengers and six crew members has reportedly crashed in Mali after having disappeared from radar early on Thursday morning between Burkina Faso and Algeria.

A French Ministry of Defense official told Fox News that the two French fighter jets located the wreckage of the plane, which had crashed in Mali. An airport official additionally confirmed to NBC News that the wreckage had been located.“The plane would have crashed in the region of Tilemsi, 70km from Gao,” Air Algerie tweeted.

2 days , 2 airplanes crashed , why ? Doest planets gave us a clues ?



GE222  Take off chart

Take off time :23 Jul 2014 17:30 pm
Take off place: Kaohsiung ( South Taiwan)
Take off chart has Pluto opposite Mercury ,Mars on 28 Libra conjunct MC , Mars still trigger Lunar Eclipse point of 25 Aries Libra. Mars square Sun and Jupiter , Mercury square Uranus opposite Pluto form a T square .



Moon Paran with Acumen Denebola, Bellatrix ,Sun Mars both Paran with Procyon, Mercuy with Altair  .

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Sun Jupiter both contra parallel Pluto, Mars square Sun and Jupiter , Mercury square Uranus opposite Pluto form a T square

Moon conjunct Betelgeuse Mercury conjunct Sirius


Moon Parans Betelgeus, Acumen Acumen

Sun Paran to Altair

Mars Paran to Altair

Jupiter Paran to Altair

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We know at the moment the Mars trigger 2013 Oct Lunar Eclipse and 2014 Apr Eclipse chart ‘s Son Moon point , both Lunar Eclipse has 25 Degrees Aries – Libra degree and currently Transiting Mars near here 28 Libra , We learn this trigger point already related to MH370 on early this year ( Transit Mars on 27 Lib ).

29 Apr 2014 Solar Eclipse in Taiwan has Chiron on Dsc

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Same Solar Eclipse has Sun Moon Mercury on Asc and Mars quincunx Mercury.

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Ingress Chart

Cancer Ingress in Taipei has Mars on Mc opposite Moon Uranus on IC T square, Pluto on 1st house . Screen Shot 2014-07-24 at 17.41.16

France (most passengers  ) , Algeria ( Destination ) , Burkina Faso (Departure  ) all share similar Cancer ingress chart . Neptune Chiron on Dsc , Paris has Chiron conjunct Dsc with 1 degree.

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On the map has Saturn LS line above Makung Penghu where plane crushed. Pluto As line also very close to MakungScreen Shot 2014-07-23 at 13.50.34



According France AIr Force , AH 5017 looks like crushed near Gao where I have mark red circle . Right on Jupiter Mars line  Screen Shot 2014-07-24 at 17.31.15


Geodetic map shows Pluto Mercury was not far from Gao too (although Venus right on that area. )

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On GE222  astromap Geodetic Mars is not far for South Taiwan

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Another 2 crashed

While we are mourn for MH17 been shot done in Ukraine , we have another 2 airplanes crushed in 2 days  , 3 Planes in one month .
On 23 of Jul ,Taiwanese airline TransAsia Flight GE 222 was carrying 54 passengers and four crew members on a flight from Kaohsiung to Makung during stormy weather in the wake of Typhoon Matmo. Conflicting reports from the scene spoke of as many as 48 dead and an estimated eight survivors ferried to hospital with burn injuries.

On 24 of July, An Air Algerie flight carrying 110 passengers and six crew members has reportedly crashed in Mali after having disappeared from radar early on Thursday morning between Burkina Faso and Algeria.

A French Ministry of Defense official told Fox News that the two French fighter jets located the wreckage of the plane, which had crashed in Mali. An airport official additionally confirmed to NBC News that the wreckage had been located.“The plane would have crashed in the region of Tilemsi, 70km from Gao,” Air Algerie tweeted.

2 days , 2 airplanes crashed , why ? Doest planets gave us a clues ?



GE222  Take off chart

Take off time :23 Jul 2014 17:30 pm
Take off place: Kaohsiung ( South Taiwan)
Take off chart has Pluto opposite Mercury ,Mars on 28 Libra conjunct MC , Mars still trigger Lunar Eclipse point of 25 Aries Libra. Mars square Sun and Jupiter , Mercury square Uranus opposite Pluto form a T square .



Moon Paran with Acumen Denebola, Bellatrix ,Sun Mars both Paran with Procyon, Mercuy with Altair  .

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Sun Jupiter both contra parallel Pluto, Mars square Sun and Jupiter , Mercury square Uranus opposite Pluto form a T square

Moon conjunct Betelgeuse Mercury conjunct Sirius


Moon Parans Betelgeus, Acumen Acumen

Sun Paran to Altair

Mars Paran to Altair

Jupiter Paran to Altair

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We know at the moment the Mars trigger 2013 Oct Lunar Eclipse and 2014 Apr Eclipse chart ‘s Son Moon point , both Lunar Eclipse has 25 Degrees Aries – Libra degree and currently Transiting Mars near here 28 Libra , We learn this trigger point already related to MH370 on early this year ( Transit Mars on 27 Lib ).

29 Apr 2014 Solar Eclipse in Taiwan has Chiron on Dsc

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Same Solar Eclipse has Sun Moon Mercury on Asc and Mars quincunx Mercury.

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Ingress Chart

Cancer Ingress in Taipei has Mars on Mc opposite Moon Uranus on IC T square, Pluto on 1st house . Screen Shot 2014-07-24 at 17.41.16

France (most passengers  ) , Algeria ( Destination ) , Burkina Faso (Departure  ) all share similar Cancer ingress chart . Neptune Chiron on Dsc , Paris has Chiron conjunct Dsc with 1 degree.

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On the map has Saturn LS line above Makung Penghu where plane crushed. Pluto As line also very close to MakungScreen Shot 2014-07-23 at 13.50.34



According France AIr Force , AH 5017 looks like crushed near Gao where I have mark red circle . Right on Jupiter Mars line  Screen Shot 2014-07-24 at 17.31.15


Geodetic map shows Pluto Mercury was not far from Gao too (although Venus right on that area. )

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On GE222  astromap Geodetic Mars is not far for South Taiwan

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TransAsia Airways flight emergency landing Killed 48(復興航空GE222迫降)

As many as 48 passengers of a TransAsia Airways flight died as it made an emergency landing in Penghu, reports said Wednesday.
Flight GE 222 was carrying 54 passengers and four crew members on a flight from Kaohsiung to Makung during stormy weather in the wake of Typhoon Matmo. Conflicting reports from the scene spoke of as many as 48 dead and an estimated eight survivors ferried to hospital with burn injuries.


GE222 的起飛圖

冥王上升在附近對分水星,火星在天頂同樣在天秤28度仍然刺激著2013 2014月食的日月軸線。

Take off chart

Take off time :23 Jul 2014 17:30 pm
Take off place: Kaohsiung ( South Taiwan)
Take off chart has Pluto opposite Mercury ,Mars on 28 Libra conjunct MC , Mars still trigger Lunar Eclipse point of 25 Aries Libra.



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On the map has Saturn LS line above Makung Penghu where plane crushed. Pluto As line also very close to MakungScreen Shot 2014-07-23 at 13.50.34












在近兩次的馬航空難我看到許多占星師(無論中外)都以報導的飛機失聯時間作為星盤繪製的時間點,而我的經驗告訴我這樣的做法有一些疑慮,因為這往往是飛機最後一次與塔台航管單位聯絡的時刻,而不是空難發生的時刻。同時有許多人使用“推測”的時間,從所謂事件圖與種子時刻的概念來看空難發生的大致時刻並不能夠給我們任何的線索,同時例如年初 MH370發生的時刻,我們也不知道確切失聯的地點,這樣時刻與地點並不是占星研究最適當的做法。



協和號空難:法航的AF4590班機在2000年七月25日下午四點預定從巴黎飛往紐約。根據塔台對話記錄實際的起飛時間是當地時間下午4:34分。在這張星圖的下降點有木土合相,對分冥王(射手),水星半四分土星。太陽水星木星都落在南緯0度40分附近有著黃傾合相。太陽的映點(Antiscia)落入金牛27杜合相土星與恆星Algol (大陵五)。火星的映點則合相木星。海王星的映點落在天蠍24的上升點上。水星合相天狼星,火星合相小犬Procyon ,冥王星合相天蝎座心宿一




法航447空難:根據當時塔台記錄,法航447起飛是在當地時間是2009年5月31日下午7點29。從里約飛往巴黎,如果觀察表定時間為七點,如果飛機準時在7點離開空橋展開旅程,會有冥王星合相上升點。實際起飛時間7:29冥王星則離開上升10 度左右。天王星在雙魚26靠近天底。水星停滯並且四分木星凱龍海王。天王星映點落在天頂。





馬航MH17空難:飛機在7月17日從阿姆斯特丹起飛並且在幾個小時後在東烏克蘭的Donetsk 遭受砲火攻擊墜毀。起飛圖有金星水星在天頂月亮在下降點,冥王星靠近天底,太陽水星木星都在北緯同一個黃傾度數,並且對分冥王星在南緯的黃傾度數。













法航447空難:這張地圖是開啟我空難與占星地圖研究的第一張地圖,因為當時空難發生的地點確認之後,我觀察到這個航班是沿著ACG冥王星上升線在飛的, air6-1

AF447 Geodetic 這種技巧當中的地圖也有木凱海的天頂線與冥王的下降線經過飛機墜毀的大西洋上空附近。

























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法航447空難:2009年的一月日食在里約地區有水星逆行合相火星在上升點,天王星半四分日食點,土星在九宮頭與日食點 產生135度。起飛圖的火星在金牛零度觸動了一月日食













馬航MH370空難: 這次空難必須觀察兩個日食因為他仍受到2013年11月日食的影響,同時距離2014四月日月食相當的近。2013年11月日食在吉隆坡地區有海王凱龍合相天頂對分火星在天底,土星合相日食日月,火星太陽月亮與天王星產生一組YOD。同樣的日食在作為目的地的北京,則有冥王星靠下降,許多中國人在這次空難當中喪生。而十月的月食則有土星合相天頂,太陽月亮與木星產生T字三角。




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20113十一月日食的ACG則有凱龍海王天頂線在吉隆坡上方,冥王星靠近北京,Geodetic地圖則有冥王IC靠近吉隆坡 冥王AS靠北京。2014四月日食ACG則有土星IC靠近吉隆坡凱龍靠近北京。











如果以Geodetic方式繪製地圖我們則會看到冥王星在近年都在吉隆坡附近,而冥王星Ds線經過Donetsk 。





























1946公司成立的ACG就已經有火星經過MH17被擊落的Donetsk。而火星冥王IC 與火星冥王區域方位線都經過MH370殘骸發現的地方。


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版權宣告:本文之相關圖文版權屬於魯道夫老師與英國Academy of Astrology ltd 所有,嚴禁翻印轉載。



Astrological studies of Air disasters



We all shocked by Malaysia airline ’s MH17 flight has been shot down in east Ukraine on 17 July , this is the second time Malaysia airline ’s air disaster of this year . Early this year,  MH370 took off from Kuala Lump was disappeared and find out crash indian ocean , so far no one would dare to say this plan was crashed as we don’t have many information .

This make me think about several years ago  Air France AF447 missed on the way from Brazil to Paris. I did a whole astrological study on that accident include Astro Map, on that time I had also a quick review of Air France 4590  Concorde crashed on July 2000   , so  I would like share my work and compare these events here .


When I study these events , It involve  with Eclipse , Ingress , take off chart , company chart and Astro Maping skill for all this chart which includeACG , ACG in Geodetic mode and local space.


EVENT Chart – Take off chart

When a even occurred Astrologers usually record event time and cast a chart , my experience is we can not totally rely on the time that report announce when the airplane lost contact , as by that time the event already happened . However I saw lots colleagues use this time and can not find out a clue.


I usually find that take off time are much reliable we can usually find the exact take of time from Airline company and Airport website information. Please do check both schedule time and real departure time  as some time delay of flight can cause different chart configuration, although we never know that whether the flight has leave terminal on time but been hold until take off  .


AF4590: Air France 4590 concord crashed on 25th July few minutes after take off near paris . The take of time as 4:34PM . In this chart has Jupiter conjunct Saturn near Descendent  . Jupiter opposite Pluto on Sagittarius, and Mercury semi square saturn .  other technique , Sun Mercury Jupiter Neptune parallel aspect near 0S40 . Sun’s Antiscia on 27 Tarsus conjunct Saturn and Fixed Star Algol  . Mars ’s Antiscia on 4 Gemini exact on Jupiter . Neptune antiscia on 24 Scorpiio on Asc.

Fixed Stars : Mercury on Siris . Mars on Procyon , Pluto on Antares.



AF447  : Air France ’s AF 447 was take of on 31st May 2009 7:00 PM from Rio de Janeiro destination to Paris.  The real take off time is 7:29 pm . 7:00 PM chart has Pluto right on Asc, the take off time Pluto move 10 degree away from Asc . Uranus on  26 Pisces 7 degrees away from IC . Mercury 22 degree station square Chiron Neptune Jupiter . Only Uranus ancitscia on 3 Libra on Mc.

Sun on Aldenbaran



MH370 : MH370 was lost contact few hours after take of on 8th Mar 2014 0:41am from Kuala Lumpur ,the take off chart as Neptune conjunct IC Chiron  conjunct the Sun also near IC, Mercury square Saturn , Jupiter square Uranus . Mercury’s speed was very slow as it’s just turn direct couple days ago. Uranus was right on Sun ’s contra antiscia of 12 Aries .


MH 17: MH17 crushed on 17 of July 2014 , it has been shot down near East Ukraine . The take of chart has Mercury Venus on MC, Moon near Dsc. Pluto near IC. Sun Mercury Jupiter parallel and all contra parallel .



Take off Astromap

I usually find the take off chart did not really offer enough information , that ’s why I am more rely on Eclipse and Ingress for this kind event, also take off chart could be see as a trigger of Eclipse and Ingress . However I usually find ACG map and Local space map can give a clues , usually there are some planets line near where plane crushed , also I usually find airplane take route on the unfavourable planet’s local space direction.


AF4590 flew on its Local space Saturn and Jupiter Line


AF447 flew on Pluto Ascendent line and crushed on Pluto Ascendent line. On Geodetic map we have Jupiter Chiron Neptune Mc and Pluto Ds near where AF447 crushed .

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MH370 was suppose to fly to Beijing , however we found debris near Indian ocean which near Neptune local space line and Neptune IC and Chiron IC line. Also on Geodetic map has Pluto MC pass Kuala Lumpur and where debris has been found .

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MH17 flew alone take of chart’s local space  Mars line , also Mars As line was very close to Donetsk where Airplane has been shot down. .




One thing about Air disaster airplane crash is difficult to draw a chart , both Air France AF447 and Malaysia Airline MH370 were disappear without exact point in the Sky. Most astrologer record the time of incident but can not find location to cast the chart so the only way is too guess .


Although i do believe that Event time when accident occurred are  important , however I prefer to use take off chart  for study air disaster event, also I will not see the air disaster as an independent event in the area or country , I will suggest using any kind of Mundane astrology skills for this study, include Cardinal Ingress, Eclipse and Lunation.


Usually disasters happened when planet trigger the Eclipse or Ingress chart , and we can observe that eclipse chart near events on the both location of departure and destination has obviously disaster significators such us Mars Uranus Neptune Pluto and Chiron near the angle or these planet related to Sun Moon  Jupiter and  9th house.


I suggest we take a look of  both departure cities and destination cities as both place will have most people involve in this event and shock and  grift will be observed .


AF4590: the Eclipse chart on 1 July 2000 in Paris has Mars exact on Des and quincunx Pluto , LunaEclipse on 16 Jul 2000 Paris has Uranus on IC quincunx Mars . Take off chart has Mars on 25 Cancer right on Luna Eclipse point .   ACG map has Uranus Ds line near Paris.







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AF447: the Solar Eclipse on Jan 2009 of Rio de Janeiro has Retrograde Mercury conjunct Mars on Ascendent . Uranus on this chart semi square Eclipse point , Saturn on 9th cusps and sesquiquadrate Eclipse point . Same Eclipse chart in Paris has Eclipse point right on Horizon, also Chiron  Neptune near Ascendent too .






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airse16 The take off chart has Mars on 0 Taurus also trigger Jan 2009 Solar Eclipse ,  Moon on take of time also conjunct Eclipse Saturn on 9th house .



Geodetic on Rio has Sun Moon and Neptune Chiron Jupiter  Mc lines very close. airse13-1 ACG Geodetic   map on Jul 2009 Solar Eclipse has Saturn Asc line around Paris




MH370: On Solar Eclipse  Nov 2013  of  Kuala Lumpur  has Neptune Chiron conjunct MC opposite Mars on IC, Saturn conjunct Eclipse point . Mars and Eclipse Sun Moon both quincunx Uranus form a Yod .  Same Eclipse chart in Beijing (Destination) has Pluto right on Dsc . Lunar Eclipse on Oct 2013 has Saturn conjunct Asc in Beijing . Sun Moon T square Jupiter .

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The Mars on take off chart right on this Oct 2013 lunar Eclipse chart ’s Sun Moon axis of 25 degrees Aries Libra  .


The Lunar Eclipse on Apr 2014 also has sun Moon Eclipse point on 25 Aries  Libra which also trigger by Mars .



ACG map of Nov 2013 has Chiron Neptune Mc line near Kuala Lumpur and Pluto near Beijing , Geodetic map have Pluto IC line near Kuala Lumpur also Pluto As line near Beijing .


ACG map on April 2014 Solar Eclipse has Saturn IC line near Kuala Lumpur and Chiron near Beijing .



As this event are very close to next Eclipse we also can see Saturn on IC  of Solar Eclipse of Apr 2014 . Sun Moon Mercury on 9th , Mars rules 9th form a Grand Cross with Jupiter Uranus Pluto .



MH17:  Basically this event share same Eclipse as MH370 and again Mars is on 25 Libra trigger 2014 April Lunar Eclipse chart ’s Sun Moon .  There is no planet on Angle of April Solar or Lunar Eclipse charts of Amsterdam . However Solar Eclipse on October 2014  has Uranus on Mc opposite retrograde Mercury T square Pluto  and Chiron on 9th house . October Luna Eclipse chart has Uranus conjunct on Moon .


We already know that ACG map on Nov 2013 Eclipse has Geodetic Pluto near Kuala Lumpur. Geodetic Pluto Dss line right above Donetsk.



Cardinal Ingress


Eclipse charts give us an idea what we can expect around this area this year but Cardinal Ingress usually give flavour of season , when it has Outer planets on the angles it suggest that area maybe have to deal with difficult event, upheaval , riot , disaster , social division , political straggle etc .


If we look year 2000 Cancer ingress for AF4590 crush we have Jupiter Saturn conjunct on Ascendent square by Uranus.


The 2009 Aries Ingress chart for PARIS before AF447 crushed , we have Uranus conjunct MC and Mercury and Square Moon on Descendent.


For MH370 Chiron was near IC on the 2014 Aries Ingress chart Moon conjunct Saturn in 11th . 2013 Capricorn ingress chart have Mars opposite Uranus near Asc Dsc axis , if we move location to Beijing this Mars Uranus opposition is even closer to Ascendent axis and Jupiter right on Mc.


If we look at Cancer ingress chart in Amsterdam for MH17 event , we have Chiron on Descendent .




Company Chart


Don’t forget when a air disaster happened , airline company will be hit most , we could study by company charts , and first trading chart of company stock . I use Sun rise chart for company .  we also need compare with Transit or any forecasting skills we use . I usually find easy to spot these kind huge event on Solar Arc direction , as Sun suggest important and to be seen , easily to observe  .



Air France

Air France found 7 Oct 1933, Solar arc of Air France  of 31 May 2009 has Chiron Neptune Jupiter on 26 Aquarius square company Venus on 25 degree Scorpio and company Moon 24 Taurus . Solar Arc Venus conjunct Natal Uranus .


Interestingly Astromap of Air France company chart  has Chiron Mc Neptune Asc near Rio and where AF 447 went missing .


Malaysia Airlines


Malaysia Airlines found 1 May 1946. Solar Arc of this year we have Venus conjunct company Pluto , Solar Arc  Pluto conjunct company Chiron. ACG map for  Malaysia airline has Mars Dsc line pass Donetsk. Mars IC, Pluto IC , Mars and Pluto Local space lines all pass near where MH370 disappeared .

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I am not trying to say we can predict any kind of air disaster according these skills  and all these skills are very ordinary , been used by astrologers everyday . However if we put all theses skill together we can see how chart and Astromap  can give us a clues .

I suggest we study air disasters as  same as other Mundane event  but I do find the Astromap ACG Geodetic and Local Space lines really useful on this kind event.


We can see that on Company chart ‘s Astro map usually shows those airplane crush area where already has malefic planet lines pass.


Flights which crushed usually take route on malefic planets ACG or Local space lines of take off chart .



Eclipse chart and It’s Astro-map usually will give us a sign of grift and huge lost of those area affected (Departure and Destination cities).


I also find that  Mars or other malefic planets in take off chart  usually active Eclipse of that year by aspect .

5. Ingress chart are extremely important , it works like Eclipse can give us some warning of this season.